Thats the problem i couldnt put my finger on, this game feels too empty i made a vulmane puppy ranger yesterday and only one other person was in the area, i really hope Sigil increases the preformance for lower end computers because more people really have to play this awesome game
try another place like Hathor Zhi for the dark elves...that place is usually packed. and depends on your server. i made a vulmane on gulgrethor and it usually has about 40 people in the area
A few things to keep in mind. . .you're a newbie. . .people have been making chars for the past few weeks with most of them focusing on that one char. You will probably not see anyone in the starting area. . .wait till you get to Dahknarg. . .
Look for a server with the biggest population of the race of character you are playing and are able to group with without being KoS. - Friendly Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Qalia based Guild.
I'm having fun with the game, but I agree that it seems a bit empty. I wouldnt have minded if they put up one less server and let each fill a bit more. I wouldnt have minded if they made the world a bit smaller too, if that meant a better chance of running into players.
I think part of it is just how spread out everything is... But we have to keep in mind also that there arent any player houses set up, so I think maybe things will look more full once there are tracks of houses here and there. Plus we will be able to move faster when we get mounts and such, so we wont be like 'uh this is taking forever to get to point B and theres nothing between point A and point B except a few generic rocks'.
Of course, its hard for me to talk because I'm like... Level 7 now. And I havent left the Khal area, I have barely even explored around Khal. Theres alllottt more to see.
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The 100% honest reply to your topic -
One week later, everyone realizes the fact that they've all been there done that. New map layouts, better 'GRAFFIXz0mgSp33DtrEE!' will not overwrite 'true' gamers passion for gameplay.
EDIT : Forgot to mention same mythical creatures, same Undead Uprising VS Unity of Civilized Races or Three synopsis, different music, etc. I mean, honestly, you can't polish a turd now can you?