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EQ(project1999)/Half Elf/Bard/Lvl 7
WoW/Dwarf/Warrior/Jari/Lvl 44(retired)
EQ2/Ogre/Bruiser/Ashur/Lvl 31
EvE/Rads Atreid
EQ2/Antonia Bayle/High Elf/Fury/Loreleia/70
MMOs played:EQ,WoW,EQ2
MMOs tried:SWG,ATitD,Vanguard,Eve
Half-decent graphics card
Some CPU made in the last 5 years
The game will play decently on almost anything with enough RAM.
From experience, the bare-minimum system must have at least:
-512MB RAM
-1.0GHz CPU
-GeForce2 or equivalent GPU
Performance for this game is far more dependent on CPU and RAM than graphics card, so if you aren't current with tech, don't worry. EVE will look just as good on low end machines as on the latest hardware. Though speed and crispness may suffer a bit, it will definitely be playable.
The first time I played EVE during Beta was on a Duron 750, 768 RAM, and a GeForce 4 MX and it ran very smooth. I'd say if you have anymore than that you'll be fine.
Kid the only thin you need to run EvE is , 256 RAM (That well enough!) 1 ghZ CPU, and a half decent graphic card, any Gefore GPU will do!