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Question re this game

Ok so I've just about reached my limit on WoW. The community has gotten extremely unfriendly on the server I play on, lot of greed and the gold farming is just nuts. I tend to stay away from the cities and such but I'm starting to get that "it's time to move on" feeling when I think about logging in and such.  The few guilds I have been in have been elitist "good ole boys clubs" or "I'm sorry, you have an actual opinion and don't believe in sweeping problems under the mat, we don't want you" so, at 70, I find myself doing my own thing. Which sucks but that's the way it goes I suppose.

That being said, I'm looking for some feedback in general on the game. I've played SWG (ugh, never again), EQ, DAoC, AC and Guild Wars. Currently trying the trial of DDO so I am really leaning towards moving to this game. I've been reading through the forum but of course most of the threads sadly degenerate into flame wars so its tough to get decent opinions. That being said, what is the overall opinion folks who play tend to have about the game?

I like the graphics, the gameplay seems to fit my style - solo with occasional groups when I feel like it, instancing at my speed, variety in gear, attributes and feats to give a little variety in character development. The monsters' AI seems a little stunted at times and occasionally I forget and do the attack click when I mean to pan about but, overall, is this game one that people enjoy or play because the alternative is WoW?

Is it possible to solo after a certain level if I so choose or is it group required after, say, level 3 or whatever? Grouping is fine but sometimes you gotta do your own thing. Is there a decent crafting system in place? PvP I don't much care for so doesn't matter to me if that's busted or not. WoWs sure is so I'm used to getting the shaft from a game

Not trying to start any flames, I'm just really fed up with the community behavior, gold farming tools who email me, spam me and send me tells and frequent disconnects with no warning of problems in the game I'm playing so I am shopping around for one that will hopefully be better.


  • EdkennyEdkenny Member Posts: 30

    is there gold farming yes there is but not on the level I have seen in other games,as it is easier to get your own gold and sell off items you do not need. Right now you can solo only a few quest starting out , level 1 to 4 with  up yo level 6 in a week. I have a 12th level fighter that I solo a lot more with but I have more fun in a group. the game is gearded to groups more then solo play but there is solo play. There is a loot table for each chest in the game thart there will always something there for you. I sometimes just do loot runs when I can not find a group which is not offten. Take the trial and see if you like it. My toons name is Dieter I play on the Thelanis server and head a guild if you do want to try it look me up, I have a lot of friends both high and low level and we be glad to help you on quest and show you around.

  • OdyssesOdysses Member Posts: 581

    The best thing DDO has going for it is a very good free Trial program.   DDO is fairly simple to get into and get involved with right away.   Knowledge of the D&D rules will help alot for making your characters but remember the rules don't always transfer over perfectly to the MMO world.   One of the best tips to enjoying the game is take a very active role in the type of player that you are.   Some like to lvl fast some, like to roleplay, some don't like voicechat.   Try forming your own groups and recruit the players that will make the game most enjoyable for you.   I know in my guild we have made various alts and I make it a point when we are trying to rush through some of the early content, that if we have to invite outside the guild, that they know we are moving at a pretty fast pace.    So make sure if you are new that you are playing with new players so everyone is experiencing the content in the manner that they want to.

    Try the game out and post your feedback.  Good luck. 

  • WordaenWordaen Member Posts: 203
    Well, so far I like it. The learning curve isn't too steep, the dungeons have set objectives and don't seem to make you run around completely lost for hours on end or put you in situations you can't possibly complete due to excessive aggro etc.

    I created a dwarf barbarian as my 1st character and he's actually a lot of fun. The last dungeon I did, I ran out of cure wound potions and completed it with a whopping 2 hp left due to my own newbieness. It was the one where you have to go down to the warehouse district and kill the leaders off and such. I did it at lvl 1, rank 5 although the quest said lvl 2. I figured I should be ok. Apparently, I know what I am doing enough to be dangerous at this point :)

    I may make another character to try the group aspect of it tomorrow. I am still a tad wary of random grouping due to the horrible experiences I have had in SWG, EQ and WoW but might as well give it a shot.
  • EdkennyEdkenny Member Posts: 30

    I have plaied Wow, and still play SWG (I know) But grouping in DDO is great. I  find a lot of good groups and I group with most of the same people that I met on my first day. It is great we have a great time sometimes we just chat while we quest and just stand there while the npcs respawn and just talk about things going on in our lives.  One of my friends got his wife to play and she loves it. It is funy to hear her ask if she can have Item X  that he found in a chest  or as an end reward so she can use it.

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