is how VG looks with clipping plane at
819200, with Fog at the exact same distance.
In the 1st image, shows my position in the world... you can see Khal the city at the ocean in it.
Now in the next 5 images, you can see Khal in the distance.
And for comparision this image here is VG running with standard fog settings but with clipping plane at 819200.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
And Atmospheric distortion is at 35%.
I like it where its at. ^_^
That would be because I'm in the desert.
Up in thestra you can see grass flowing in the wind at your feet.
Its my focus item... and its a Human Skull.
Nope, looks rather nice. ^_^
Up in thestra you can see grass flowing in the wind at your feet.
What does being in the desert have to do with your character looking like it came from EQ1?
I agree, to a point with Deathstiny and I've said it myself, some of the graphics and screenshots people keep showing and raving about are more reminiscent to EQ1 than they are to EQ2, which is saying a lot. I've seen a few nice looking screenshots here and there, oddly enough I find some of my own Vanguard screenshots to be some of the better ones, but even then I don't find the graphics to be that great especially considering the requirements for this game.
My personal opinion is the graphics, character design and motions, plus spell and combat effects and art design and color look way better in EQ2 than they do in Vanguard, and LOTRO is looking to possably top EQ2!!