Will there be a little 1-2 day trial with vanguard?
Some history: my rig is fair. I played Oblivion almost a year ago, high quality, and it looked/worked great. I even got thru Gothic-3 ok, although I might have burned up my hard drive... hehe
I played some eq2, and from the screenshots, I thought it was going to be great. But if I went above 'high performance', the fps drops down so much it's unplayable imo. I've got to have at least 15-20 fps or it's too distracting. So I could achieve all those nice screenshots, with tons of nice foilage and detailed shadows, if I was willing to live with 5 fps. not gonna do it.
SO... this Vanguard looks good, but so did eq2, and I never got to play eq2 at a setting that would make the experience anywhere close to oblivion. Is Bethesda the only company that can make a killer graphics engine in this industry? Anyway, I would like to see if the game will run before plopping down 50 bones.... will there be a trial where I can see the engine in action?
It all ends up being just guess work... for example, this rig will run oblivion like a dream, but struggled with gothic-3 a little, (cause it tried to load up more in memory i think... a friend of mine had same machine 1G of ram, and it was unplayable). And I could never get eq2 to play well smoothly and look really good at the same time.
Ultimately, it's just too hard to tell from the specs. Will they have a trial-of-the-isle kind of thing so I can see if it will run on my machine? IF they don't, then that is kinda suspect to me. If they do, I'm downloading it for sure, with fingers crossed, head-bowed in prayer, hoping that it could maybe be the MMO implementation of oblivion i've been dreaming of....
Has there been anything unofficial? I mean, besides some user on a forum saying crap like "sigil rules... of course there will be a trial!".... Maybe something from an interview within the last 4 months with someone that works at Sigil... even someone in janetorial services overhearing a discussion in a bathroom even? anything?
Edit: Forgot to say that there is no trial that I know of being released any time soon.
http://mentaltruancy.guildportal.com - Friendly Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Qalia based Guild.
2. http://www.vanguardsoh.com/ says that beta was closed yesterday in anticipation of release next week. FP still has the download link, so downloading now... but with next to zero confidence that it's worth doing. Will do it anyway....
But again... not being a whiner or anything.... i WANT TO BUY IT. Hey Sigil, you got a nutty potential customer here... I see rats running around like a hurricane is coming. I see no official specs on your site. I see no trial. I see posts about bad performance. You want my money, it's your job to sell me. I've been running my own software business for 12 years now, and customer is king. I want to buy. I see red flags. Give me a trial and if it works, there's a 99% chance I'm in for 50+100sub = 150+ bones. But leave me to forage thru the forums reading crap about specs, with no trial for me to see if it will run, then I can't buy.... it's not that complicated really.
So has there ever been a statement by anyone of significance that a trial run would exist for potential players? Even unofficial?
however: http://www.vanguardsoh.com/betainfo.php
says pre-order or FP-subscriber to get a key. I've got an FP account, but not the paying kind. I think "fp-subscriber" means paying 6/mo to FP correct? If not, I still can't find the link on FP for the key... still looking though
however: http://www.vanguardsoh.com/betainfo.php
says pre-order or FP-subscriber to get a key. I've got an FP account, but not the paying kind. I think "fp-subscriber" means paying 6/mo to FP correct? If not, I still can't find the link on FP for the key... still looking though
Yes. Thats true. You'll have to pony up 5 bucks to try it. They have had this offer for at least 3 weeks so it was a good value. Right now, you'll be paying $5 to play for one day. However, if you keep your memebership at FP you won't have to pay for other games in the future as they have these kinds of offers all the time.
So my main question remains:
Has there been any official statement about the existence of a trial to check out the engine?
If not official, has there been any statement by a Sigil rep in an interview about the existence of a trial?
I'd give you a key but I'm not getting the collectors edition. Just the standard pre-order.
But maybe I'm not the only one in this boat either.... IF you don't have a real OPEN beta (like wow did) then I don't see how you can get away without having a trial (like eq2 did). Especially with all the "don't buy now because it runs like a dog" posts I'm seeing here (mmorpg.com, while maybe slanting a little towards the side of it better be good or we are gonna rip you a new one, is still filled with peeps who've gamed a lot and seem to have a good handle on the state of something generally)...
just PM'd you with a spare key.
FP sent me two.
Enjoy the last few hours of beta
It was more like a partially open beta than a totally free open beta. There are probably about 10k people spread across all the servers on a typical night in the open beta. A good population.
Good luck to you.
But still have the original question: any official or unofficial statement about a trial? from an interview anyone remembers? I will keep rummaging around...