Travelling from one chunk to the other, ( chunks are in essense zones ), I get a hitch that lasts me for about the same amount of time it takes to zone in EQ2, with the added benefit of being able to be attacked and killed while this is going on, for me and my a bit older computer, allthough it is well within specs I would much rather have seen zones.
This would have given me better perforamce in said zones and safe travel between them, with the added option of doing some really nice things to them as in EQ2.
I am reasonable satisfied though with most spects of the game aside from crafting wich is arguable the worst system ever, but that is a whole topic in itself.
But, I bougth this thing on a whim, I have never been to their homepage, I have never even visited this forum before I got the game, so I had no expectations.
Launch seems to compete with AO though in infant deceases.
For example I am rigth now affected by a bug that make me lose all HP and Energe I have from buffs and gear when I start an attack and do damage, something like 20-30% of both just goes away, and I start most attacks with a bow from a distance so I am neither hit nor am I using a spell.
That one has pretty much ended my adventuring career for now, I do craftin for now but I am starting to get carpal so I need long breaks from that.
Leaves diplomacy and harvesting, diplomacy is interesting but to slow for me.
This means I have made a fortune on resources and bags so I guess it is all good in the end..
If they get their act together I think this game can be a truelly awesome experience, rigth now I judge it as playable, nothing more, nothing less.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I think the graphics although they may be pretty, require FAR FAR too much computer power, or tweaking of better then average systems to get them to look great. The game looks good, but for a 3rd gen game, it should be more alot better on average systems. The game was not ready for release. I can completely understand if there were bugs that would make an item look diff, maybe pathing issues, occasional crash to desktop, but to have fundamental bugs in the game that PREVENT you from advancing is just unacceptable. Yes, I know they are working to fix them, and for adventuring and diplomacy they seem to be doing a great job, but those that enjoy crafting are still lacking big time.
I do enjoy playing it and I would rather play now then wait, but this is an opinion.
I am enjoying it. I bought the game on a whim as have some others here. I knew very little of it other than it was a high fantasy MMO. Been playing those for years. I had read somewhere that it should be compared to AC and UO rather than WoW which I thought was cool as I enjoyed those games a lot more than WoW...eventhough I did play WoW for well over a year!
I dont think I would even be aware that the game was released ahead of schedule unless I had read it...about 10,000 times. I have no performance issues...I knew the game was demanding from reading the recommended specs, but my system is pretty decent and I am able to run with all maxed settings...I think I have the grass turned down or something but I just didnt like the way it looked...performance wise it runs great. I couldnt complain even if it didnt wasnt hard to find after doing about 30 seconds of reseach before buying it that it was resource intensive.
I play it casually...I have put time in probably 7 of the 8 days I have owned it...but only an hour or two each night. Each day I have played I have enjoyed it more than the last. I play with a friend and we have been duo'ing all of the small group quests and picking up others randomly for larger ones. Not in a guild yet or anything.
The crafting system I enjoy but can see why others wouldnt. It is what it is...its time consuming, has random things pop up that can ruin your day...but heck..its crafting...things happen. I like it.
I wouldnt run around screaming its the best game ever made but I am recommending it to friends and co-workers and a few have joined already and are enjoying it as well.
What I do think is how much attention this game is getting on forums. People that havnt even played the game seem to spend half their day bashing it based on what they have heard. Those that tried it and dont like it..make it their own personal quest to inform the entire MMO gaming world of how bad it is. Most of the people I know that are enjoying it dont read the forums so the naysayers make it look worse than it is.
I like it...there are bugs but most of them I havnt seen personally...but its hard not to know about them because they are posted constantly but that isnt much different than any other game (See WoW General forums for months after it was released).
Good game, if you are the type of flip out about unscheduled downtime, or having bugs, then wait it out a few weeks...but I am playing now and am glad I am...I dont even play my other games anymore.
You sure seem persistent, I'll give you that..:) But I still believe Vanguard's engine is sub par compared to the EQ2 engine, you may try to convince me as much as you like..And I will not try to argue with you any more..For me Vanguard has sub par graphics campared to many games out there, but it has it's nice spots.
As we have already discussed previously the EQ2 engine can in no way be better than the VG one. I will not go on again with long sentences, but if you only take 1 out of the many examples : flying mounts - compare the poolry animated EQ2 gryphons with the total freedom, viewing distance and the gorgeous animations of the VG flying mounts (I think you have not experienced them yet as I believe you were not in beta) .
That said I certainly respect your opinion regarding the graphics. To me, they both look about the same graphics wise, but to each his own
Also, you seem very impressed with the grass and the trees for some reason...Atleast EQ2 tries to make their own grass and trees, hey the grass and vegitation is even animated as you pass through it and so is the water, havent seen that in VG, maybe if I buy a new computer ?
The first time I have seen full swaying trees and grass was in Oblivion, and then in Gothic 3. I love this, it adds so much more to the game for me. VG is the only MMORPG to date that reproduces it. In this aspect EQ2 is still using the same technology we have seen in many other games for years now; it is like some kind of furniture so the vegetation/grass is very scarce. Of course, if some of the plants would also be moving while you go through them in VG it would be even better; I believe they are not (yet ?) as this would slow the systems down even more.
Yes I do agree with you on this point, the water animations in EQ2 are very nice, VG still does not have them yet, this is part of the things the devs said will come in the future.
Great posts. And Flood950, I agee with your post entirely. And I had to LOL about several of your points, like the "never experienced certain bugs but hard not to know about them because folks post about them so often."
Hey if anyone hasn't voted here, plese do! The naysayers are influencing the results more and more each day. The It's lacking crowd has grown from 15% to nearly 25% !!
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon. In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
I've been thinking about why I like Vanguard, and these are my main points:
* Every class plays differently, even within an adventure category. My Psionicist is different than my Sorcerer is different than my Druid.
* A huge world. I like exploring, and there is plenty of that in Vanguard.
* The quests... sure, there's a lot of kill X mob, or kill X mob for Y drops, but there are also other kinds of quests. For example, in Dahknarg, I had to go collect some escaped hill cat cubs for a lady. And collecting them wasn't automatic. It felt like I was really chasing them down, when I had to run after them. And then, when I finished the collecting and went back to the lady, I see the text: "[NPC, I forget her name] does some mental calculations... yes, one hundred and one exactly. Thank you very much." Doh! I was laughing my ass off Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha
* The Missives. These are fun to do for XP and nice items.
* The combat mechanics. These are different from the other games, and I like how they work.
* The diplomacy. Very, very fun.
* The crafting. No need to worry if you have to leave the computer in the middle of crafting. Action Points allow you to balance quality vs. progress, so you have the choice... Do I try one more quality push, or will that bork me so I can't finish the item.
My only real complaint with Vanguard are the hitching and the bugs. I'm not sure if a faster system will fix the hitching, but I'm going to at least get a new video card and see how that works out. Bugs are being fixed every day. I /bug everything that is a problem, including bugged nodes (remember those in WoW?).
The Earth is just too small and fragile a basket for the human race to keep all it's eggs in - Robert A. Heinlein
My only real complaint with Vanguard are the hitching and the bugs. I'm not sure if a faster system will fix the hitching, but I'm going to at least get a new video card and see how that works out.
Upgrading from a single core CPU to a dual core will certainly fix a lot of the hitching.
On my core2duo with both cores I am between 20 and 35 FPS at max settings (30 and 50 without anisotropic). When I run the game on only 1 core (setting affinity to 1 core) I lose between 5 and 10 FPS, and it often suddenly starts to hitch heavily sometimes even going down to 3 FPS. This is a non issue when both cores are enabled, I never see any red FPS.
If you have played VG, please indicate your satisfaction. Take into consideration the bugs you deal with. I see bugs too but if I had the choice of waiting for a less-buggy release or playing now with bugs, I'd MUCH rather be playing now. Considering how much enjoyment I get from VG, the bugs seem very very minor. Also, please post if you think VG is 3rd Gen. If it isn't, then please post what you think 3rd Gen should be. I think Vanguard IS 3rd Gen for two very big reasons: 1. Graphics are awesome, world is awesome, combat is dynamic with finishing moves, fantastic animations, and sometimes very tough mobs. 2. The game UI is simply incredible. It may not look all that exciting since it takes up little space. BUT the devil is in the details and you eventually realize everything you need to know is there in plain sight! There are so many improvements that I simply can't list them all. But yesterday I had my first experience with group looting. The group leader can specify loot rules. Last night, any player could look at the loot of a mob and click the "random" button. Doing so will pop up a rand box on everyone's screen. Players click "roll" or "pass." After all rolls have been made, the item automatically transfers from the mob corpse to the winners inventory. That is friggin awesome!!
Lol.. ok that roll loot feature makes it 3rd gen? lol i laughed so hard after reading it. Ever heard of Anarchy Online? in that game too you can roll loot just like that. Is AO third generation too?
Lol.. ok that roll loot feature makes it 3rd gen? lol i laughed so hard after reading it. Ever heard of Anarchy Online? in that game too you can roll loot just like that. Is AO third generation too?
I'm sure they are dreading the whole Third Gen comment that was made, but the simple fact of the matter is that this game took a lot of components from different games that worked and put them all together. Hate the parts if you will, but don't come crying about it.
As we have already discussed previously the EQ2 engine can in no way be better than the VG one.
Mind me saying that "you" have discussed, or rather you have tried to convince me about this..But I don't buy that..
EQ2 is a game that was released in 2004, this means that the base of the engine ,even though they may have improved it over the years, is several years older than that. That's pretty obvious as the game was several years in development.
As I have told you, VG is based on the unreal engine 2,5 (released in 2005) + heavily patched with many parts of the unreal engine 3 + many in house improvements + speedtree.
Your problem is that you don't know the difference between an engine and design; you can believe what you want, but art and an engine are 2 different things. I'm sorry, but this is getting ridiculous, I have explained this to you several times already.
VG has taken the same approach as EQ2 did : have an engine today with room for improvements so that it will look good on computers for the several years to come. This is what EQ2 did (released in 2004, but computers that could run it at max settings were available in 2006 only) (VG didn't got that far as there are computers that can run it at max settings today, this was not the case with EQ2). So this is what VG is doing today, they have planed it work on computers that will be mainstream in 1,5 years.
I respect the fact that you prefer the EQ2 design (art), but I suggest that you get to understand the difference between design and an engine.
As we have already discussed previously the EQ2 engine can in no way be better than the VG one.
Mind me saying that "you" have discussed, or rather you have tried to convince me about this..But I don't buy that..
EQ2 is a game that was released in 2004, this means that the base of the engine ,even though they may have improved it over the years, is several years older than that. That's pretty obvious as the game was several years in development.
As I have told you, VG is based on the unreal engine 2,5 (released in 2005) + heavily patched with many parts of the unreal engine 3 + many in house improvements + speedtree.
Your problem is that you don't know the difference between an engine and design; you can believe what you want, but art and an engine are 2 different things. I'm sorry, but this is getting ridiculous, I have explained this to you several times already.
VG has taken the same approach as EQ2 did : have an engine today with room for improvements so that it will look good on computers for the several years to come. This is what EQ2 did (released in 2004, but computers that could run it at max settings were available in 2006 only) (VG didn't got that far as there are computers that can run it at max settings today, this was not the case with EQ2). So this is what VG is doing today, they have planed it work on computers that will be mainstream in 1,5 years.
I respect the fact that you prefer the EQ2 design (art), but I suggest that you get to understand the difference between design and an engine.
So, you are trying to convince me again ? SIGIL most certainly did not make their game like EQ2 developed their game (ahead of time)..When EQ2 came there wasnt a computer on the market that could even start the 2 highest settings...Vanguard can be started and run with an average computer, and it wont be long till they will fix the lags(hitchings)..I'm certain you will NOT need the specs you have to run it on max..more in line with what I have..But it's getting better..
Here are some nuts for you to crack as you are so eager to do so..
And please again, as you seem to think im confused about the diff between art and Engine,,these ARE not ARTISTICAL stuff..These are features of the engine...
1 Where are the "heat" effects on fires and lights in VG..These heat effekts can be seen in EQ2 everywhere when there is fire/lava..most notably in Lavastorm..?
2 Where is the animated water when swimming ?
3 Where is the water that you not instantly can see the botttom (when standing close)
4 Where is the advanced shadows not just some blur on the side of your Avatar..?
5 Where is the animated creeks and rivers that looks as thou they actually stream, can be seen in Nektulos Forest ?
6 Where are the distortion and blur that comes with diving and beiing under water ?
7 Where are the heat shimmer or halo that covers avatars and NPC
8 Where is the same dynamic lightning present in Vanguard as the one in EQ2 ? Or rather as notable..Havent seen any in game..
9 Where is the animated(its not really animated its a feature with the engine) cloth ? Clothing moves and behaves like real clothes(well close enough) I cant remember the technical term regarding this, have to look it up in the settings in game--
10 Where is the effects that makes fabric look real(present on the cloaks that came with EoF)
11 Where are the watery effects from getting wet, ea when its raining pebbles get a shiny outline etc
These are all effects that are present in EQ2 engine..And I'm sorry but that doesnt show in Vanguard in the highest settings
When these are ingame ..Then you will have me convinced that Vanguards engine is better or atleast on par with what EQ2 has..As it has some nice features like "no zones" wich is impressive, but not so impressive when empty(as discussed early)
NOTE. most of these effects has been in game since the start of EQ2, only one that is new is the facric's on the cloaks, so no there hasnt been alterations or addings to the engine..
PS..Excuse me if its poor English here and there..
So, you are trying to convince me again ? SIGIL most certainly did not make their game like EQ2 developed their game (ahead of time).. Again, because you "think", it does not necessarily mean it is the reality. The truth is that almost every one at Sigil has confirmed this over and over again (search the web and the beta forums if you have access). The game was build for what will be, according to Sigil, mainstream in 1,5 years.But as I said, they didn't go as far EQ2 as many can already play the game at max settings today.
Furthermore, they have already taken a lot of the visual quality down to improve performance, compared to what it was earlier in beta. At max settings we had more polygons, higher quality textures, etc... I hope they will be putting this back in when time comes.
And please again, as you seem to think im confused about the diff between art and Engine,,these ARE not ARTISTICAL stuff..These are features of the engine... Ok, I now see where you are getting to.
It is true heat blur, cloth, raining, water effects, ..., currently do look better in EQ2. But these are code objects. Sigil have said several times that these things will be coming; they are not in now for 2 reasons:
1. there was not enough time, the game is not finished so there were more important things
2. some effects are already in but not enabled, as it would slow things down even more and it takes time to optimize.
It's too bad you were not in beta. Reacting/moving water, etc... this is coming, as well as much more like storms so you can see a storm build up in the horizon and lightening in the sky, etc..
Now, as I said these are objects, they have nothing to do with an engine overhaul. For example, the underwater blur you are talking about was added months ago, but not to the water yet - it was added to the viewing distance (you can enable it on high settings). One other example regarding the water that was added a few weeks ago was water stream (you feel the stream takes you away when you swim).
So these are objects (details, if you understand this word better). You can (almost/somehow) compare these details to missing quests, if this helps you to understand it better.
The real engine technology is not there. If you want to add things like grass, viewing distance, free flight, etc... to EQ2 this would require an engine overhaul. Just compare the stiff and poorly animated griphons in EQ2 with all the beautifully animated completely free flying mounts in EQ2.
But I agree with you, the nice effects look really good in EQ2. As the Sigil devs have said I am looking forward to seeing them in VG.
I think VSoH is 3rd Gen because it has the most features of any mmo available at this time, not only that but the graphics are stunning and the game mechanics are excellent.
I do relise the game needs a polish and has a long way to go before it is even considered 'retail' but I have faith and am confident that all the issues will be resolved in the near future.
The game feels fresh and I have not had this much fun in an mmo in a very long time to be honest.
Currently Playing: Everything but MMORPGs Cancelled: L2, FFXI, VSoH, LotRO, WAR, WoW Looking Forward To: SW:TOR
It is not seamless, it only appears to be.
Travelling from one chunk to the other, ( chunks are in essense zones ), I get a hitch that lasts me for about the same amount of time it takes to zone in EQ2, with the added benefit of being able to be attacked and killed while this is going on, for me and my a bit older computer, allthough it is well within specs I would much rather have seen zones.
This would have given me better perforamce in said zones and safe travel between them, with the added option of doing some really nice things to them as in EQ2.
I am reasonable satisfied though with most spects of the game aside from crafting wich is arguable the worst system ever, but that is a whole topic in itself.
But, I bougth this thing on a whim, I have never been to their homepage, I have never even visited this forum before I got the game, so I had no expectations.
Launch seems to compete with AO though in infant deceases.
For example I am rigth now affected by a bug that make me lose all HP and Energe I have from buffs and gear when I start an attack and do damage, something like 20-30% of both just goes away, and I start most attacks with a bow from a distance so I am neither hit nor am I using a spell.
That one has pretty much ended my adventuring career for now, I do craftin for now but I am starting to get carpal so I need long breaks from that.
Leaves diplomacy and harvesting, diplomacy is interesting but to slow for me.
This means I have made a fortune on resources and bags so I guess it is all good in the end..
If they get their act together I think this game can be a truelly awesome experience, rigth now I judge it as playable, nothing more, nothing less.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
I think the graphics although they may be pretty, require FAR FAR too much computer power, or tweaking of better then average systems to get them to look great. The game looks good, but for a 3rd gen game, it should be more alot better on average systems. The game was not ready for release. I can completely understand if there were bugs that would make an item look diff, maybe pathing issues, occasional crash to desktop, but to have fundamental bugs in the game that PREVENT you from advancing is just unacceptable. Yes, I know they are working to fix them, and for adventuring and diplomacy they seem to be doing a great job, but those that enjoy crafting are still lacking big time.
I do enjoy playing it and I would rather play now then wait, but this is an opinion.
I dont think I would even be aware that the game was released ahead of schedule unless I had read it...about 10,000 times. I have no performance issues...I knew the game was demanding from reading the recommended specs, but my system is pretty decent and I am able to run with all maxed settings...I think I have the grass turned down or something but I just didnt like the way it looked...performance wise it runs great. I couldnt complain even if it didnt wasnt hard to find after doing about 30 seconds of reseach before buying it that it was resource intensive.
I play it casually...I have put time in probably 7 of the 8 days I have owned it...but only an hour or two each night. Each day I have played I have enjoyed it more than the last. I play with a friend and we have been duo'ing all of the small group quests and picking up others randomly for larger ones. Not in a guild yet or anything.
The crafting system I enjoy but can see why others wouldnt. It is what it is...its time consuming, has random things pop up that can ruin your day...but heck..its crafting...things happen. I like it.
I wouldnt run around screaming its the best game ever made but I am recommending it to friends and co-workers and a few have joined already and are enjoying it as well.
What I do think is how much attention this game is getting on forums. People that havnt even played the game seem to spend half their day bashing it based on what they have heard. Those that tried it and dont like it..make it their own personal quest to inform the entire MMO gaming world of how bad it is. Most of the people I know that are enjoying it dont read the forums so the naysayers make it look worse than it is.
I like it...there are bugs but most of them I havnt seen personally...but its hard not to know about them because they are posted constantly but that isnt much different than any other game (See WoW General forums for months after it was released).
Good game, if you are the type of flip out about unscheduled downtime, or having bugs, then wait it out a few weeks...but I am playing now and am glad I am...I dont even play my other games anymore.
Great posts. And Flood950, I agee with your post entirely. And I had to LOL about several of your points, like the "never experienced certain bugs but hard not to know about them because folks post about them so often."
Hey if anyone hasn't voted here, plese do! The naysayers are influencing the results more and more each day. The It's lacking crowd has grown from 15% to nearly 25% !!
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
I've been thinking about why I like Vanguard, and these are my main points:
* Every class plays differently, even within an adventure category. My Psionicist is different than my Sorcerer is different than my Druid.
* A huge world. I like exploring, and there is plenty of that in Vanguard.
* The quests... sure, there's a lot of kill X mob, or kill X mob for Y drops, but there are also other kinds of quests. For example, in Dahknarg, I had to go collect some escaped hill cat cubs for a lady. And collecting them wasn't automatic. It felt like I was really chasing them down, when I had to run after them. And then, when I finished the collecting and went back to the lady, I see the text: "[NPC, I forget her name] does some mental calculations... yes, one hundred and one exactly. Thank you very much." Doh! I was laughing my ass off Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha
* The Missives. These are fun to do for XP and nice items.
* The combat mechanics. These are different from the other games, and I like how they work.
* The diplomacy. Very, very fun.
* The crafting. No need to worry if you have to leave the computer in the middle of crafting. Action Points allow you to balance quality vs. progress, so you have the choice... Do I try one more quality push, or will that bork me so I can't finish the item.
My only real complaint with Vanguard are the hitching and the bugs. I'm not sure if a faster system will fix the hitching, but I'm going to at least get a new video card and see how that works out. Bugs are being fixed every day. I /bug everything that is a problem, including bugged nodes (remember those in WoW?).
The Earth is just too small and fragile a basket for the human race to keep all it's eggs in - Robert A. Heinlein
On my core2duo with both cores I am between 20 and 35 FPS at max settings (30 and 50 without anisotropic). When I run the game on only 1 core (setting affinity to 1 core) I lose between 5 and 10 FPS, and it often suddenly starts to hitch heavily sometimes even going down to 3 FPS. This is a non issue when both cores are enabled, I never see any red FPS.
Mind me saying that "you" have discussed, or rather you have tried to convince me about this..But I don't buy that..
Mind me saying that "you" have discussed, or rather you have tried to convince me about this..But I don't buy that..
EQ2 is a game that was released in 2004, this means that the base of the engine ,even though they may have improved it over the years, is several years older than that. That's pretty obvious as the game was several years in development.
As I have told you, VG is based on the unreal engine 2,5 (released in 2005) + heavily patched with many parts of the unreal engine 3 + many in house improvements + speedtree.
Your problem is that you don't know the difference between an engine and design; you can believe what you want, but art and an engine are 2 different things. I'm sorry, but this is getting ridiculous, I have explained this to you several times already.
VG has taken the same approach as EQ2 did : have an engine today with room for improvements so that it will look good on computers for the several years to come. This is what EQ2 did (released in 2004, but computers that could run it at max settings were available in 2006 only) (VG didn't got that far as there are computers that can run it at max settings today, this was not the case with EQ2). So this is what VG is doing today, they have planed it work on computers that will be mainstream in 1,5 years.
I respect the fact that you prefer the EQ2 design (art), but I suggest that you get to understand the difference between design and an engine.
Mind me saying that "you" have discussed, or rather you have tried to convince me about this..But I don't buy that..
EQ2 is a game that was released in 2004, this means that the base of the engine ,even though they may have improved it over the years, is several years older than that. That's pretty obvious as the game was several years in development.
As I have told you, VG is based on the unreal engine 2,5 (released in 2005) + heavily patched with many parts of the unreal engine 3 + many in house improvements + speedtree.
Your problem is that you don't know the difference between an engine and design; you can believe what you want, but art and an engine are 2 different things. I'm sorry, but this is getting ridiculous, I have explained this to you several times already.
VG has taken the same approach as EQ2 did : have an engine today with room for improvements so that it will look good on computers for the several years to come. This is what EQ2 did (released in 2004, but computers that could run it at max settings were available in 2006 only) (VG didn't got that far as there are computers that can run it at max settings today, this was not the case with EQ2). So this is what VG is doing today, they have planed it work on computers that will be mainstream in 1,5 years.
I respect the fact that you prefer the EQ2 design (art), but I suggest that you get to understand the difference between design and an engine.
So, you are trying to convince me again ? SIGIL most certainly did not make their game like EQ2 developed their game (ahead of time)..When EQ2 came there wasnt a computer on the market that could even start the 2 highest settings...Vanguard can be started and run with an average computer, and it wont be long till they will fix the lags(hitchings)..I'm certain you will NOT need the specs you have to run it on max..more in line with what I have..But it's getting better..
Here are some nuts for you to crack as you are so eager to do so..
And please again, as you seem to think im confused about the diff between art and Engine,,these ARE not ARTISTICAL stuff..These are features of the engine...
1 Where are the "heat" effects on fires and lights in VG..These heat effekts can be seen in EQ2 everywhere when there is fire/lava..most notably in Lavastorm..?
2 Where is the animated water when swimming ?
3 Where is the water that you not instantly can see the botttom (when standing close)
4 Where is the advanced shadows not just some blur on the side of your Avatar..?
5 Where is the animated creeks and rivers that looks as thou they actually stream, can be seen in Nektulos Forest ?
6 Where are the distortion and blur that comes with diving and beiing under water ?
7 Where are the heat shimmer or halo that covers avatars and NPC
8 Where is the same dynamic lightning present in Vanguard as the one in EQ2 ? Or rather as notable..Havent seen any in game..
9 Where is the animated(its not really animated its a feature with the engine) cloth ? Clothing moves and behaves like real clothes(well close enough) I cant remember the technical term regarding this, have to look it up in the settings in game--
10 Where is the effects that makes fabric look real(present on the cloaks that came with EoF)
11 Where are the watery effects from getting wet, ea when its raining pebbles get a shiny outline etc
These are all effects that are present in EQ2 engine..And I'm sorry but that doesnt show in Vanguard in the highest settings
When these are ingame ..Then you will have me convinced that Vanguards engine is better or atleast on par with what EQ2 has..As it has some nice features like "no zones" wich is impressive, but not so impressive when empty(as discussed early)
NOTE. most of these effects has been in game since the start of EQ2, only one that is new is the facric's on the cloaks, so no there hasnt been alterations or addings to the engine..
PS..Excuse me if its poor English here and there..
I think VSoH is 3rd Gen because it has the most features of any mmo available at this time, not only that but the graphics are stunning and the game mechanics are excellent.
I do relise the game needs a polish and has a long way to go before it is even considered 'retail' but I have faith and am confident that all the issues will be resolved in the near future.
The game feels fresh and I have not had this much fun in an mmo in a very long time to be honest.
Currently Playing: Everything but MMORPGs
Cancelled: L2, FFXI, VSoH, LotRO, WAR, WoW
Looking Forward To: SW:TOR