This is a notification regarding your World of Warcraft account. Access to this account has been permanently disabled for exploitation of the World of Warcraft economy or for being associated to accounts which have been closed for intended exploitation. While we try to be as lenient as possible in our assessments of the results of exploitation investigations, reoccurring trends in exploitative endeavors on your account have ultimately resulted in account closure. So I got banned for having 1 older paid account thats not even active, and for having 1 previous trial account? What are these people smokin?
1. You broke the TOS/EULA while it was active.
2. Someone else used your account and broke the TOS/EULA.
3) Blizzards investigation unit is up to its usual tricks.
It’s pretty clear at this point that point that Blizzard doesn’t review anything before banning. They set up an automated filter and ban any account that gets flagged. This is a practice that inevitably results in a very large number of false positives, and that’s exactly what we’ve seen. Other companies actually take the time to review bans to see if they make sense while Blizzard bans legitimate players on a regular basis.
When you have 12 million or however many accounts Blizzard does with WoW, you can't afford to review each individually. It would probably take 50 people working full time to review all of those.
And? the amount of employees should scale with the amount of customers. They rake in tens of millions of dollars PER MONTH. I bet you wouldn't say that if you got banned for seemingly no reason.
Provide a link please. I find it really hard to believe that they would ban with no proof.
There could of course be cases of where f.e an owner of a cd-key got his/her key stolen/logged and abused. In those cases the key would be banned and the rightful owner of the key would think that Blizzard bans randomly, which they in such a case didn't do.
Are you speaking about the Bnet bannings or the new WoW bannings?
Bnet is well documented, do a google on it, so I assume your talking about WoW.
So I googled it and there are like 700k links. The first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate to me. So then I changed the words to bnet and there are 2k links and the first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate bannings.
So its well documented? By whom? Please show the links to where there is undeniable evidence or Blizzard admitting to mass bannings without any cause. Cause I have yet to read one single shred of even close to legitimate proof. All there are is a bunch of whiny 12yr olds saying "I wasnt cheating this time" I cheated xxxx months ago but this time I was being legitimate. Or the famous, it wasnt me, it was some internet hacker that did it, o did I mention I used a 3rd party sites that said I would get 1milion gold free if I let them use my account for a week. Or it must have been from that illegal 3rd party software I downloaded, see it wasnt my fault, its Blizzards fault for making me go to other sites and download stuff in the first place.
You did read the post earlier in this thread where someone pointed out that most people in prison say they are innocent? I really dont see how this is any different. There are millions of people that claim to be innocent of thier crimes. Does that make them truely innocent or just liars?
I believe the OP broken the rules, but has long since forgotten what he's done. You have to understand they are 8 million people playing and over 1 million of them griefers. Many of those griefers are not caught on the spot and may quit the game before they can be dealt with. When Blizzard Mods eventually do get around to punishing the griefer, they ban your cancelled subscription account. (Your account isn't close, just cancalled.)
This is what I'm betting is the OP's situation. He acted a fool during his time, was reported by another player and has long since forgotten why he was banned. I know this for a fact because it took a Blizzard Mod a few days to punish the night looter who stole a chest while I was fighting a monster.
Provide a link please. I find it really hard to believe that they would ban with no proof.
There could of course be cases of where f.e an owner of a cd-key got his/her key stolen/logged and abused. In those cases the key would be banned and the rightful owner of the key would think that Blizzard bans randomly, which they in such a case didn't do.
Are you speaking about the Bnet bannings or the new WoW bannings?
Bnet is well documented, do a google on it, so I assume your talking about WoW.
So I googled it and there are like 700k links. The first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate to me. So then I changed the words to bnet and there are 2k links and the first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate bannings.
So its well documented? By whom? Please show the links to where there is undeniable evidence or Blizzard admitting to mass bannings without any cause. Cause I have yet to read one single shred of even close to legitimate proof. All there are is a bunch of whiny 12yr olds saying "I wasnt cheating this time" I cheated xxxx months ago but this time I was being legitimate. Or the famous, it wasnt me, it was some internet hacker that did it, o did I mention I used a 3rd party sites that said I would get 1milion gold free if I let them use my account for a week. Or it must have been from that illegal 3rd party software I downloaded, see it wasnt my fault, its Blizzards fault for making me go to other sites and download stuff in the first place.
You did read the post earlier in this thread where someone pointed out that most people in prison say they are innocent? I really dont see how this is any different. There are millions of people that claim to be innocent of thier crimes. Does that make them truely innocent or just liars?
I like to note they are innocent people convicted because people want someone to pay for theor crime. However, the number of innocent people residing in jail aren't a great number. With that being said, if Blizzard is kicking people out in mass number I HIGHLY doubt they are kicking a lot of innocent people out. I believe 1 in every 10,000 people are kicked out unreasonably.
1. You broke the TOS/EULA while it was active.
2. Someone else used your account and broke the TOS/EULA.
3) Blizzards investigation unit is up to its usual tricks.
It’s pretty clear at this point that point that Blizzard doesn’t review anything before banning. They set up an automated filter and ban any account that gets flagged. This is a practice that inevitably results in a very large number of false positives, and that’s exactly what we’ve seen. Other companies actually take the time to review bans to see if they make sense while Blizzard bans legitimate players on a regular basis.
When you have 12 million or however many accounts Blizzard does with WoW, you can't afford to review each individually. It would probably take 50 people working full time to review all of those.
And? the amount of employees should scale with the amount of customers. They rake in tens of millions of dollars PER MONTH. I bet you wouldn't say that if you got banned for seemingly no reason.
Are you speaking about the Bnet bannings or the new WoW bannings?
Bnet is well documented, do a google on it, so I assume your talking about WoW.
So I googled it and there are like 700k links. The first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate to me. So then I changed the words to bnet and there are 2k links and the first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate bannings.
So its well documented? By whom? Please show the links to where there is undeniable evidence or Blizzard admitting to mass bannings without any cause. Cause I have yet to read one single shred of even close to legitimate proof. All there are is a bunch of whiny 12yr olds saying "I wasnt cheating this time" I cheated xxxx months ago but this time I was being legitimate. Or the famous, it wasnt me, it was some internet hacker that did it, o did I mention I used a 3rd party sites that said I would get 1milion gold free if I let them use my account for a week. Or it must have been from that illegal 3rd party software I downloaded, see it wasnt my fault, its Blizzards fault for making me go to other sites and download stuff in the first place.
You did read the post earlier in this thread where someone pointed out that most people in prison say they are innocent? I really dont see how this is any different. There are millions of people that claim to be innocent of thier crimes. Does that make them truely innocent or just liars?
This is what I'm betting is the OP's situation. He acted a fool during his time, was reported by another player and has long since forgotten why he was banned. I know this for a fact because it took a Blizzard Mod a few days to punish the night looter who stole a chest while I was fighting a monster.
Are you speaking about the Bnet bannings or the new WoW bannings?
Bnet is well documented, do a google on it, so I assume your talking about WoW.
So I googled it and there are like 700k links. The first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate to me. So then I changed the words to bnet and there are 2k links and the first 5 pages all seem to be legitimate bannings.
So its well documented? By whom? Please show the links to where there is undeniable evidence or Blizzard admitting to mass bannings without any cause. Cause I have yet to read one single shred of even close to legitimate proof. All there are is a bunch of whiny 12yr olds saying "I wasnt cheating this time" I cheated xxxx months ago but this time I was being legitimate. Or the famous, it wasnt me, it was some internet hacker that did it, o did I mention I used a 3rd party sites that said I would get 1milion gold free if I let them use my account for a week. Or it must have been from that illegal 3rd party software I downloaded, see it wasnt my fault, its Blizzards fault for making me go to other sites and download stuff in the first place.
You did read the post earlier in this thread where someone pointed out that most people in prison say they are innocent? I really dont see how this is any different. There are millions of people that claim to be innocent of thier crimes. Does that make them truely innocent or just liars?
I like to note they are innocent people convicted because people want someone to pay for theor crime. However, the number of innocent people residing in jail aren't a great number. With that being said, if Blizzard is kicking people out in mass number I HIGHLY doubt they are kicking a lot of innocent people out. I believe 1 in every 10,000 people are kicked out unreasonably.