I was looking forward to play this game. I fired it up and I looked at the class / race selection. They didn't finish the game it is incomplete. You can't pick evil men, orc, goblin and all the other evil races. You are forced to be a good guy competing against EVIL npc's which offers 0 challenge. The game is set to "super easy" mode. This game is soooo easy I think it is for kids 12 and under.
I heard of something stupid called "monster play".. lol.. Are you kidding me?...
Anyone know if they will fix/complete the rest of this game and let us play the evil races as real characters?
Maybe they will patch this obvious error/bug/incompletion.
Are they going to ship an incomplete game?
This isn't the first Turbine neglected evil characters (See DDO.com), you can only be good character just like DDO. Monster player and playing monster is Turbine take on Horde and Battlegrounds.It's stupid because it requires you to play 10 level of a normal character before taking over an evil character instead of just giving players the option in the first place.
The game still has quite few bugs in it and Dual wielding is broke.
OMG NOT 10 LEVELS!!!!!!! Oh wait, you said you can only be a good character like DDO, but wait, then you said I can be an evil character at level 10, but wait, DDO.COM what? What game is this? Why are you here? MY HEAD HURTS!!
Why are you always trolling this forum? You obviously don't agree with the style of the game (besides having a vendetta for the company for some strange reason), so, umm, I'd recommend.. well, PLAYING SOMETHING YOU LIKE.
This game is amazing, I'm currently playing and can testify, I've preordered and cancelled my other games, so IMO (which is the only one that counts to me) you are nothing but a master of blowing smoke out of your arsenal.
And for the record, my DW works fine.. maybe it's your brain that is bugged.
Regardless, your string of garbage posts has grown annoying, you get the block, CYA.
LOTRO is pretty good game. I am in BETA and its due to go gold in about another month. Sure it has a few bugs, and likely all of them wont be taken care by opening date, but considering some games i BETAed and seen released, " DAOC anyone ", this game is pretty damn good. It will actually release complete!
Death is but a dream. Welcome to your worst nightmare!!
I was looking forward to play this game. I fired it up and I looked at the class / race selection. They didn't finish the game it is incomplete. You can't pick evil men, orc, goblin and all the other evil races. You are forced to be a good guy competing against EVIL npc's which offers 0 challenge. The game is set to "super easy" mode. This game is soooo easy I think it is for kids 12 and under.
I heard of something stupid called "monster play".. lol.. Are you kidding me?...
Anyone know if they will fix/complete the rest of this game and let us play the evil races as real characters?
Maybe they will patch this obvious error/bug/incompletion.
Are they going to ship an incomplete game?
Where is the forumla one racing in the game? It has none. What a joke.
Can I play a character who has a job as a gang banger, shooting cops, killing pimps and roughing up hoes? No?!
How many golf courses do they have in lotro? Playing golf is great relaxation and a place where all big deals are made.
So disappointed in lotro that is doesn't have all these features. Now will have to go out and find game(s) which have those features I want in a game. Staying here to bitch about my missing game features seems....silly.
Personally I really wont miss being ganked on the way to a viliage just because some fool is bored.I'm going RP on this game and I love it already.I can see my WoW and possibly my Eve accounts getting stopped for LOTRO
Cant be EVIL well i wont be playing who want to be good when you can be EVIL.
This is meant to be GOOD V EVIL but looks like it will just be Good v NPC boring.
the next DDO i not Evan going there.
This game will be dead after 2 years
You aren't that good at the whole reading thing are you?
And regardless, the game is meant to be exactly what LOTR has allowed it to be, not what you thought it should be.
And yeah, it is a terrible mess of a game, if I was you I wouldn't even try it. Stay far away and save yourself the pain of playing this junk... please.
2.Spiders - Need some hardcore attention there pretty much bait right now. They need huge web roots that catch multiple people
3.Playable Nazguls- I remember hearing something about this.
Its still in beta though those are the only real complaints i have
*Games on our site will be treated just as we treat people. Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons. Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable.
Don't forget the monster play was added later and its still accessible. These guys will implement ideas and changes much quicker and efficiently then some developers , *Cough* Vanguard *Cough*.
There are 5 monsters you can play at launch and they will add more as the game develops. I think its a great idea. Plenty of PVP potential.
The only real complaints i have is 1.Playable trolls - Hopefully in a expansion 2.Spiders - Need some hardcore attention there pretty much bait right now. They need huge web roots that catch multiple people 3.Playable Nazguls- I remember hearing something about this. Its still in beta though those are the only real complaints i have
I'm pretty sure an interview somewhere mentioned trolls as being unlockable if you played long enough, but maybe I'm wrong...
Originally posted by ranghar
I am pretty sure both LOTR and the lore had evil characters/races. I for one think he is right on some level. Being able to experience the story from an evil point of view would be refreshing. When I heard Lotr the third age allowed you to play the evil side, I was very much looking forward to it. That is until I found out it was also nothing more than 'monster play'. "You see, many fans of Tolkien’s books are as much a fan of the utterly evil races as they are the bright and shiny hero races. Lord of the Rings was, for me growing up, the ultimate story of good vs. evil" So to say that you 'know nothing of lotr or the lore' is outrageous. Also, if you are a true roleplayer, and you wanted to do it in the LOTR universe..Wouldn't you also love to have players as orcs attacking areas and providing ways for you to be the 'hero'. It would provide a game dynamic that can't be scripted. You could protect your younger adventurers from wandering groups of evil players. It would provide what LOTR was all about, good and evil.I have been in the beta testing of LOTR since phase 1, and I have to say it is not turing out to be what I dreamed it would be years ago when it was announced.
Um, you can have players playing 'bad' characters attacking an area. Its called the Ettenmoors. What the guy meant by 'You know nothing of LOTR or it's lore' fits perfectly. Yes orcs and goblins are cool. Yeah it would be fun to play as them (oh, and you can) yet to have them be completely playable in the entire realm would tear asunder the lore (yeah go ahead and call me a lore carebear, I don't care) and LOTRO is all about the lore. During the 3rd age there were no orcs running around the Shire! Yes it could work in Rohan or Gondor, but as a whole the evil races didn't have access to much area. Monster play fits lore perfectly, the Ettenmoor zone is huge, and there will be many more zones in future expansions to play in. Those wandering groups of evil players in the shire or breeland are exactly what we don't want to happen. You do have ways for those pesky ol' PC orcs to give you a chance to be a 'hero'. Its PvMP play and its good enough.
Originally posted by Lastera
This isn't the first Turbine neglected evil characters (See DDO.com), you can only be good character just like DDO. Monster player and playing monster is Turbine take on Horde and Battlegrounds.It's stupid because it requires you to play 10 level of a normal character before taking over an evil character instead of just giving players the option in the first place.
The game still has quite few bugs in it and Dual wielding is broke.
God forbid you're trolling these forums again. Please, you're the only one who thinks that dual wielding is broken when it is not, and of course it still has bugs because ITS STILL IN BETA! Surprise! Betas have bugs! This beta has less bugs than Vanguard does now! (or so I've read, gotta try out for myself sometime, just an example) Please stop comparing this to DDO, because you obviouly have stereotyped LOTRO because of how DDO has turned out.
Currently: Playing EVE Online Previous: FFXI, Dragonrealms, sad little stint in WOWland. Awaiting: Fallen Earth, Hero''s Journey, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan.
Well idk i have mixed feelings about this whole monster play, arena thing..when i first read the epic Tolkien books i knew this was a epic struggle between Good and Evil, and it would be really cool if this game was a little more based on that in the sense players could choose to play the protagonists or choose to be the antagonists, i think it would be interesting to see conflict bewteeen players opposed to AI..and for you lore whores: if its gonna make a better game why care if evil wins? Make your own story for god sakes, isnt this called a mmoRPG..
Well idk i have mixed feelings about this whole monster play, arena thing..when i first read the epic Tolkien books i knew this was a epic struggle between Good and Evil, and it would be really cool if this game was a little more based on that in the sense players could choose to play the protagonists or choose to be the antagonists, i think it would be interesting to see conflict bewteeen players opposed to AI..and for you lore whores: if its gonna make a better game why care if evil wins? Make your own story for god sakes, isnt this called a mmoRPG..
You think it would be cool, some of us think it already is.
And yes it is an RPG, you are correct! And guess what many of us are doing in the game - RP'ing! And guess what else? Making our own stories! And what else you ask? Playing Monsters! ...and what else is there? Conflict between players!!!
Well idk i have mixed feelings about this whole monster play, arena thing..when i first read the epic Tolkien books i knew this was a epic struggle between Good and Evil, and it would be really cool if this game was a little more based on that in the sense players could choose to play the protagonists or choose to be the antagonists, i think it would be interesting to see conflict bewteeen players opposed to AI..and for you lore whores: if its gonna make a better game why care if evil wins? Make your own story for god sakes, isnt this called a mmoRPG..
You think it would be cool, some of us think it already is.
And yes it is an RPG, you are correct! And guess what many of us are doing in the game - RP'ing! And guess what else? Making our own stories! And what else you ask? Playing Monsters! ...and what else is there? Conflict between players!!!
True story.
It's awesome, try it sometime.
im simply saying that it constricts the story to much to fit the lore exaclty...i wanted to rp a orc maybe? can i? i guess through monster play, weird way of doing it but watever
It is a different angle from what is currently out there, but it works IMO.
You name your 5 monsters, and can build them up through the play in Ettenmoors, and the RP potential is completely there. I've heard of guilds planning Monster clans (although currently you are just part of main armies and would join by raiding), people have run in Wolf Packs, and I've been in a few raids.
It isn't run as a main character, but there is alot of room for Turbine to build on this setup.
At first I wasn't that interested, although I focus on pvp in most games I play, but after playing in there for a while I'm excited about the future of LOTRO pvp. Most games I get into, the story and lore is great, but once I start into the pvp it all drops away, this game will be able to keep them both strong at the same time methinks.
I should mention that the Ettenmoors is actually a really big area, and there is alot of room to battle, I'd say maybe the size of 3 or 4 Alteric Valleys. But the setup is a bit more dynamic, not so much us at one end and them at another. Areas get captured and held, raided over, and in addition there is a large wilderness to hunt in... good money there too, incentive for players to go in.
EDIT: Just came from PvMP Beta Boards and they are alive and kicking, from the posts there are a few areas to improve, but people are having a blast in there, and there are already MP Guilds forming.
yeah when i first heard of a Lord of the Rings MMO, I couldn't wait to make a Warg rider scout character, and do battle with the Rohirrum. Ah well, no Rohan, no evil... Still I'm gonna test the game out, and hope it will come as a add on. Least I can be a warg in monster play.
And for you 'Oh it'll break the lore' SO WHAT!!! it's a game, that we play for fun, and just because I have a different idea of what I think would be fun to play in middle earth does not make me less than as a player. No, not every player who want's to play an evil character just wants to gank noobs. You want to play your noble warrior, sneaky burgler, or elfkin, but I'm wrong for having a different desire. Who are you to say I'm wrong?
Edit: dang sound a little angry, don't I? guess I'm just cranky, time to sleep....
Mankind is not limited by imagination, but the courage to reach....
You can't roleplay in lord of the rings. I wanted to roleplay an insane hobbit that murdered his own friends. Couldn't do it. Did it in vg last night.
Notice I said insane, not evil. In the realm of Tolkien insane hobbits were not common but present. How can I be a foolish hobbit and betray my friends to a pack of orcs for some mead without full front rvr/pvp or some sort of mechanism to kill other players? Sorry monster on player is lame. Besides the mechanics turn out to make the game more like a team fortress than a roleplaying game.
They'e said all along people couldn't play the evil races as it is a story about heroes for you to play.
You can feed your inner monster with Monster play where you can be an orc, warg or spider (ick).
I have noticed that even with inherently heroic character selection, many people are able to be evil anywho, since that is who they are. If you're evil, nobody can apparently stop you from being a beast.
I think they plan on all that eventually. See..the problem with a big liscence game is that they have only certain amount of content that can be added. They have to try and stretch it out as long as possible. Due to constraints of a liscence they simple can't make up content a couple years from now. I suspect this is happening to Lotr...not a bad thing...they still have lots and lots of content to draw upon.
You can't roleplay in lord of the rings. I wanted to roleplay an insane hobbit that murdered his own friends. Couldn't do it. Did it in vg last night.
Notice I said insane, not evil. In the realm of Tolkien insane hobbits were not common but present. How can I be a foolish hobbit and betray my friends to a pack of orcs for some mead without full front rvr/pvp or some sort of mechanism to kill other players? Sorry monster on player is lame. Besides the mechanics turn out to make the game more like a team fortress than a roleplaying game.
LOL.. so there is no RP because you can't create your insane friend-killing hobbit character?
You're wacko.
VG must be fun to play if you are there, I'm coming over!
This thread is obviously dead, but the purple wookie a reply or three ago did have me lol'ing.
It just makes the entire game pop for me Iti s like an extra game almost. Gamespy article was dead on .
Their are bugs and I have to turn lowest setting on for big battles , but it blows everything I tried since I left L2 , away.
who me ?
This isn't the first Turbine neglected evil characters (See DDO.com), you can only be good character just like DDO. Monster player and playing monster is Turbine take on Horde and Battlegrounds.It's stupid because it requires you to play 10 level of a normal character before taking over an evil character instead of just giving players the option in the first place.
The game still has quite few bugs in it and Dual wielding is broke.
OMG NOT 10 LEVELS!!!!!!! Oh wait, you said you can only be a good character like DDO, but wait, then you said I can be an evil character at level 10, but wait, DDO.COM what? What game is this? Why are you here? MY HEAD HURTS!!
Why are you always trolling this forum? You obviously don't agree with the style of the game (besides having a vendetta for the company for some strange reason), so, umm, I'd recommend.. well, PLAYING SOMETHING YOU LIKE.
This game is amazing, I'm currently playing and can testify, I've preordered and cancelled my other games, so IMO (which is the only one that counts to me) you are nothing but a master of blowing smoke out of your arsenal.
And for the record, my DW works fine.. maybe it's your brain that is bugged.
Regardless, your string of garbage posts has grown annoying, you get the block, CYA.
Death is but a dream. Welcome to your worst nightmare!!
This is meant to be GOOD V EVIL but looks like it will just be Good v NPC boring.
the next DDO i not Evan going there.
This game will be dead after 2 years
Where is the forumla one racing in the game? It has none. What a joke.
Can I play a character who has a job as a gang banger, shooting cops, killing pimps and roughing up hoes? No?!
How many golf courses do they have in lotro? Playing golf is great relaxation and a place where all big deals are made.
So disappointed in lotro that is doesn't have all these features. Now will have to go out and find game(s) which have those features I want in a game. Staying here to bitch about my missing game features seems....silly.
You dont like the game? k , thanks bye.
Personally I really wont miss being ganked on the way to a viliage just because some fool is bored.I'm going RP on this game and I love it already.I can see my WoW and possibly my Eve accounts getting stopped for LOTRO
i was playing an uraki today.
they are different for sure.. but not missing.
You aren't that good at the whole reading thing are you?
And regardless, the game is meant to be exactly what LOTR has allowed it to be, not what you thought it should be.
And yeah, it is a terrible mess of a game, if I was you I wouldn't even try it. Stay far away and save yourself the pain of playing this junk... please.
The only real complaints i have is
1.Playable trolls - Hopefully in a expansion
2.Spiders - Need some hardcore attention there pretty much bait right now. They need huge web roots that catch multiple people
3.Playable Nazguls- I remember hearing something about this.
Its still in beta though those are the only real complaints i have
*Games on our site will be treated just as we treat people. Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons.
Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable.
Thank you,
The Staff
Don't forget the monster play was added later and its still accessible. These guys will implement ideas and changes much quicker and efficiently then some developers , *Cough* Vanguard *Cough*.
There are 5 monsters you can play at launch and they will add more as the game develops. I think its a great idea. Plenty of PVP potential.
Um, you can have players playing 'bad' characters attacking an area. Its called the Ettenmoors. What the guy meant by 'You know nothing of LOTR or it's lore' fits perfectly. Yes orcs and goblins are cool. Yeah it would be fun to play as them (oh, and you can) yet to have them be completely playable in the entire realm would tear asunder the lore (yeah go ahead and call me a lore carebear, I don't care) and LOTRO is all about the lore. During the 3rd age there were no orcs running around the Shire! Yes it could work in Rohan or Gondor, but as a whole the evil races didn't have access to much area. Monster play fits lore perfectly, the Ettenmoor zone is huge, and there will be many more zones in future expansions to play in. Those wandering groups of evil players in the shire or breeland are exactly what we don't want to happen. You do have ways for those pesky ol' PC orcs to give you a chance to be a 'hero'. Its PvMP play and its good enough.
God forbid you're trolling these forums again. Please, you're the only one who thinks that dual wielding is broken when it is not, and of course it still has bugs because ITS STILL IN BETA! Surprise! Betas have bugs! This beta has less bugs than Vanguard does now! (or so I've read, gotta try out for myself sometime, just an example) Please stop comparing this to DDO, because you obviouly have stereotyped LOTRO because of how DDO has turned out.
Currently: Playing EVE Online
Previous: FFXI, Dragonrealms, sad little stint in WOWland.
Awaiting: Fallen Earth, Hero''s Journey, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan.
Learn to open your eyes before you open your mouth. Stupid bastard.
You think it would be cool, some of us think it already is.
And yes it is an RPG, you are correct! And guess what many of us are doing in the game - RP'ing! And guess what else? Making our own stories! And what else you ask? Playing Monsters! ...and what else is there? Conflict between players!!!
True story.
It's awesome, try it sometime.
You think it would be cool, some of us think it already is.
And yes it is an RPG, you are correct! And guess what many of us are doing in the game - RP'ing! And guess what else? Making our own stories! And what else you ask? Playing Monsters! ...and what else is there? Conflict between players!!!
True story.
It's awesome, try it sometime.
im simply saying that it constricts the story to much to fit the lore exaclty...i wanted to rp a orc maybe? can i? i guess through monster play, weird way of doing it but watever
It is a different angle from what is currently out there, but it works IMO.
You name your 5 monsters, and can build them up through the play in Ettenmoors, and the RP potential is completely there. I've heard of guilds planning Monster clans (although currently you are just part of main armies and would join by raiding), people have run in Wolf Packs, and I've been in a few raids.
It isn't run as a main character, but there is alot of room for Turbine to build on this setup.
At first I wasn't that interested, although I focus on pvp in most games I play, but after playing in there for a while I'm excited about the future of LOTRO pvp. Most games I get into, the story and lore is great, but once I start into the pvp it all drops away, this game will be able to keep them both strong at the same time methinks.
I should mention that the Ettenmoors is actually a really big area, and there is alot of room to battle, I'd say maybe the size of 3 or 4 Alteric Valleys. But the setup is a bit more dynamic, not so much us at one end and them at another. Areas get captured and held, raided over, and in addition there is a large wilderness to hunt in... good money there too, incentive for players to go in.
EDIT: Just came from PvMP Beta Boards and they are alive and kicking, from the posts there are a few areas to improve, but people are having a blast in there, and there are already MP Guilds forming.
yeah when i first heard of a Lord of the Rings MMO, I couldn't wait to make a Warg rider scout character, and do battle with the Rohirrum. Ah well, no Rohan, no evil... Still I'm gonna test the game out, and hope it will come as a add on. Least I can be a warg in monster play.
And for you 'Oh it'll break the lore' SO WHAT!!! it's a game, that we play for fun, and just because I have a different idea of what I think would be fun to play in middle earth does not make me less than as a player. No, not every player who want's to play an evil character just wants to gank noobs. You want to play your noble warrior, sneaky burgler, or elfkin, but I'm wrong for having a different desire. Who are you to say I'm wrong?
Edit: dang sound a little angry, don't I? guess I'm just cranky, time to sleep....
Mankind is not limited by imagination, but the courage to reach....
You can't roleplay in lord of the rings. I wanted to roleplay an insane hobbit that murdered his own friends. Couldn't do it. Did it in vg last night.
Notice I said insane, not evil. In the realm of Tolkien insane hobbits were not common but present. How can I be a foolish hobbit and betray my friends to a pack of orcs for some mead without full front rvr/pvp or some sort of mechanism to kill other players? Sorry monster on player is lame. Besides the mechanics turn out to make the game more like a team fortress than a roleplaying game.
I miss DAoC
They'e said all along people couldn't play the evil races as it is a story about heroes for you to play.
You can feed your inner monster with Monster play where you can be an orc, warg or spider (ick).
I have noticed that even with inherently heroic character selection, many people are able to be evil anywho, since that is who they are. If you're evil, nobody can apparently stop you from being a beast.
You're wacko.
VG must be fun to play if you are there, I'm coming over!
This thread is obviously dead, but the purple wookie a reply or three ago did have me lol'ing.