I left SWG after finally getting over the CU then getting slapped in the face with the NGE which was a total game breaker. I left behind a character I loved and nutured for 2 years and so many months. I left behind a whole city that is now a ghost town as they are called. Sony has no soul and it's very evident in what they changed this game in to.
When I quit SWG I swore I would never again give SOE any of my hard earned money and I have been 100% faithful to that. To the point where I won't play any other SOE games, CDs, DVD's etc. If it says SONY on it I won't buy that's how mad I am lol. Yes I guess that's a bit obsessed but it's been two years now and I have yet to find a game that I loved as much as SWG. I've tried many and in the end I get bored. Not enough sandbox play for me at all and most games that spout are heavy RP games are not at all. You'll find a few rp'ers but even then it's not the same. No housing in most games so no way to really "live in the world" as we did in SWG.
Taking away many professions that were so unique and fun instead of fixing the bugs that caused problems was a very mindless thing to do. Making everyone cookie cutter and adding jedi as a starter class was a slap in the face. Jedi's were meant to be few and that's the way it should have stayed imo. They took away hunter and bio engineering which I found to be one of the neatest things in the game. No I didn't do bio engineering but wow it looked fun. I was however a hunter and it killed me when my pets were taken away. Ranger class was another fun one that I loved, nothing more fun then to go exploring with friends on other planets and setting up elaborate camps and just hanging out in between long hunting jaunts. It really made you feel like you were in another world not just a game.
I could go on and on and on about everything I tried it all. Yes there were bugs but there are still bugs and now combat is basically useless with the fps style they have going. You aim at your target and it runs off 50m in a shot firing at you and hitting you each time as you fumble to try and get a bead on them again with this tiny red cross hair targeting system., but wait your out of range so now you run towards them yet they already were out of range and hitting you every shot lol. It's a joke. While some of the aspects havent' changed much in the game many have and for the worse. It's sad that SOE can't see what they have done and admit their mistake. My ultimate dream of course is for them to admit it and roll it back to pre NGE but I know they will never do that. If they did I know that i'd swallow my pride and go back. I'd renew my account the day it was announced. Until then I beta test other games, do free trials and hope beyond all hopes I"ll find a place to hang my hat once more.
Nothing will ever be as good as SWG was before the NGE unless they roll it back pre CU ...dare to dream lol
#s 2, 4, and 5. The NGE was the final blow, no question about it. Before that though there were problems with the game and with SOE. Things that were known to be bugs were consistently responded by the CS staff in one of 2 ways: First, was the now infamous "Working as intended." Second was "We understand you frustration but we can tell you that the upcoming Combat Revamp will address this issue." The other problem, as well, is the lack of something to do. Even Raph Koster has commented on the fact that a sandbox does not rule out quests and storylines. Had SOE done the combat revamp, and spent the past couple years actually developing content for the core game then SWG could have remained near the top as far as mmos go.
Most reasons SWG lost subs or had problems getting more people to join in a somewhat chronological order.
Launch continously delayed.
Launched with tons of bugs.
Launch that was missing alot of the promised mechanics.
Fast forward to the JTL expansion, after spending the time before that adding in most mechanics that where supposed to be there at launch.
JTL had plenty of bugs that were reported and ignored from beta.
Bugs from launch or early launch that were still being ignored.
Refusal to correctly balance proffs, more specifically melee stackers.
Fast forward to RoTW expansion.
Working on an expansion while blatantly ignoring pre-existing bugs in the main game.
Bugs with the expnasion that again were reported in beta, and again ignored before release.
Knowingly releasing a very bugged expansion then acting suprised there was problems.
Zoning and invisible walls in a game that really didn't have any before this.
CURB and CU, around the same time as RoTW testing was ongoing
Scrapping the highly liked CURB for the quickly and poorly done CU.
Wasting all the Dev time and effort spent on the CURB for a poorly done CU.
Again ingoring pre-existing bugs to work on other mechanics that were also bugged.
And again blatantly ignoring bugs reported from CU beta.
And again knowingly releasing very bugged content and acting suprised there was problems.
Putting in Combat Levels which almost everyone detested.
Forcing players to choose 2 Elite proffs rather than being able to mix and match skills/proffs.
Totally hosing proffs, gear, equipment, CA's AA's, resources with the CU changes.
Blatantly attempting to whore Jedi to the public for more subs while mostly ignoring the rest of the game.
Publish after publish and patch after patch devoted solely to Jedi while ignoring the rest of the game.
Nerfing proffs left and right that had a chance at defeating said Jedi.
Now fast forward to the ToOW expansion
Working on an expansion while blatantly ignoring pre-existing bugs in the main game.
Bugs with the expnasion that again were reported in beta, and again ignored before release.
Knowingly releasing a very bugged expansion then acting suprised there was problems.
More zoning and invisible walls that players detested.
Had some of the least variation of either Mobs or Terrain of any expansion but cost the most.
Contained no Space zones, but again cost the most of any exansion.
Now the NGE, remember SL and some other proffs were revamped just before this
Completely took out 20 odd proffs including the ones that were just revamped.
Knowingly wasting Dev time/ effort on proffs that were not going to exist in NGE.
Sprung on the public 1 Day after ToOW billing hit.
Obviously poorly done with little planning or thinking ahead.
Was not wanted, needed, or asked for by the players but was forced on them anyway.
Riddled like swiss cheese with bugs.
Knowingly released with these bugs.
Chock full of Lag.
More changes to combat and proffs.
Again totally hosing proffs, gear, equipment, resources with the NGE changes.
Intentionally screwing every Non Combat proff that was still remaining.
Forcing everyone into 1 single proff with no variation.
Taking out every combat special in favor of the same 4-5 repeated over and over from lvl 1-90.
Huge amounts of lag even though it now had 1/5 the players of a previous mostly lag free game.
Intentionally trying to lie and mislead the players.
Repeating these same lies and misdirection in every single interview.
Things that were common throughout the life of SWG
Constantly nerfing proffs.
Constantly changing combat, never getting it right, and not leaving it the hell alone.
Never correctly balancing proffs for either PVP or PVE.
Bugs, bugs, and yet more bugs.
Blatantly ignoring many of these bugs till game changes made them moot problems.
Very poor customer service.
Threatening and or banning players who posted valid problems, bugs, or concerns.
Knowingly releasing incomplete or bugged content, patches, and expansions.
Attempting to lie to or misdirect the players at every turn.
Very rarely ever listening to what the players liked, wanted, or saw as a problem.
Also very rarely ever admitting to mistakes or trying to fix those mistakes once made.
Wasting Dev time/effort for changes that were not wanted or asked for.
Taking weeks or months to undo these changes even though they took 1 patch to implement them.
Refusing to take player input on changes or mechanics that they wanted.
Ever increasing lag even though the number of players kept decreasing.
Changes, Content, or Mechanics that were never even tested by players, just implemented.
I'm sure there's other things that some would say were missed or they would disagree on but for me and most people I knew that played those were the highlights of why we disliked the game more and more, ended up quitting, or in the case of people who hadn't played it why they wouldn't try the game.
Sure those are my opinions but that what I saw personally and what I was told from everyone else I knew who had played or heard of the game some or all of those reasons are why they quit or wouldn't try the game.
Feel free to edit in your items, add in other things, or whatever but that should cover most the problems in SWG from launch to current.
I left for one reason and have stayed away for the same reason. It never felt like SW. I really have no problems with the versions although I think the pre-CU was probably the most innovative. I just had a problem with failed attempt to integrate it into the SW universe. Several months after launch I re-watched A New Hope and realized that the feeling I get watching the movies did not even begin to surface when playing the game. If they had launched this a generic SF game then it would have been fine.
Yep, NGE/CU killed it. I miss having to WORK for Jedi. My kids played this game too and they were working on Jedi and then the NGE hit...can respec to Jedi. They were BORED!! I was bored, my guild was bored. 90% (literally) of the people I teamed/grouped with left from boredom....
first time i quit was the CU till my guildmates got me to back into it...I still thought it was crap but only a few things really changed but i still had some fun in the CU..The NGE was the Turd that plopped out and caused me to finally give up..
I couldn't agree more. The only interaction that we had with characters from the movies were through the Theme Parks. Once those were completed there was no more interaction. After completing the Rebel Theme Park I talked to Luke Skywalker again. He said that he currently had no more work for me but told me to check back later. I checked back 3 YEARS later and guess what?!?!? NO MORE WORK. All of the major NPCs from the movies are the same.
Most of the movie related Points of Interest are in sad shape also. Ben Kenobis house? You can't even enter it (the door opens but you get ejected). The Lars Homestead? SOE had taken stock in game junk/buildings to populate the site and they did a lousy job. This game has little to do with the movies.
I left for one reason and have stayed away for the same reason. It never felt like SW. I really have no problems with the versions although I think the pre-CU was probably the most innovative. I just had a problem with failed attempt to integrate it into the SW universe. Several months after launch I re-watched A New Hope and realized that the feeling I get watching the movies did not even begin to surface when playing the game. If they had launched this a generic SF game then it would have been fine.
LOL, that was one of my biggest complaints about the game as well - didn't seem like Star Wars to me either. I mean, come on, the Empire has hunted down and destroyed all Jedi, and forbid their knowledge; but everyone and their droid-dog was selling holocrons at their house vending machines. LOL, why wasn't the local stormtrooper units blasting down their doors and curb-kicking the owner's heads in for selling forbidden contraband?
And if I recall the movie was call Return of the Jedi, not Return of the Commandos. The commando class was ridiculously over powerful - in my opinion anyways. I was in the bar in Anchorhead and a commando and dancer player were laughing that Jedi are total pushovers because they only did a certain damage type. At that point I was like, why even try to be a Jedi. Well, that was a couple of things I could think of, off the top of my head.
[[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button. Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
I left SWG after finally getting over the CU then getting slapped in the face with the NGE which was a total game breaker. I left behind a character I loved and nutured for 2 years and so many months. I left behind a whole city that is now a ghost town as they are called. Sony has no soul and it's very evident in what they changed this game in to.
When I quit SWG I swore I would never again give SOE any of my hard earned money and I have been 100% faithful to that. To the point where I won't play any other SOE games, CDs, DVD's etc. If it says SONY on it I won't buy that's how mad I am lol. Yes I guess that's a bit obsessed but it's been two years now and I have yet to find a game that I loved as much as SWG. I've tried many and in the end I get bored. Not enough sandbox play for me at all and most games that spout are heavy RP games are not at all. You'll find a few rp'ers but even then it's not the same. No housing in most games so no way to really "live in the world" as we did in SWG.
Taking away many professions that were so unique and fun instead of fixing the bugs that caused problems was a very mindless thing to do. Making everyone cookie cutter and adding jedi as a starter class was a slap in the face. Jedi's were meant to be few and that's the way it should have stayed imo. They took away hunter and bio engineering which I found to be one of the neatest things in the game. No I didn't do bio engineering but wow it looked fun. I was however a hunter and it killed me when my pets were taken away. Ranger class was another fun one that I loved, nothing more fun then to go exploring with friends on other planets and setting up elaborate camps and just hanging out in between long hunting jaunts. It really made you feel like you were in another world not just a game.
I could go on and on and on about everything I tried it all. Yes there were bugs but there are still bugs and now combat is basically useless with the fps style they have going. You aim at your target and it runs off 50m in a shot firing at you and hitting you each time as you fumble to try and get a bead on them again with this tiny red cross hair targeting system., but wait your out of range so now you run towards them yet they already were out of range and hitting you every shot lol. It's a joke. While some of the aspects havent' changed much in the game many have and for the worse. It's sad that SOE can't see what they have done and admit their mistake. My ultimate dream of course is for them to admit it and roll it back to pre NGE but I know they will never do that. If they did I know that i'd swallow my pride and go back. I'd renew my account the day it was announced. Until then I beta test other games, do free trials and hope beyond all hopes I"ll find a place to hang my hat once more.
Nothing will ever be as good as SWG was before the NGE unless they roll it back pre CU ...dare to dream lol
2: jedi even tho rare at time should of still kept perma death to keep them rare
3: there wasnt realy any reason to pvp (no battlefields)
joined again after a time away from the game
4: to many jedi
5: jedi was that powerful, getting owned by dot weapons/pikers
6: wasnt many people left in server from early days yet still way to many houses about
Yep, NGE/CU killed it. I miss having to WORK for Jedi. My kids played this game too and they were working on Jedi and then the NGE hit...can respec to Jedi. They were BORED!! I was bored, my guild was bored. 90% (literally) of the people I teamed/grouped with left from boredom....
Nuff said.
Most of the movie related Points of Interest are in sad shape also. Ben Kenobis house? You can't even enter it (the door opens but you get ejected). The Lars Homestead? SOE had taken stock in game junk/buildings to populate the site and they did a lousy job. This game has little to do with the movies.
LOL, that was one of my biggest complaints about the game as well - didn't seem like Star Wars to me either. I mean, come on, the Empire has hunted down and destroyed all Jedi, and forbid their knowledge; but everyone and their droid-dog was selling holocrons at their house vending machines. LOL, why wasn't the local stormtrooper units blasting down their doors and curb-kicking the owner's heads in for selling forbidden contraband?
And if I recall the movie was call Return of the Jedi, not Return of the Commandos. The commando class was ridiculously over powerful - in my opinion anyways. I was in the bar in Anchorhead and a commando and dancer player were laughing that Jedi are total pushovers because they only did a certain damage type. At that point I was like, why even try to be a Jedi. Well, that was a couple of things I could think of, off the top of my head.
You should have had an option,
They completely erased my profession!
Ya 32 profs to 8....smart.