There's not much to say that has'nt been said, but, personnaly I always shut the general channel for two reasons : noobs saying crap, and noobs who don't know how to use the trade channel. Of course there's a lot of noobs, but eg there's also a lot in WoW, and as for WoW there's also a lot of mature players. When I try not to shut the general, and listen to other people, I often shut it eventually. The best to do is to advance a little in the campaign, even if you have to play with mercenaries, and most of the times, noobs will magically be gone then. I think, but I could be wrong, that at the beginning (for me 17-18 months ago) there were less noobs, even in the eden and I had great times but I soon preferred to play alone, and avoid noobs. I voted "dunno" because it really depends on the people.
I was surprised you tried to make a machinima in a town, because there's often too much people ; furthermore if I really needed to be in a town, !i would go in the international regions, rarely more than 10 persons there, you know.
The problem with this thread is you have people who do not even play guildwars commenting on the game. On the first page there is a person who says they quit at level 16 or so. Yay for them, they did not even make it to the end game content and yet somehow they magically know what the community is like.
If you look you will find most of the people that put down on Guildwars are the die hard WOWers. Coincidence ?, I think not. Now I am not saying every bad review about Guildwars is by someone who doesn't have a clue, just the majority of them.
I am sorry you had such a bad time with people when you were trying to shoot your movie. I hope you get better luck next time.
"...they did not even make it to the end game content and yet somehow they magically know what the community is like."
On the other hand, how far down a sewer do you have to go to know it stinks?
Sorry, I'm generally more inclined to agree with the O.P. than not: the Guild Wars "community" (is there a less appropriate word to describe it?) is one of the lamest (and I'm being kind here) in any game I've seen.
Unless you're in a guild of friends and mature, like-minded players (good idea), or you prefer playing with heroes/henchies just to pass the time (sucks in certain end-game zones), then you're going to have to suffer the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" having to deal with idiots, racists, sexists, perverts, homophobes, beggars, spammers and scammers on local chat. Unless and until A-Net decides to get as serious about the in-game culture and social structure as it is about the in-game economy, I don't see much hope for improvement anytime soon.
In the meantime, turn off local chat and - at the very least - don't buy jack s*** from people who spam the local chat. It only encourages poor etiquette.
Recently I went back to WOW for the expansion but switched servers so I could be with friends from work. Low and behold, on the new server there were both cool people and lots of idiots that rivaled those I had left behind on the old server. Now imagine if instead of all those idiots being spread out on different servers, they were all on one server. Suddenly, you would think the community had gone completely downhill even when in reality you're dealing with the same number of idiots.
I don't think that GW's community is any worse or better than any other popular game (remember GW is the second-most popular game after WOW in North America/Europe in terms of units sold) - it's just a nationwide server tends to consolidate the assclowns.
I do agree though that Anet really needs to crack down on the extreme idiots (those who post the most racist/obscene comments) and cut out local chat in PVP. There is absolutely no reason why opposing forces should be able to talk with each other, especially Luxons-Kurzicks.
Originally posted by BattleFelon I do agree though that Anet really needs to crack down on the extreme idiots (those who post the most racist/obscene comments) and cut out local chat in PVP. There is absolutely no reason why opposing forces should be able to talk with each other, especially Luxons-Kurzicks.
I quit playing Guild Wars because I thought the play style (the arcade/hybridized MMO) was strange and the community by far sucks the most out of any MMO out there.
What's next? Age restricted servers for us big kids? Because it's starting to sound like a nice idea...
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
-Albert Einstein <----- He has the right idea regarding why the community is screwed.
Heh, havent expected so many replies . For now i will always have Local and Trade off and if i have to do filming, i will get a crew and do it somewhere else thats for sure! .
zoo007Final Fantasy XI CorrespondentMemberPosts: 6
Yeah there are a lot of players that talk smack in GW but at least you don't have to put of with the same people griefing you via PK (player kill) like in other MMO's. I've played a lot of MMO's and nothing is worse than working 3+ hours into a difficult dungeon only to have some jerk train mobs on you. At least in GW you can head into your instance alone or with friends and not have to deal with anyone screwing up your fun.
What my friends and I have done is we always met up in the International zones. During the evening there aren't half as many people in the cities/towns. Also Guild Halls are a great place to hang and chat with friends.
Unfortunately one thing I can say that I'd done is turned off local chat but that was mostly for spammers. All in all there is nothing about GW that would cause me to quit because of ignorant players that can be easily ignored. These are the same people I've had to deal with in evey other MMO like WOW, FFXI and the like.
Personally, I think the community sucks on the internet anyways. Whether it's online games, forums, YouTube or Blogs......the bulk of the free world that frequents these things talk a lot of tripe to feel big.
Guild Wars can be plagued by immature people a bunch too. I used to blame this on the fact that it didn't require credit cards....for a while we had a member in our Guild who was 10, because his brother-in-law was forced to invite him. (He's a good friend of mine, the brother in law, and we were both put into a bad situation with his wife upset we wouldn't let her little brother "play a video game with you guys". She now plays WoW with her husband and understands how annoying having a kid in a guild filled with adults can be).
However, I can't totally trash the kiddies that play because one of the most mature members of our guild is 12/13. He types better than most adults I know o_0.
Anyways, I've learned to tune the community out, and almost laugh at them. And by them, I don't mean the people who enjoy the game and know how to play it...I mean the kiddies (of all age ranges) who enjoy ruining it because that's what they think online play is meant for.
The box camping during the Roller Beetle Arena for the top 100 cheaters is a good example of this (YEAH I WENT THERE! FLAME ON!)
Anyways, Goddyfather and anyone else bothered by the pricks that play this game...don't get bent out of shape over it. I have made some good friends in this game that are now awesome friends in real life (How many guilds can say that everyone drove cross-state to go night clubbing in a Goth bar on Nov. 11 wearing V-Masks AND Guild Capes for the hell of it?)
And the fact that everything is instanced and the towns are spread across numerous districts is even more awesome. My recommendation is hit up International Districts....usually a lot less people, like ridiculously more empty, than normal ones. It's nice having a game where you and your friends can actually escape the crowds and have their own fun in a district by themselves.
Originally posted by w175jab Age != idiocy. There are polite kids and there are imbecile 30yo's.
I have to agree 100% here. I know quite a few kids ingame who were very kind and helpful. So it's not the age. Some human beings just seem to fall back to their animal nature once they are anonymous.
Secondly, outside of the main storyline and pvp, there is nothing to do
basically, except farm yourself to death, this is why I am now playing
Vanguard and waiting for LOTRO to come out, but for the 20 months
I played all 3 chapters of GW was one of the best gaming experiences
I have ever had.
I think you've just described every online game out there. What more exists in almost any online game other than PvP and storyline? Oh wait, there is the inane grinding to hit that uber level and/or get that uber piece of armor/weapon. But wait, GW doesn't have that.
Show me any game that has more than just PvP and main storyline, without incorporating some amazingly dull and boring level/item grind. And by grind, I mean having to do the same thing over and over. That does include crafting if you have to do the same thing over and over, regardless of how many "cool" things you get to build.
Originally posted by SirShadow Secondly, outside of the main storyline and pvp, there is nothing to do basically, except farm yourself to death, this is why I am now playing Vanguard and waiting for LOTRO to come out, but for the 20 months I played all 3 chapters of GW was one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had.
I think you've just described every online game out there. What more exists in almost any online game other than PvP and storyline? Oh wait, there is the inane grinding to hit that uber level and/or get that uber piece of armor/weapon. But wait, GW doesn't have that.
Show me any game that has more than just PvP and main storyline, without incorporating some amazingly dull and boring level/item grind. And by grind, I mean having to do the same thing over and over. That does include crafting if you have to do the same thing over and over, regardless of how many "cool" things you get to build.
Yep they all get repeatitive after awhile, I think this is where I am lost at, and why I switch-over to FPS games for awhile, then go surfing when I need to get some sunshine!!!!!
FYI : there is a little thing called FoW armor that does require insane amounts of grinding to aquire, or a CC and ebay account, so not entirely true there.......
FYI : there is a little thing called FoW armor that does require
insane amounts of grinding to aquire, or a CC and ebay account, so
not entirely true there.......
You are right the FoW armor take a lot of work to get. But the key is you don't HAVE to get it.
On the 4 toons I have not one of them has it, and that's because I choose not too. If you get it, you aren't much more "uber" than someone with the best regular armor. The one's I've seen (from guildies and people I know; which was a while back) I didn't really see much that would make it worth getting other than the new "look" of the armor.
My big gripe with the grind in all the other MMO's is that you HAVE to do it in many games if you want to stay competitive (or even level up in some of them). The FoW armor, as cool as some of it looks, is IMHO mostly aesthetic. But in AC, SWG, WoW (for the short length I played it) you need to get that armor/weapon to stay powerful enough to do questing/raids/PvP battles. I don't like being told I have to do something I consider unfun in order to have fun. And some people like grinding, and all that jazz and that's great. I don't. I also don't like sitting around grinding out crafting skills to get better at it. I find it quite boring, although some people love it and that's all they do. That's the one thing I like about GW... it's not about that uber armor or weapon pieces that will help you pwn everything out there. It's a strategy game that makes you have to think beforehand.
If I got offtrack, I do apologize, but grinding is one of my biggest pet peeves about games. I don't want to have to pay to feel like I'm working. I can go to work and get paid for it.
And now back to our regularly scheduled broadcasting....
"Oh wait, there is the inane grinding to hit that uber level and/or get that uber piece of armor/weapon. But wait, GW doesn't have that."
It didn't until nightfall came out and now it does: it's called Lightbringer Ranks, and it's a major grind and timesink, something that goes against A-Net's own stated promotional materials and (previous) game design.
I'm basically running all my characters through the Nightfall missions as quick as I can, just so I can take my heroes back to Cantha and Tyria. Nightfall is a chore. Factions is fun and Prophecies is still the best of both worlds.
I think you cannot speak much of a community ingame at all, as the only place to meet are the cities and outposts.
You will face one of these three things:
1. Trade spam
2. Silence
3. Vulgar Talk
Or Gaile Gray shows up and the way she is talking and communicating with the community is not really to be praised. Mostly little info and talking like to 3 year olds.
This said, many people say you can play GW almost solo, and I agree to that.
Thus the community should not affect people too much - except they expect a standard MMORPG community, but GW is a special kind of MMO with more limited ways to get to know other people.
I play GW because atm I can play only for an hour per day or something like that. I migrated to GW from Eve, because Eve demanded lots of game-time I don't have now. Tbh, you can't even compare between 2 communities. In Eve I could talk about anything with my corp-mates, it was politics, sports, science, movies, music, what not. In GW I only see tons of spam, or 12 y.o. talking. Good thing is that GW can be played solo, I'm only playing with henchmen, because I would hate to be in the same party with l337 talking kiddos who think they are cool just because they play a video game.
Originally posted by Moghidin I play GW because atm I can play only for an hour per day or something like that. I migrated to GW from Eve, because Eve demanded lots of game-time I don't have now. Tbh, you can't even compare between 2 communities. In Eve I could talk about anything with my corp-mates, it was politics, sports, science, movies, music, what not. In GW I only see tons of spam, or 12 y.o. talking. Good thing is that GW can be played solo, I'm only playing with henchmen, because I would hate to be in the same party with l337 talking kiddos who think they are cool just because they play a video game.
There's a fundamental difference between GW and Eve: in GW, you actually play a lot and people are always busy. Plenty of chattering goes on within guilds and alliances, but if you're looking to talk to random people then you'll hardly find anyone decent for that. Normal people stand in outposts to setup their builds, sell stuff, spam for trades etc.; what remains are idiots that have nothing better to do than spam idiocy.
GW is a very busy game, people don't afk in front of their screens.
Man, the day i had today was just SICK!. Beware of sick language o_o
First of all, i was trying to film a scene for my upcoming GW movie, putted my 2 freinds in front of me, and just when im about to start filming, a little level 13 W/R pops up outta nowhere, i ask him kaindly to leave and then he says NO!, and then: I bang yur mothear su hard and se like it (Yes with spelling errors even)
Then he was like, Pay me to leave!, and i was outta there...
Tryed filming second scene, Putted a musican to the left, one to the right. after just 10 seconds, people comes up there like they we're in the candy store, standing right up in them dancing, doing drums, and guess what when i asked them to leave kaindly...
''PAY ME!!!'' and the classic ''shut up n0b'' *Sigh* people dont even know what noob means anymore...
So i decided to leave, and i got packed up with tons of PM's ''Ye i bangd yu mom!!'' all that sorts of crap...
So what have happend to this community . I can even film a 20 second long scene without getting packed up by small kiddies, how did it go this way?, why are everyne so rude
the problem? is there are lot of kids with lot of problems in their little real life and try to supply them in a game, and because gw is a competitive a lot they dont kill you out of the city where you level or shows their "big weapon" like other games. So they can just be idiot and annoy you. How? they way the did to you, being so stupid and aggresive, or going to arenas with a runner and do nothing else than run during 30 or 40 mins, is funny? no, is stupid, they are bored and must annoy the others... they are so unhappy and so inmature, you have only to play gvg or something to see what they do, play stupid things not for fun, just for win, and get fame, to use their emoticon to show you who are them... just, unhappy people with a short d**** that tries to suply it ina game...
I was surprised you tried to make a machinima in a town, because there's often too much people ; furthermore if I really needed to be in a town, !i would go in the international regions, rarely more than 10 persons there, you know.
"When all else fails, send a Templar."
If you look you will find most of the people that put down on Guildwars are the die hard WOWers. Coincidence ?, I think not. Now I am not saying every bad review about Guildwars is by someone who doesn't have a clue, just the majority of them.
I am sorry you had such a bad time with people when you were trying to shoot your movie. I hope you get better luck next time.
"...they did not even make it to the end game content and yet somehow they magically know what the community is like."
On the other hand, how far down a sewer do you have to go to know it stinks?
Sorry, I'm generally more inclined to agree with the O.P. than not: the Guild Wars "community" (is there a less appropriate word to describe it?) is one of the lamest (and I'm being kind here) in any game I've seen.
Unless you're in a guild of friends and mature, like-minded players (good idea), or you prefer playing with heroes/henchies just to pass the time (sucks in certain end-game zones), then you're going to have to suffer the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" having to deal with idiots, racists, sexists, perverts, homophobes, beggars, spammers and scammers on local chat. Unless and until A-Net decides to get as serious about the in-game culture and social structure as it is about the in-game economy, I don't see much hope for improvement anytime soon.
In the meantime, turn off local chat and - at the very least - don't buy jack s*** from people who spam the local chat. It only encourages poor etiquette.
Here's my take on the GW community:
Recently I went back to WOW for the expansion but switched servers so I could be with friends from work. Low and behold, on the new server there were both cool people and lots of idiots that rivaled those I had left behind on the old server. Now imagine if instead of all those idiots being spread out on different servers, they were all on one server. Suddenly, you would think the community had gone completely downhill even when in reality you're dealing with the same number of idiots.
I don't think that GW's community is any worse or better than any other popular game (remember GW is the second-most popular game after WOW in North America/Europe in terms of units sold) - it's just a nationwide server tends to consolidate the assclowns.
I do agree though that Anet really needs to crack down on the extreme idiots (those who post the most racist/obscene comments) and cut out local chat in PVP. There is absolutely no reason why opposing forces should be able to talk with each other, especially Luxons-Kurzicks.
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I have to say the community is the second reason i dont play guildwars anymore.
The first being bored out of my mind with the instancing.
So let me see if I understand this correctly:
You hated the community but left because instancing removed you from full time contact with the community? the room spinning or is it just me?
What's next? Age restricted servers for us big kids? Because it's starting to sound like a nice idea...
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
-Albert Einstein <----- He has the right idea regarding why the community is screwed.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
What my friends and I have done is we always met up in the International zones. During the evening there aren't half as many people in the cities/towns. Also Guild Halls are a great place to hang and chat with friends.
Unfortunately one thing I can say that I'd done is turned off local chat but that was mostly for spammers. All in all there is nothing about GW that would cause me to quit because of ignorant players that can be easily ignored. These are the same people I've had to deal with in evey other MMO like WOW, FFXI and the like.
Guild Wars can be plagued by immature people a bunch too. I used to blame this on the fact that it didn't require credit cards....for a while we had a member in our Guild who was 10, because his brother-in-law was forced to invite him. (He's a good friend of mine, the brother in law, and we were both put into a bad situation with his wife upset we wouldn't let her little brother "play a video game with you guys". She now plays WoW with her husband and understands how annoying having a kid in a guild filled with adults can be).
However, I can't totally trash the kiddies that play because one of the most mature members of our guild is 12/13. He types better than most adults I know o_0.
Anyways, I've learned to tune the community out, and almost laugh at them. And by them, I don't mean the people who enjoy the game and know how to play it...I mean the kiddies (of all age ranges) who enjoy ruining it because that's what they think online play is meant for.
The box camping during the Roller Beetle Arena for the top 100 cheaters is a good example of this (YEAH I WENT THERE! FLAME ON!)
Anyways, Goddyfather and anyone else bothered by the pricks that play this game...don't get bent out of shape over it. I have made some good friends in this game that are now awesome friends in real life (How many guilds can say that everyone drove cross-state to go night clubbing in a Goth bar on Nov. 11 wearing V-Masks AND Guild Capes for the hell of it?)
And the fact that everything is instanced and the towns are spread across numerous districts is even more awesome. My recommendation is hit up International Districts....usually a lot less people, like ridiculously more empty, than normal ones. It's nice having a game where you and your friends can actually escape the crowds and have their own fun in a district by themselves.
I have to agree 100% here. I know quite a few kids ingame who were very kind and helpful. So it's not the age. Some human beings just seem to fall back to their animal nature once they are anonymous.
the community in a stale-mate, first problem is no auction house,
the local chat channel is completely full of ppl selling stuff, so
nobody uses local chat to talk and everybody just chats with guildies
and Alliance members, not good............................
Implement an auction house and ban anyone who trys to sell on local
chat immediately for a period of time, until this is done, local chat will
be dead.
Secondly, outside of the main storyline and pvp, there is nothing to do
basically, except farm yourself to death, this is why I am now playing
Vanguard and waiting for LOTRO to come out, but for the 20 months
I played all 3 chapters of GW was one of the best gaming experiences
I have ever had.
gl and have fun........
Show me any game that has more than just PvP and main storyline, without incorporating some amazingly dull and boring level/item grind. And by grind, I mean having to do the same thing over and over. That does include crafting if you have to do the same thing over and over, regardless of how many "cool" things you get to build.
Yep they all get repeatitive after awhile, I think this is where
I am lost at, and why I switch-over to FPS games for awhile, then
go surfing when I need to get some sunshine!!!!!
FYI : there is a little thing called FoW armor that does require
insane amounts of grinding to aquire, or a CC and ebay account, so
not entirely true there.......
You are right the FoW armor take a lot of work to get. But the key is you don't HAVE to get it.
On the 4 toons I have not one of them has it, and that's because I choose not too. If you get it, you aren't much more "uber" than someone with the best regular armor. The one's I've seen (from guildies and people I know; which was a while back) I didn't really see much that would make it worth getting other than the new "look" of the armor.
My big gripe with the grind in all the other MMO's is that you HAVE to do it in many games if you want to stay competitive (or even level up in some of them). The FoW armor, as cool as some of it looks, is IMHO mostly aesthetic. But in AC, SWG, WoW (for the short length I played it) you need to get that armor/weapon to stay powerful enough to do questing/raids/PvP battles. I don't like being told I have to do something I consider unfun in order to have fun. And some people like grinding, and all that jazz and that's great. I don't. I also don't like sitting around grinding out crafting skills to get better at it. I find it quite boring, although some people love it and that's all they do. That's the one thing I like about GW... it's not about that uber armor or weapon pieces that will help you pwn everything out there. It's a strategy game that makes you have to think beforehand.
If I got offtrack, I do apologize, but grinding is one of my biggest pet peeves about games. I don't want to have to pay to feel like I'm working. I can go to work and get paid for it.
And now back to our regularly scheduled broadcasting....
"Oh wait, there is the inane grinding to hit that uber level and/or get that uber piece of armor/weapon. But wait, GW doesn't have that."
It didn't until nightfall came out and now it does: it's called Lightbringer Ranks, and it's a major grind and timesink, something that goes against A-Net's own stated promotional materials and (previous) game design.
I'm basically running all my characters through the Nightfall missions as quick as I can, just so I can take my heroes back to Cantha and Tyria. Nightfall is a chore. Factions is fun and Prophecies is still the best of both worlds.
P.S. Spammers still suck.
Play Guild Wars? Go here -
And go here for the new official Guild Wars Wiki!
I think you cannot speak much of a community ingame at all, as the only place to meet are the cities and outposts.
You will face one of these three things:
1. Trade spam
2. Silence
3. Vulgar Talk
Or Gaile Gray shows up and the way she is talking and communicating with the community is not really to be praised. Mostly little info and talking like to 3 year olds.
This said, many people say you can play GW almost solo, and I agree to that.
Thus the community should not affect people too much - except they expect a standard MMORPG community, but GW is a special kind of MMO with more limited ways to get to know other people.
GW is a very busy game, people don't afk in front of their screens.