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I was thinking about this the other day. Let me say first that I was very close to, if not actually addicted to my first MMO, EQ. So I am not making a judgement here, I'm merely curious. My initial thought was, no way is being addicted to a game as harmful as being addicted to drugs. Then I thought about how drugs can damage a person.
Doing drugs can be an expensive habit. Well...some gamers have been known to go bankrupt as they stopped going to work and lost their jobs and even their houses.
Drugs can destroy relationships. Well...I have heard stories of wives and girlfriends (don't think I've ever heard of husbands or boyfriends) being neglected because of MMO addiction to the point where the relationships ended.
Drugs are bad for your health. Well...sitting in front of a computer all day and getting no physical activity is bad for your health as well.
Drugs are a way of escaping reality. MMO's are a way of escaping reality. (I don't believe escape by itself is a bad thing from time to time, but when it becomes a constant, then it may be).
When a person starts using drugs they develop a tolerance and it takes greater doses to achieve the same fix. Well...that sounds like an accurate description of MMO gaming. In my own experience, I've discovered that certain games and types of gameplay that used to dazzle me, no longer does and I need something new.
Drugs can cause you to waste your life away. Well...
When an addict tries to quit using drugs, he goes through withdrawal and craves what he doesn't have. In a sense, you might compare this website to a support group where unsatisfied gamers come to share their cravings for what they don't have and wait anxiously for the next great game to fill the void.
When I drew these comparisons, I was amazed at how similiar the two addictions can be. Finally, I came up with what was a glaring difference. Drugs can kill you! But then I realized, although, extremely unlikely, there are a couple cases where deaths have been blamed on MMO addiction.
So I found this subject interesting enough to post it. Any other observations?
playing eq2 and two worlds
Anything that causes you to neglect your responsibilities is bad for you.
Everything in moderation.
Going out scouting for treasure in an MMO, or going out stealing car stereos/ money from mom and dad.
The list can go forever, I myself have only had friends/family with hardcore drug addictions (weed isn't even worth mentioning.). Its the worst track I've seen people go down. None of them have died from it yet, but it just sucks not hearing from them for a year.. until they need a favor, or they "just happened to stop by". In my opinion there is no question that hardcore drug addiction is worse. Come on man, are MMO's really that painful? Its good for people to communicate, no matter how they do it. MMO's open the gate to meet a lot of people.
If something isn't healthy for you, stop doing it, or atleast cut down. If you don't it won't resolve itself.
No matter what you do or what you like somebody can find something wrong with it.
If you drink they claim you are going to end up as a drunk and fry your liver.
If you like meat they claim you are killing helpless animals and are going to clog your arteries.
If you like sweets they claim your will become overweight and become diabetic.
When rock music started in the 50's everyone claimed you go to hell if you listened to it.
Some religions claim if you go to movies you are going straight to hell.
Everyone I know thinks I am crazy or stupid or starting my second childhood because I play computer games.
So enjoy what you like its your life.
It all depends on how well you control your addiction.
Of course, in the case of most addictive drugs, even a little bit is potentially deadly over the long term.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
playing eq2 and two worlds
Recognize that you decide whether or not to pursue those goals. The game doesn't make anyone do anything.
I've found just as much enjoyment playing casually as I do playing obsessively.
In my case, as long as I put God, family and work (the three things that are most important to me) before WoW then I'm good to go. If I prioritize my time, allocating time for each of the these three things, and spend that time appropriately, then WoW can have it's place in my life without any worry of addiction. Allocate your time and live by that schedule...time management is all it is, really.
Recognize that you decide whether or not to pursue those goals. The game doesn't make anyone do anything.
I've found just as much enjoyment playing casually as I do playing obsessively.
playing eq2 and two worlds
Fuck no.
Really, that is an awfully obvious answer to your question.
At least in my eyes, that's like saying, which is better: Not wearing your seatbelt, or shooting yourself in the head.
NGE Refugee.
Learn to take responsibility.
If you quit MMORPGs the side effects include, getting a life, meeting people, and being more social.
Quitting drugs, seldom have such lovely side effects.
Quitting a mmorpg isnt as hard as it seems. Once your out of the loop, its easy to stay out of the loop.
Drugs, once you say your gona stop, you cant stop thinking about it.
I think they are two very different fish.
But as somebody previous, and my mother have said. "Everything in moderation"
Boognash... meet enter key... enter key boognash....
apparently, ocd caused you to not meet this amazing key.
That aside, you sound like your preaching conspiracy theory here rather than solid evidence. Ive read on OCD, and I really dont see how your example makes any sense.
Also it is estimated, according to my "learnings" that about 3% of the population suffers from OCD, and it could be something as silly as if one of their hands is wet, they need to wet the other one.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Drugs can screw up even the healthiest of people. Doesn't matter how happy a person's life is, drugs can drag them down. I think MMO addiction is a little more dependant on the player, and issues they already have. Such as depression. If a person's life is miserable, they're a lot more prone to overindulging in escapism, and feeling "addicted" to it.
Escapism is dangerous for people who want so badly to escape thier lives. MMOs just make for especially effective escapism, and as such, can be especially dangerous.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Wow... i've got to be honest you've almost convinced me of something i didn't think was true, that's very good, i'm quite obstinate.
Although taking these things one step further----
let's think about the environments each retailer inhabits eh? well you can buy a copy of WoW in the best place possible, whereas crack dealers usually don't sell right outta a pleasent shop on a busy street.
but then what about all of those nit-picky policies that large corporations like Gaming Corp. and etc. etc. enforce, just because they're easy cases? i've been in several non-profit orgenizations that have been taken down by corportations because we've done things so little as advertize wrongly, or even because we were lied to by publishers >_>
I think they're both dangerous, but it's impossible to compare them because for the most part their distriputers are at two different ends of society, and therefore effect our lives in very different ways, whether we're using their products or not.
EDIT:replaced words with others that make sense
You guys have no clue
There is two kinds of addictions when talking about drugs
Physical and mental addiction.
Examples of drugs with physical addiction are: Heroin , crack , meth , basically all opium derivates , and yes Alcohol and Nicotine aswell
Examples of drugs with mental addiction: Cocaine , marihuana , mda (ectasy) , speed
Example of drugs that have no adiction factors but can seriously damage your mental health : LSD , shrooms , peyote
It would be highly recomended that you stray clear off the first type of drugs. Even using them 1 time may lead to virtual suicide.
Drugs with mental addiction are not that bad , if you can control yourself. But if you fall deap it can be just as bad.
Third kind. Well take them , but know it can be literally one way ticket.
MMOs fall clearly into drugs with Mental addiction. You get that "HIGH". After that is downward spyral. You always try to get the high again , but it mostly doesnt work .. but you keep and keep trying.
Until , like one poster stated , next step might be drugs...
So you should keep yourself in check. As with drugs, be informed, and know what the consequences are.
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Cocaine and amphetamines (speed) are both physically addictive. I'm surprised anyone would think otherwise.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Well i tell you ppl iam a gamer for 11 years now and all i do is work and play mmos.
If i could have my way i would never do anything but upgrade my computor and play my game.
Yes i am where i dont like to see ppl in real life its just a pain and it is a wast of time in my book to do any thing but skill up !
I got where i dont answer the phone never! i dont answer the door when ppl knok.
i dont go out of my room sep to eat and to get gas and to go to work.
And sad i love doing this and i dont care about seeing the world my world is right here!
So you can say iam a addic!
Right now iam playing bf2 and Rappelz and thinking of trying out the vangaurd game but no one answerd my Question on the forms in the vangard section!
WWIIOnline The Real War!
Cocaine and amphetamines (speed) are both physically addictive. I'm surprised anyone would think otherwise.
Some experts claim Cokaine is physically addictive. Buth most people that tried it could swear it isnt.
As for amphetamines , it is widely known they cause no psyhicall addiction ( although they cause plethora of other psyhicall problems , severe depression, and massive cardiac arrest being most common )
Most sources would state all this drugs to be psyhically addictive , but it is only because this "white lie" is beneficial to public well being.
Also mental addiction is in most cases far more serious than psyhicall one. And it is much harder to get clean from it ( arguably one never does )
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
"Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
not as bad as drugs, but it can be addictive, the same as gambling. But of course, like every 'addiction' it all depends on the person involved. Additionally, the issue is confused with the high time-intensity of mmorpgs.