There ARE alternative ways of paying the fees ("virtual" visa, etc), but you cannot buy a game card in stores, like WoW players can.
Check and choose your local region for details. I think I've heard something about additional methods for German players, so how many options there are, may depend on where you live.
Yeah i checked it said cred it debit cards with visa or mastercard only that kind of ticks me off because i don't have a cc or debit unless i use another family members card which i don't like doing that
Thats all the info i can fine i do remember hearing something about other ways to pay but io can't find anything but the cedit or debit and ic an't really see much content on the site since i can't get flash player installed for m yinternet explorer
The EU site doesn't provide any useful info if you search for "payment". The US site (as always) has more info:
"Credit and debit cards with Visa and Mastercard logos are accepted as the only payment method."
So it seems that without Visa or Mastercard you can't play this game - sorry. I don't know why the Virtual Visa sends you to an error page at, but it may be a temporarly error, or that this method isn't offered anymore for some reason.
You may be able to play if you get yourself a virtual visa, because the several banks who offers it, claims it's just as good as the real one. Try to search the web yourself for info about it.
I'm too lazy to check for myself now, but:
There ARE alternative ways of paying the fees ("virtual" visa, etc), but you cannot buy a game card in stores, like WoW players can.
Check and choose your local region for details. I think I've heard something about additional methods for German players, so how many options there are, may depend on where you live.
I just did a check on the EU and US versions of
The EU site has a minibanner/logo on the left site: Available Now Virtual Visa, the US site does NOT have this. If you click on it, you end here:
Yup - error!
The EU site doesn't provide any useful info if you search for "payment". The US site (as always) has more info:
"Credit and debit cards with Visa and Mastercard logos are accepted as the only payment method."
So it seems that without Visa or Mastercard you can't play this game - sorry. I don't know why the Virtual Visa sends you to an error page at, but it may be a temporarly error, or that this method isn't offered anymore for some reason.
You may be able to play if you get yourself a virtual visa, because the several banks who offers it, claims it's just as good as the real one. Try to search the web yourself for info about it.
Something I said in the first post, is now confirmed via the Playonline Viewer (which you use to log into the game):
There is an extra payment option/method for Germany, but it's delayed. It's called ELV, but I don't have further details about. it.