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Pactum Factum - (H) Outland

SuperVliegSuperVlieg Member Posts: 10
That's right, Pactum Factum is recruiting!


Pactum Factum is made out of friends who have been playing with eachother for a long time, in diffrent MMORPG's. Some of us who founded Pactum Factum used to be in Motvind, but we didn't really appreciate the way that guild was developing, with it's swedish-only policy and it's excessive inviting. So we decided to make a guild of our own. We're not that many as of yet - about 10 70s - but we're a group with good raiding experience, who enjoy the game and have high ambitions.

The situation for us as of now:

We're currently in the process of expanding the guild so that we'll have a solid group for the 10 man and eventually the 25 man raids.


-You're level 70, although exceptions can be made, perhaps especially if you're a Paladin.

-You're 18 or older.

-You have a working microphone, and can communicate verbally in english to an acceptable extent, since we're frequent ventrilo users!

-You're a reasonably active player (we're not gonna be running a 7-days-a-week raiding schedule).

-And obviously, you're good at playing your class of choice.


So if you want an opportunity to join our friendly and oh so skilled group, and if you sort of think you might fit the cathegory of players as defined above? Please, do not hestitate to leave a worthy application on our forum which is located at:

If you have any questions about the guild or life in general, feel free to contact Rayan, Araitheous, Supervlieg or Cowboy in game.
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