Someone please educate me here - The current Beta, is that 'HIGH RES' or low res? I'm kinda hoping it's the low res... not that it's bad, my pc is just capable of more and I love to play with everything to the max.
I also heard some rumors that we will be able to download some highres files later on but can't seem to find any solid information.
I noticed some screenshots it really thought had been doctored but then i thought they maybe were posted by a person who had acces to the highres files..
And now i can't find the damn post with his screenshots.
I know how good the game looks on ultra highsettings but his seemed to have even higher details.
EDIT: someone said on the boards the latest version should contain the highres files.
Haven't found any official info thought..Will look through the patchnotes once again.
I am 99.9% certain it is still the low res client. I remember a while back one of the devs stated that the high res would have a file called highres.dat or something to that effect and I cannot find it in the Turbine folder. Quite frankly I am very satisfied with the low res version
I am 99.9% certain it is still the low res client. I remember a while back one of the devs stated that the high res would have a file called highres.dat or something to that effect and I cannot find it in the Turbine folder. Quite frankly I am very satisfied with the low res version
here is what someone explained on the betaboards.
Umm, hard to explain. Imagine a texture is 5cm by 5cm, inside that texture you have 256 colours, and not very much detail, so your hat, the textures (images that make it) are 5cm by 5cm with 256 colour. Thats low-res.
High-Res, consider it a 10cm by 10cm texture, with 16.8 million colours and so much detail that artists put it in the tate gallery, thats Hi-Res.
The textures in this new client have been changed from the 5*5 to 10*10, not something you would notice unless you had looked at a farming plot before the hi-res upgrade to the client.
Short answer, yes, there is no low-res option all the details are high-res.
Ya ok the game is fun at first, but its limited skill tree ( you get 1 maybe 2 skills every 2 levels with some offensive/defensive skills like parry dodge critical hit chances on odd levels). My lore master has been using the same ember strike for 30 levels now, sure it does a small amount of additional damage each lvl, but its the same spell for 30 levels. Crafting isnt much fun with the way they have it set where you pick a pre made group of 3 that often dont fit together. There is no fishing, no alchemy, farming is just that farming money that is extremely easy. There is no pure magic casting class so you get 6 classes all doing different styles of melee. You fight boars and bears at almost every level. There are more bears boars and wolves that I ever want to see again. They toss in some orcs and humans to break the monotony of animals. Its an ok game, but its not the next greatest thing, its far better than vanguard at this point tho as far as playability and polish goes.
Don't you see that that is the beauty of the game's skills? It doesn't try to screw with you by making 10 different levels of the same ability ( Shadowbolt rank 1-10) But rather it gives you a multitude of skills that scale with your level, and never become totaly obsolete, as they do with other games.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I noticed some screenshots it really thought had been doctored but then i thought they maybe were posted by a person who had acces to the highres files..
And now i can't find the damn post with his screenshots.
I know how good the game looks on ultra highsettings but his seemed to have even higher details.
EDIT: someone said on the boards the latest version should contain the highres files.
Haven't found any official info thought..Will look through the patchnotes once again.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
I miss DAoC
Umm, hard to explain. Imagine a texture is 5cm by 5cm, inside that texture you have 256 colours, and not very much detail, so your hat, the textures (images that make it) are 5cm by 5cm with 256 colour. Thats low-res.
High-Res, consider it a 10cm by 10cm texture, with 16.8 million colours and so much detail that artists put it in the tate gallery, thats Hi-Res.
The textures in this new client have been changed from the 5*5 to 10*10, not something you would notice unless you had looked at a farming plot before the hi-res upgrade to the client.
Short answer, yes, there is no low-res option all the details are high-res.
vbmenu_register("postmenu_2230360", true);
I'm not buying that. AC2 had highres files, DDO has highres files. Both were optional installs and once installed they were HUGE HUGE patches.
I'm thinking when the game is released since it is on DVD that it will be like DDO DVD and have the optional highres files you can install.
DDO looks 100x better with highres files installed than without. Same could be said for AC2.
My DDO folder is 6 gigs with high res installed compared to LOTR folder which is 4 gigs.
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Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.