Whatever class you are, keep one thing in mind, use monthly fee payments. The sad realization will come one day and you dont wanna that to be a few days after the 6 months payment went.
Subscribtions: EVE, SWTOR WOW, WAR, DDO, VG, AOC, COV, FFXI, GW, RFO, Aion +plenty of F2P, betas, trials
Female Dwarf player: WOW, VG, WAR, DDO . Due to the recent economic crisis and spending cuts the light at the end of the tunnel was turned off. Sincerely, God.
64 paladin human pvp (holy) 60 warlock human pve (affliction) 44 hunter night elf pvp (n/a - haven't played in a while) 42 paladin human pve (protection) 40 warrior night elf pvp (n/a - haven't played in a while) 35 shaman tauren pvp (elemental) 35 shaman orc pvp (enhancement) 34 druid night elf pvp (feral) 28 shaman draenei pve (enhancement)
I'd have to say that I'm having the most fun with my 42 prot paladin. I haven't played my horde shaman in a really long time, but the orc was my favorite. I have that same fun with the draenei, but again, having more fun with the prot paladin. Warlock is kind of on the shelf at the moment, until I need money, then I'll quest in the outlands and get some gold.. pass it on to whichever character of mine needs it.. on that server.
Actually today i activated my account again. Not sure what to do because last time i stopped because of many reasons.
I activated my account again (1 month) for mostly talking to friends ingame. Maybe i start a shaman/druid. Not sure because iam playing Lord of the Rings online beta also and i really love it.
... retired.
Whatever class you are, keep one thing in mind, use monthly fee payments. The sad realization will come one day and you dont wanna that to be a few days after the 6 months payment went.
Subscribtions: EVE, SWTOR WOW, WAR, DDO, VG, AOC, COV, FFXI, GW, RFO, Aion
+plenty of F2P, betas, trials
Female Dwarf player: WOW, VG, WAR, DDO
Due to the recent economic crisis and spending cuts the light at the end of the tunnel was turned off. Sincerely, God.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
my main 2 chars are lvl 30 pally and lvl 46 warlock
Undead Warlock 52 (Affliction)
Tauren Druid 46 (Resto)
NE Hunter 41 (BM)
Orc Warrior 41 (prot)
Troll Rogue 40 (com/ass)
Undead Mage 34 (fire)
Dwarf Paladin 16 (retribution)
Tauren Shaman 8
Currently only the hunter and paladin are active. I may start a Draenei shaman as well.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
64 paladin human pvp (holy)
60 warlock human pve (affliction)
44 hunter night elf pvp (n/a - haven't played in a while)
42 paladin human pve (protection)
40 warrior night elf pvp (n/a - haven't played in a while)
35 shaman tauren pvp (elemental)
35 shaman orc pvp (enhancement)
34 druid night elf pvp (feral)
28 shaman draenei pve (enhancement)
I'd have to say that I'm having the most fun with my 42 prot paladin. I haven't played my horde shaman in a really long time, but the orc was my favorite. I have that same fun with the draenei, but again, having more fun with the prot paladin. Warlock is kind of on the shelf at the moment, until I need money, then I'll quest in the outlands and get some gold.. pass it on to whichever character of mine needs it.. on that server.
Gnome Mage 60
Undead Warlock 65
Troll Rogue 60
Gnome Warlock 17
Night Elf Hunter 38
Night Elf Warrior 28
Human Priest 42
BloodElf paladin 20
.... Retired of the game.
Actually today i activated my account again. Not sure what to do because last time i stopped because of many reasons.
I activated my account again (1 month) for mostly talking to friends ingame. Maybe i start a shaman/druid. Not sure because iam playing Lord of the Rings online beta also and i really love it.
So far i mostly enjoyed my Mage for Sure.