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Go to this web site and watch the video.
i would like ur imput on it.
the story is that a player dies in real life ad theyre guild holds a ingame funeral 4 her. the person always fished at this certain spot. so there4 the guild held the funeral at the lake.
mine is that SN are fuckig idiot who have no life. SN wated to intruduce open pvp. but there is a time ad place 4 everything. a funeral is not the place to do it at. espicially if it is 1 about a real world death. SN wats pvp they might just get it. there whole guild might get sacked by either the attedies or pissed off people. SN deserves othig buy dog shit. better yet they dont deserve it . the worst part about it is that SN planed their attack ahead of time. If it looks like a duck ad qucks like a duck its probably IN GAME TERRORISIM!!!
so every1 who plays who shoul all get together and shoot that mother fucking duck.
It's really really old
There was a previous forum topic about it too I believe, and a couple thousand on WoW's forums
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My take is like yours but with a twist. Ya, the Serenity Now guys are a bunch of jerks but the guys holding the funeral are a bunch of retards. This is World of Freaking Warcraft for gods sake. There isn't exactly a surplus of maturity in Blizzards game. They had to know this was going to happen. Hell, this was even on a pvp server. Then they had the nerve to whine about it.
The moral of the story is: if you start a memorial service in the middle of a football game, don't act suprised when the other team scores a touchdown.
oh so very, very, VERY old.
But still, I laugh out loud everytime I see that.
Sorry, but I think it is hilarious. And your outrage is infantile and strange. It was only a mock funeral in a video game (poorly planned and devised, should of been in Ogrimar) not some real life travesty.
Arusaan - 60 Human Rogue Gorgonnash (retired)
Megadoss - 63 Troll Hunter The Forgotten Coast (retired)
Lifehand - 52 Undead Priest The Forgotten Coast (the new guy)
oh so very, very, VERY old.
But still, I laugh out loud everytime I see that.
Sorry, but I think it is hilarious. And your outrage is infantile and strange. It was only a mock funeral in a video game (poorly planned and devised, should of been in Ogrimar) not some real life travesty.
Mock funeral? Real players gathering in the environment that brought them together to honor and pay respect to a lost friend. Are the emotions that this girl's friends felt concerning her death any less valid because she played an MMO? I think not.
While perfectly within the rules of the game, the actions of SN are very juvinile. It's like people who protest at funerals for fallen soldiers. They may hide behind free speech, but their actions are designed to ellicit a strong response from the media and public. The only difference is war protesters believe they are serving the greater good while SN are just going for a laugh.
SN saw this funeral as a chance to become famous by offending as many people as possible. Which would in turn lead to threads like these. It's the MMO version of standing up in a crowded room and shouting "Hey, look at me!"
This video has nothing to do with PvP since no real skill was involved. These people should simply be ignored until they can grow up.
The most important part of reading is reading between the lines.