Love how Aion doesnt be the stereotypical Korean MMo (point click). NO NO! this game uses OMFG a keyboard and mouse!!!! But ya i was looking at the game a while back and i just thought it was going to be a point and click which i HATE, and after watching a e3 movie they actually move in combat. I used to play L2 but had to quit due the no skilled based combat, i just hate sitting there and fighting toe to toe. Aion is looking great and i cant wait till they release some sort of beta..
l2 sucks! insane economy! 90% botter
the game itself sucks! weak skill animation thats all the same
aion will be the successor of l2
Saying Aion will not be *the* successor to L2 does not mean it won't be a good game. It will be a kick-ass game with incredible graphics, innovative and exciting game mechanisms and dynamic combat content. Aion is a stand-alone, branched-off franchise that will serve as a complement and alternative, not a replacement
Sebastian Streiffert
Community Representative - Aion
Follow my twitter! aion_ayase
* In order to cover my back, things I write are of course subject to change.