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What are all these big companies THINKING?!?
Why are they paying so much to develop so many MMORPGs?!?
Do they really think that they are going to get their money back?
Sure, there may be enough MMO Gamers out there to PLAY all these games....... But I highly doubt there are enough of these gamers to support the super mass of games that are being released in 2004. Many companies will crumble due to this, and quite possibly the good games are going to be over-shadowed by the big name titles that are actually crappy games, such as WoW. Now, I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, I haven't played it..... but it sure does get ALOT of hype, what if it turns out to be a worse game than SWG or Horizons?
If there are anyone from any of these big companies who frequent these forums (and quite possibly there is) WITHDRAW YOUR GAME NOW OR CRUMBLE! If you don't at least offer something TOTALLY, COMPLETELY stunning and NEW then you are doomed to fail miserably(sp?). Alot of MMORPG gamers are totally getting turned off by new games that are exactly like every other MMO they have played.
PS: Sorry for the larger font that normal, but I changed it for the "new" and apperantly they don't have font size 9 on the list and I can't type it in. Wich, is the normal size.
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The world is full of many different people who play games for different reasons and enjoy different aspects of the same game in different ways.
There has been many games that I thought would never be successful, but they are still around and still collecting revenue.
I actually feel the same way you do about all the new games clones of each other, but with so many people willing to pay for bad games, it may be a trend that will continue.
It was bound to happen, much like the IPO craze but on a smaller scale. Everyone looked at the revenue vs. expense of the successful mmorpg and said "we can do that too". So now we havethe 2nd generation wave, and you betcha, many of these companies and their investors are going to get absolutely hosed. Welcome to capitalism and the free market.
As a player your job is to research the market, ignore the hype, and find the best game for you.
A fronte precipitium a tergo lupi
Requiiem, Templar
I want to cast magic missle. go there for Naruto episodes!!
Earth & Beyond got the hint and they had their release just a little over 2 years ago. But of course EA gets scared easily and was the main reason that UO2 never came out. I just hope that some of these retired games could release server versions or better yet, make it open source, so fans can keep playing.
SWG and Horizons are the same. They are both BAD and Hyped MMORPGs. And, I haven't played WoW...... not many ppl have. But it's got ALOT of hype behind it and it could fail horribly just as SWG did. That's the point I was trying to make.No, no it's not. When Supply over-runs demand, that is VERY bad for those companies.
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I'll tell you what sucks...
When the MMORPG that you like is the one that fails...
Well, the amount of peoples having a computer and an internet line both increase, thereby I would not say that there is not enought room for all those games, yet a big game can crush a smaller big getting all their players nonetheless.
Now getting the interest of the masses is a challenge in itself, and most likely the top game in 2006 is not even listed on and neither is the devs staff listed here, dont you forget, we have information on folks that willingly share it(or that are already populars and unable to act under cover), so many projects are running around and most will never come to life, but most likely the top MMORPG in 2006 is 1 of those projects, far away from the interest and the spot light!
- "Coercing? No no, I assure you, they are willing to bring my bags and pay public transportation just to help me, it is true!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
A fronte precipitium a tergo lupi
Requiiem, Templar
-=MMORPG.COM Staff=-
There are two types of companies making these games:
1. Big companies that will not be hurt that much by a measly one game crashing and burning.
2. Companies that really have nothing to lose because they are not making it any other way. Some of these are barely businesses at all.
Some of them won't make much of a profit or may lose money, but the only companies that will die are the ones that had nothing to lose.
It's not as if they are giving up their highly successful business in another area to try out the mmog market.
(As far as investors go, most are rich enough already. AND spending money in any way is better for the economy than letting it sit in the bank.) - Text MMORPG
My game:
My writing:
The market surface has barely been scratched. There are millions of people out there not playing a MMOG today that will be playing one in the future.
The reported projections on MMORPG players in Asia significantly outweigh those in North America and Europe.
Alex "Maximane" De Line
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
More crap games need to fail, the crappy developers need to get out of the market so that the good ones can flourish.
The more that big games like swg and horizons fail the better chance there is that thier investors will pull the plug and not pay those developers to make crap games, and will instead pay good developers to make quality games.
That's my view, also with the crap games off the market it makes way for the lesser known higher quality games to come to the forefront.
I think SWG probly could have succeeded and done VERY well if they only did 2 things.
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Alot of the upcoming games have some "hook" that non-gamers will fall for and buy the game, but your right if the product isnt good competition will kill it, how many people still play shadowbane?? and that was out when there wasnt tons of big-budget games coming out. My biggest fear is having to play more htan 1 game at a time because their all so good hehe.
Heh, and that's just an understatement. I don't have any links to back me up (so sue me), but let's measure China for instance. According to latest reports, out of the 80 or so million people who have internet connections at home in China, 25% of them play online games. That would be 20 million people playing online games. And let's not forget the amount of people that play in internet cafe. The MMORPG market is taking the asian community by storm. In that same report I read (If I find the link I'll post it), economists are predicting a $1 BILLION revenue for online gaming companies in China by 2006. Yes that's right, $1 billion. That is sheer madness. And In Korea, it only gets worse. While I don't have any official numbers to give to you, my assumption is that over 33% of the koreans play online video games. And while many of them don't have internet connections at home, MANY koreans play video games via internet cafes, a very popular thing to do in Korea. Let's take one game for instance, Ragnarok Online. In Korea alone, the game has over 1 MILLION subscribers. And that's just Korea, their home country. Ragnarok Online also has services located in Malaysia, China, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, International, Europe, and maybe I'm missing a country/service. According to rumored reports, the numbered of subscribed accounts was over 10 MILLION. Can you imagine that? That is just ridiciulously high. The MMORPG market is flourishing in Asia, and it can only get better as time goes on according to reports.
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