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The Bloodstone Clan: Dwarfs RP/RVR/PVP

KhaalzunKhaalzun Member Posts: 24

Help Forge The Bloodstone Clan...for WAR is soon upon us...

The Bloodstone Clan will be a dwarven clan with the primary objective to provide the members with a solid community of like-minded friends aimed at becoming the most Heroic and Legendary dwarven Clan. Bloodstone’s will be founded on a role playing server, if such will exist in WAR, and be committed to medium Role-playing intended to make the WAR-world come to life.

As all dwarven Clans the clan is about its kinsmen, given our previous experience of community games, a Clan where the members are altruistic and thinks not what others can do for them but what they can do for others benefits everyone in the long-run. We will therefore expect all players to undertake their responsibilities towards each other and to the clan.

In order to succeed in RVR/PVP the Clan will have a well established hierarchy for ranks and groupings, at the same time this structure will be flexible to meet what type of difficulties WAR will face us with. The structure will also enhance our RP-ambitions and include internal Titles, rewards and other community features.

We will accept hard-core players, role players, crafters and casual players; depending on the type everyone will find a suitable role in the Clan. To be able to have a high level of activity we will structure the Clan according to different player’s preferences in gaming-objectives and gaming-hours. This means that Hard-core players will belong to Squads consisting of other Hard-Core players, while causal players will fill the Reserves rather than be part of their own Squads. Details will be worked out as the Clan comes to life.

Our main ambition is that the Bloodstone Clan will be a Heroic clan with a large number of friendly and active players who have a great time together. Our secondary ambition is that we the Bloodstone Clan will be THE dwarven force that the greenskinns fear the most to face. This means we have set our ambitions high, but given that there is still some time until WAR is finally upon us we hope to be well organized and prepared for the release.

More information will be posted on the new Clan Hall under construction at as the work progresses.

All you that are interested on more information on the Clan or in joining us to forge this Clan into something special are asked to contact us at for further instructions and information.

In the name of Bloodstone…

Khaalzun “One-Eye” Zanduraz of Bloodstone



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