Last I check a game needed to have:
- 500 or more simultaneous players in one world.
- The game must include some form of graphical common area. This distinction means Diablo II is not considered an MMORPG, while Guild Wars is.
to make it onto, so why is Rakion on here?
excuss my stupidity but what is it that u mean when u say "The game must include some form of graphical common area."
I dont c how Diablo II is not considered a MMROPG. It has a minimum of 180,000 players on at any given time. (25,000min players on the server i play [UsEast]). i personaly know of no one who plays diablo II and dose not play online.
because it just did.
So now you have to deal with a non-mmorpg on an mmorpg website It is a good game regardless anyway. If it had not been on here I would not have tried it
you can argue tat rakion isnt a mmorpg but in fact! lol the stage rooms are like instances that you would find in guild wars or WOW.... the pvp rooms are like the arenas in guild wars or those crappy war song gulch in WoW
its indeed a mmorpg because theres classes and everything just because rakion isnt RPG oriented much it still has RPG in it....
but rakion does not have any sort of common, non-instanced area, aside from chat rooms. This alone disqualifies it from the MMO label.
And a tomato isn't a vegetable.
WTF... so you guys mean Diablo II isn't a MMORPG. That's so lame, it's obviously a MMORPG, it's even one of the best "online RPG then" games ever made in my opinion. It stinks so much that doesn't consider it to be a MMORPG.
i know why it did ....
cause its free , anything free makes it here as far as i checked
Kinda stupid though don't you think?
Only reason Diablo II isn't an MMO is because it only allows 8 people in one room.
Let's look at Maple Story. (Maple story sucks don't play it)
You can have more than 8 people in one area, but it has no purpose. At all.
Let's look at an FPS.
CS, COD4, etc etc.
This means an FPS has more chance of being called MMO by those rules. Rofls.
tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family, like peppers.
Now is this an action RPG? Or does it play like other MMORPGs, even if it isn't an MMO, specifically?
I agree that diablo isnt an mmorpg, just an rpg without the mmo part in it, since you cant meet massive amounts of players online
I dont even think rakion should even be classified as an rpg let alone an mmorpg. Where's the character developement? There's only levels, and items, and very linear items at that.
IMO, in an rpg, you should be spending all of your time running around with ur character for everything, including shopping, crafting, and socializing.
dude wtf?! first of all the definition of an mmorpg is massive multiplayer online role playing game. ok, rakion is considered to b an action mmorpg that means that it is still a massive moultiplayer online role playing game only that u don't click and watch as ur char does crazy shit u need some skill. and second: how much of a dumb ass can u b? an rpg is a role playing game (sheesh i have to explain everything to u like u r a kid), that means that there is somekind of sroryline and that u can control a character. u have all that in rakion plus the mmo part cuz u have more ppl at the same time in one place. so to answer the main question rakion is considered an action mmorpg (like infinity and other games) thats y it's in the list
dude wtf?! first of all the definition of an mmorpg is massive multiplayer online role playing game. ok, rakion is considered to b an action mmorpg that means that it is still a massive moultiplayer online role playing game only that u don't click and watch as ur char does crazy shit u need some skill. and second: how much of a dumb ass can u b? an rpg is a role playing game (sheesh i have to explain everything to u like u r a kid), that means that there is somekind of sroryline and that u can control a character. u have all that in rakion plus the mmo part cuz u have more ppl at the same time in one place. so to answer the main question rakion is considered an action mmorpg (like infinity and other games) thats y it's in the list
Coming from someone who types like you do, I found those parts funny.
@OP: As far as Rakion being here, might as well get used to it. Just like they added Hellgate: London which is even less of an mmorpg as Rakion, if that's even possible.
Ok then, well rpg or not, rakion is still not an MMOrpg, because a couple dozen players playing together isnt exactly massive. Softnyx didnt even say that rakion was an mmorpg, in fact, for some stupid reason, they called it a STRATEGY action game. Strategy being perhaps the farthest genre from RPG
Technically anything with a Hub (or glorified chat room) like Guild Wars is still considered to be an MMO, i mean Guild wars is more of an SPRPG come PvP game. Games like Age of conan has pushed it up a bit with hubs that act like an MMO style zone which you can do minor lvling/farming and some zones being instanced, However i prefer games that are instanced due to the amount of retards, bots and general annoying "THIS IS MY AREA!" people in asian 1 server MMO's. LONG LIVE PKING!
why are we having this silly argument
games like Battlefield and TF2 fit into their own catagory
so does Diablo and (i assume) Rakion
you cant call everyhing with multiplayer an MMO...
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Maybe they should put counterstrike, diablo, all the multiplayer xbox360 games, hell, lets put all the multiplayer games in general into a big MMORPG list. That way it's not as confusing. MMORPG no longer means massive, it means
.[Many multiple's of rooms for players to game] [In a tiny game enviroment]
So going by how this list rakion, rakion is in fact a MMORPGITGE.
And so is albatross18 and pangya which used to be here.