I've seen a lot of movies, pictures, reviews, previews, reviews and a lot of that kind of stuff, but now i want to hear some opinions from players. So if u please...
Well there's a reasonable space between the two release dates, so how desparate are you for a new MMOG? Ultimately it's largely dependent on what sort of gamestyle you like.
I suppose one sentence in the overview that sort of turned me off GaH was "squad-based combat in which players hire, train, and lead sqauds of NPC soldiers into battle." That may appeal to some gamers, but not me personally. As far as gameplay in AoC is concerned, Funcom's new "Real Combat" engine, as lame as it may sound sparks a little interest in my eyes.
Gameplay aside, i'm a huge fan of beautification. I love a world i can immerse myself in and really "feel" the graphics, taking time to snapshot anything that looks interesting (main reason i lasted all of a week in WoW). After some perusing of the screenies for both games i'm further driven towards AoC.
GaH certainly does display many aspects i find enticing, but employs them in a way i find offputting. When i think of Gauls, Barbarians, Samnites etc i think back to games like Rome: Total war and large scale epic battles. To an extent, these races work well in an MMOG but when such races are combined with magic and mysticism, i almost feel that they are out of place.
I'm eager to try G&H, but for some reason I can't get rid of the feeling that this game is going to be somewhat of a letdown. This is only notable because I'm rather good at retaining neutral outlooks until I try a product; I even managed to avoid forming a solid opinion amongst the polarizing flamefests that Vanguard induced, until the NDA was lifted at least.
Well there's a reasonable space between the two release dates, so how desparate are you for a new MMOG? Ultimately it's largely dependent on what sort of gamestyle you like.
I suppose one sentence in the overview that sort of turned me off GaH was "squad-based combat in which players hire, train, and lead sqauds of NPC soldiers into battle." That may appeal to some gamers, but not me personally. As far as gameplay in AoC is concerned, Funcom's new "Real Combat" engine, as lame as it may sound sparks a little interest in my eyes.
Gameplay aside, i'm a huge fan of beautification. I love a world i can immerse myself in and really "feel" the graphics, taking time to snapshot anything that looks interesting (main reason i lasted all of a week in WoW). After some perusing of the screenies for both games i'm further driven towards AoC.
GaH certainly does display many aspects i find enticing, but employs them in a way i find offputting. When i think of Gauls, Barbarians, Samnites etc i think back to games like Rome: Total war and large scale epic battles. To an extent, these races work well in an MMOG but when such races are combined with magic and mysticism, i almost feel that they are out of place.
Uh, no prizes for guessing which game im going for.
I like the idea of combat in AoC, however, can't give up the chance to be a Roman
The release date for G&H here says Q1, but im sure its Q2. Theres still alot of testing to go.
// The G&H Townhall - http://gnhth.vault.ign.com - a Gods and Heroes fansite
AoC has:
Epic Battles (my fave)
Battles like King of the Hill or Glatiator kinds of battles (Pretty sweet )
OO and drunken brawls (Interesting I love booze and I love fighting put them together and )
Also real combat and all that good stuff lol just the PvP is going to be INSANSe which I lOVE IM GONNA GO CRAZY I HAVE TO WAIT TILL OCTOBER!!!!!!