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An update I guess hasn't heard yet is that AGE OF CONAN
is coming to the xbox 360,
Very exciting for me.
While i like my computer my 360 is much funner, easier to use, and intuitive.
That's just for me and i know lots of people disagree saying that "It's not versatile enough"
I've not seen a game that doesn't seem to work perfectly with the controls and everything.
back to the point,
Any mmo and xbox fan should know
He'll be able to play with those people on the computer.
It's probably best to spring for a Keyboard mini attachment.
IF anyone knows where i can alert MMORPG of this update please point one out.
Just another handsome boy graduate...
As a MMO and Xbox fan you should know that you won't be playing with the PC players.
Funcom is releasing a version of AoC for Xbox yes, but it is a different version scheduled for release a year or so after the Pc one. They also at this point in time have no plans to allow PC and Xbox players to play together in the same persistant world.
I didn't know that,
I never played an MMO on xbox before im just a fan of both.
Why would they release it this way, would the PC users have an advantage or what?
It seems like they'd really limit their players, I don't think many people want the game on the 360.
Also I've been reading it's going to released in the 2nd quarter of 2007 as well.
However, either way I can wait a couple months more.
Just another handsome boy graduate...
By the way,
For anyone wondering they will be playing on the same servers.
I posted this same question in the age of conan forums and GM's cleared this up.
The conan xbox version is said to be released 2 months after the pc
while this isn't a sure thing.
They do say that you will be able to play on a server of your choice,
however when the xbox 360 is released new servers will be made to accomodate
However PC players can join these servers as well.
But it'll give us n00bs a fighting chance
Just another handsome boy graduate...
BUT - the controller is currently the limiting factor in what console games can do. How many good RTS / TBS games do you see on consoles? Or what about the never-ending Keyboard / Mouse vs Dual Analog for FPS games debate? Why isn't there a console port of EQ or WoW?
It's the controller - a keyboard has over 100 keys each of which can be bound to a unique action, and a mouse that functions better as a looking and pointing device than an analog stick that only goes an inch in any direction.
No matter how slick they make the controls, on the 360 vs a PC user the console user will always be at a huge disadvantage in PvP, and possibly in other areas as well.
I am an Xbox 360 owner and a virgin MMORPG player. (yes I am a noob) I am 27 years old and look forward to showing PC gamers that console gamers can be totally awesome to play with! I do believe it would be best if people could choose one of three servers. PC only servers, 360 servers, and a combined server. I would rather play on a combined server, but it would be nice so that people can't piss and moan about PC gamers are modding, or console gamers are all little 12 year olds. I have 10 to 20 friends on my 360 friends list that I also know because they live in SEATTLE, and we are all interested in trying out our first MMORPG. Would anytone be willing to give me suggestions so I don't end up the most annoying noob in the entire game? What do you value in a fellow player? Also, I really hope this isn't a rumor about the 360 because I also thought VANGUARD was coming to the 360 but haven't heard anything about that for a year. Thanks, trinityNITRO
Good thing you can use a keyboard and mouse on a 360 then isn't it?
Edit: right now using adaptors, but expect at least an official keyboard implemintation soon. They said "no keyboards ever" for the original xbox, but was giving convertors away with PSO.