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Did you not see it comming?

AdmiralChaosAdmiralChaos Member Posts: 72

Im sorry if I offend anyone, but I cant believe you guys didn't see this comming, I mean EA? MMOG?

Haha... If they aint makin enough money off it, p00f.. its gone..

Im not saying EA is bad or anything, I'm just saying they shouldnt be in the MMOG busniss

Stick wit the Command and Conquer :P

Whats that? Oh yeah, thats my beacons hittin your hull...



  • sonosono Member Posts: 9

    EA not being bad? I must object :p

  • AdmiralChaosAdmiralChaos Member Posts: 72

    Yo Sono ;)

    Whats that? Oh yeah, thats my beacons hittin your hull...


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