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Give me your 'duo' thoughts..

skeezix01skeezix01 Member UncommonPosts: 18

Hey all,

Myself and a buddy of mine are planning to 'slow play' Vanguard and will be spending alot of time duoing. I realize the classic warrior/cleric combo is great, but I'm looking for other good combinations - thoughts?


  • EuthorusEuthorus Member Posts: 491
    Druid /Rogue will be most excellent, or Dread Knight / Bard - ultimate in melee control

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  • parmenionparmenion Member Posts: 260
    Monk + Disicple could be interesting, DSC can give the monkey more JIN to trigger more powerful moves and the DSC heals very well, monk could drunken fighting specialise for better avoidance & mitigation perhaps, although I'm not sure how well monks hold agro as tanks. Both classes can feign death in an emergency.

    All the healing classes play well with any tank class, Shaman & Paladin would be a hard combo to kill with all the heals & rescues. Dreadknight + Bloodmage could be alot of fun, both have solid dps & I really like the bloodmages healing abilities although they aren't too robust in cloth so DK needs to be ontop of agro.

    Clerics actually tank fairly well at the levels I've experienced so you could partner one with any of the dps caster/melee classes, for quicker kills, how that would work out later on I can't be sure, & cleric agro holding etc.

    Just my opinions but there's lots of viable duo to my mind, there is content there for solo all the way if you wish, so duo-ing, especially with some heals will be viable.

    Psion + bard and go charming crazy? all sorts might work.
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