Its the simple more laid back games that are always the most fun to play.
I'm currently downloading SoF right now! hopefully i'll be playing tomorrow and enjoying it, which is more than i achieve when playing the higher rated games like WoW.
Yulgang is a community based game though. Its not all about killing.
That's their slogan but honestly, once ingame you do nothing but chain kill monsters... (and faction war 40mn a week, great...)
It's highly items based (potion spamming, equipement/weapons overupgrades*), weak character looks customisation, no character build customisation (you can get all the skills, stats are auto-assigned and you can get almost all talents). Require no skills, just a pinch of teamplay (or higher numbers).
*I thought the Elu/Ori overupgrade system in Ragnarok Online was bad, that was before I try SoF. Way to implement a cheap artificial timesink when the devs are too lazy to add real content.
Customization in what sense? Appearance or skills? Appearance wise, uh...3 hair, 3 faces, 3 hair colors...I think thats it. Skill wise it seems to have a bit more depth, but you really have to grind to get anywhere, so I wont be going far.
I was disappointed. Felt like just another Korean grind-fest to me.
Its got more than twenty million subscribers over in Asia, under the name of Yulgang Online. Its not "just " another korean grind fest, its the ultimate one
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Hemingway
Its Lineage 2... just 4 years ago.
Futilez - Mature MMORPG Community
Correcting people since birth.
Its the simple more laid back games that are always the most fun to play.
I'm currently downloading SoF right now! hopefully i'll be playing tomorrow and enjoying it, which is more than i achieve when playing the higher rated games like WoW.
And it's not lineage 2... i don't think its even close.
1. No unique features
2. Normal fantasy genre
3. Korean Grind
4. Kiddy anime graphics
Yulgang is a community based game though. Its not all about killing.
It's highly items based (potion spamming, equipement/weapons overupgrades*), weak character looks customisation, no character build customisation (you can get all the skills, stats are auto-assigned and you can get almost all talents). Require no skills, just a pinch of teamplay (or higher numbers).
*I thought the Elu/Ori overupgrade system in Ragnarok Online was bad, that was before I try SoF. Way to implement a cheap artificial timesink when the devs are too lazy to add real content.
Does anyone know anything about the character customization??
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin