dispite my cc initially showing up as being completed it failed to go thru
and will give them credit despite support appearing to be a minimal thing on their website I had an email response and troubleshot the problem with in an hour -not bad for a company whose local time was in the wee hours of the morning
The absolute most important aspect of any company, whether it is a gaming company or general for profit business, is their customer service department. If they produce and sell the greatest widget but can’t (or often times won’t) support their customers then it is never worth having. I learned this lesson first hand, and it has served me well.
I downloaded and patched it when i log onto the game I get user has no access
when logged into the webpage to my account both the play and restart buttons arent lit blue like all the other buttons
the ONLY support for game is a crash report button and a email addie listed as for alpha player support only
sounds like you might not of yet.
also if your having problems theres a support contact page for help with it and you can also go into the forums and they will answer within a day.
and will give them credit despite support appearing to be a minimal thing on their website I had an email response and troubleshot the problem with in an hour -not bad for a company whose local time was in the wee hours of the morning
As the official rating suggests. And I totally agree, the customer support is incredibly important.