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A game that really needs to either get more support or be let die gracefully

mrxinstallmrxinstall Member Posts: 36


Well having played the game and having seen the problem that this game has for myself for the last few months I think there is several things that this game really needs to have.

1). It needs the developer(s) to put a lot more time and effort into it.

2). It needs a player base that is bigger than half a dozen people that actually play the game on a regular basis.

3). If the developer is not going to give the game the support it really needs it needs to be allowed to die gracefully, OR to be made free to play.

This game has a lot of problems to say the very least which include problems with actually connecting to the site with the client. At one stage there it took me no less than 10 tries to connect to the site before I actually got a connection, then once I had a connection I was disconnected at least 8 times over a period of about 30 minutes.

The lag while ingame is so bad that it isn't uncommon to find yourself not knowing where you are or where your ship is going. The lag also causes you to run into planets which then costs you prestige which means you can't use better ships until you regain that prestige.

The player base over the period I have been playing has never been over 14 actual players online at any one time ingame and even then most of the players are very self focused and will not help. There are very few of the players that will even have a bit of combat with you ingame as I think they are probably worried about loosing prestige due to the lag.

In summing up the game has graphics that are of medium quality and for a game that is as old as this one I suppose they would have been something else back 5 or so years ago. There are very few things to do in the game apart from flying around on your own while battling the lag and to gain any higher levels and better ships the providers of the game ask that the player pays $9.95US per month.

The chat I have found to be sometimes offensive to the point of where some of the players login to the game drunk and then abuse other players that are online. The GM's seem to care very little if certain players do this type of thing while banning other players for doing much less. Although most of the player base is over 18 from what I was able to gather there is a small amount of young people that play the game that make it their business to harrass and try to intimidate anyone they see as being weak either by disability or by education level/ability.

Very basically I would be very worried if one of my children were to play this game without me sitting there next to them, and I wouldn't recommend that anyone pay to play this game as it currently stands as it is like a very early Beta version of a game that is now something like 5 or 6 years old with lots and lots of bugs.



Here one Day Gone The Next.
Game reviewer.


  • crimTBcrimTB Member Posts: 15

    I think you managed to catch us at a realy bad time..  That time being the DDoS attack, which caused ALOT of problems for the entire community..

    For the self centered players, we do have a good bit of them, but the majority of the community are actualy very nice. (Coeus, Enterprise on a good day, Drafell, Feralwulf.. Those are just a few). For the drunken people, I think that'd be me and Coeus, which we arent exactly rude to anyone unless they give us a very good reason to be.. I'm friends with the majority of the active Moderators and Admins of Darkspace, and I get very little special treatment. I'm treated the same as everyone else there.. Come back and try Darkspace for a week or so, maybe you'll find a better experience..


    Also, Darkspace wont die because of the dedicated members it has, who no matter how angry they get at the game, will always end up coming back to the game.


  • holycannoliholycannoli Member Posts: 236

    Weird. I think DS's community is still the best online game community ever. People have fun and the lobby conversation does get crazy at times and hard to follow, but in general everyone is friends.

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