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I want to start the post by saying for a free game it is ok. But if you are used to quality game it is really going to let you down.
1. The pvp is a joke, it is totally 110% based on ship level and there is very very very little skill involved. Thou with the most cannons and repair kits wins period. Just cannons if they shoot your sailors and not you hull.
2. Grappling and boarding other ships in pvp is not an option because grapples can be broken in about 20 seconds, killing a player of similar skill can take 6 minutes without pot spamming, 10-15 if you are pot spamming.
3. Lag can get unbearable.
4. Gms hardly speak english and when they do understand you the only thing they can do is say sorry your SOL. They have no power in game, they can´t fix ANYTHING.. Bug happend, to bad. Stuck.. hahah re-roll.. i mean it is unbeleavable.
5. Land battle is crazy. You get all of 4 skills and 1 of them is a passive. They take up mana/sp to use and the regen on sp.. well to regen your bar it is atleast 10-15 minutes and a full bar of mana usually means 6 attacks at most.
6. Worst pathing in an mmo ever, on top of that you have to click to move (so pathing is more of an issue), AND they put in colision detection haha.
7. There is 1 uber uniform period. Which means everyone you see looks just like you. With the only veriation being one is red and the other is blue...
8. The weapon balance is not balanced go falchion or suck.
9. There is no room for skill in land pvp, you either have a better weapon/gear (even if only slightly) or more health pots.
10. no buy back button on the vendors so by god you better not accidentally sell something.
11. to have a truely decent ship you are expected to build up all three ship attributes to 60 to then finally take 1 to 100. You can only take 1 to 100 the rest are locked at 60 and if you accidentally (because you didnt know) build into a level 7 ship your other attributes are locked so then you get to reroll or suck. And just so you know getting attributes to 60 is by no means an easy task.
12. Total lack of information about the game or how to play it. And considering how complex it is you can make alot of mistakes. If you take a skill to level 2 because of a mistake it will cost you 60 real dollars to unlearn it.
13. The best way to level up land skills is to afk in mobs and go to sleep (gives you an idea of how thrilling land combat is)
14. to level up an adventure ship you are expected to find spots called discovery.. Pretty cool at first until lthey send you to the same place just about to find a different one over 100 time by the time you get to level 10.
I could go on but well. I am tired of typing.
now even with all that the game does manage to be mildly entertaining and for free you can´t ask for much anyway. however do not expect a great game because it is by far not a great game.
Dont like the game? Keep your mouth shut and leave quietly. You whining wont affect the player base of the game
p/s : i am not a fanboi and i dont play VC either.
All canceled. Waiting on Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning.
How about this.. tell me what I said that is not true.
Who the hell says I still play it.
Med, so if you followed your own advice you could say something like.. Don´t like the post don´t post on it? Something about standards and double comes to mind hehe.
P/S, I am not a med fanboy nor have I ever met you.
E&B (Wikings of the North) - DAC - EQ 2 - EVE (DANIS)- WOW (Azur Order)- LotRO -
And have been waiting for PotBS for 5 years
potbs needs a decent PC to play, where VCo doesn't.
Honestly I don't have pixelshader 2.0, so even if basic potbs accounts are f2p, playerbase won't be too big.
Remember, your advantage lies in your opponent's weakness (J)
I agree with pretty much everything you said, and to the people who tell you to stop whining, this was a fairly well thought out post that didn't say it was a terrible game or anything. What I really appreciate about this game are all of the quests, which are a lot of fun to do; and the story quests are well thought out (if terribly described). I do see it as a passing fancy though, and I doubt I'll come close to leveling as much as it seemed you did. You can seriously wreck your character very easy, which is annoying, because there is almost no in-game help or warnings. Even simple things, they warn about not having enough provisions, but forget to remind you that your ship has no sail?
But it's a pretty fun game, and I've enjoyed it a lot.
I disagree, Voyage is one of the few unique "asian" flavored games.
I did laugh at the captain calling me a mongul on a britsh class carrier ship.
Anywho back to work! Have fun with whatever you doing yall!
If everybody was thinking like you, it would go like this
Company: How do you like our product?
Players: It really good!
Company: You sure?
Players: Yes!
Company: Well then, nothing to change.
Even if the products is full of bugs and extremely boring.
Why the hell is evryone flaming him. I totally agree with evrything he said. THE GAME SUKS. thats the end of it. Bugs, translation erorrs, GMs dont know what the hell you are talkin about when you need help. VCO is just a mindless grinder game.
This game is a POS, leveling takes forever since its a korean grinder and there is not much gameplay depth. Furthermore the whole marketing concept is a ripp off, since only changing your skill points cost you 30$ around....stay away from this game
I really hope for "pirates of the burning sea"
If everybody was thinking like you, it would go like this
Company: How do you like our product?
Players: It really good!
Company: You sure?
Players: Yes!
Company: Well then, nothing to change.
Even if the products is full of bugs and extremely boring.
This guy deserves a metal in reason/logic and just plain common sense.
"Hard-Core Gamer"
Oh hi Eeto, its Thrillseeker here.
Good that I didn't stick around, wasting time haha
What server do you play on mate?
PM me with the details I'll teach you the basics--> through advanced.