Hi all,
I am taking notes around the subject of voting and the political process and decided that some quotes from you would be great for my resources. I would like people to discuss and talk about a few subjects based on voting and the problems with the political system as it currently stands. If you would be so kind I'd like you to discuss the following questions (it doesn't really matter where you are from)
- What kind of changes would you expect in voting patterns if everyone over 18 was forced to vote? Do you feel this would be an unacceptable breach of your freedom?
- What are the main reasons you believe some people don't choose to vote? What do you feel could change this?
- Would it be a good thing if those who otherwise wouldn't vote decided to vote for whatever reason? What kind of effect do you feel this would make on who was elected?
- Do you feel it is a good thing that some people choose not to vote? Do you believe the people who choose to vote are more likely to vote for the more appropriate candidate?
There's no need to answer all these questions, you could just pick one and discuss it. I really appreciate any replies, thanks in advance.
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Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
For anyone that thinks thier vote matters; hasn't heard of the Electorial College.
Gore '08
Now if you're talking about the Electoral College, I agree it is an outdated system that has outlived its purpose.
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It will never happen. But, for our government to loose its corruption election reform must happen. As it is now, the rich and powerfull will continue to run this country and treat the poplulation like cattle. Thats all we are to them, cattle who graise on bigmacks, new cars, clothes, and houses. They will never do anything for us as we keep buying thier products. Sooner or later the population will realise this and refuse to support the economy of the US. Our taxes keep the US war machine rolling. If you do not support our government and thier predatory nature... hit them where it hurts. Avoid paying taxes.
Here's some things my AP American History teacher from high school said about voting.
"You know, it might be a good thing that less than 50% of Americans vote. Americans can be pretty dumb most of the time. I mean, you guys are the cream of the crop and your test scores are pretty pathetic!" I should point out that two kids in that class went to Harvard and a good portion of the rest went to top 50 schools.
"The fact that no one really votes just means that your vote means a little bit more. If 300 million people vote, your vote doesnt mean so much. But if 5 people vote, you're a fifth of the voting public!"
This was the year of Bush and Kerry, "Yeah, Im gonna vote... and I'm gonna feel real dirty about it afterwards. I probably won't be able to sleep for a few nights... voting for one of those guys is as dirty as cheating on your wife."
If you give under 18's the vote. They will vote for no homework.
I'd vote in any referendum to remove a party from power, but I will not vote in any election.
There isn't any party that seeks to address issues of my political concern. There isn't any party that I trust to do what it promisies to do.
Why vote them in, why pander to their egos. Politicians don't speak for me, I don't wish them to use that excuse. I want them to worry about the future of the elctoral system. I want them to wonder if they are "connecting" with their public. They need to.
I don't beleive in the system. I'm politically aware and I don't vote because I don't care enough about the system. You can't just "educate me better" and then I will like it. I'm already educated.
If you force me to vote, I will retaliate.
I agree about political funding. The system was not designed for big media campaigns. It's an old system. Pre-TV in its conception. The system is designed to work with a candidate going round from door to door actually talking to his electorate and discussing what he can do for them face to face with each and every individual.
Instead, this pretty much doesn't happen and we get big TV campaigns and Newspaper campaigns and banner ads. Every candidate must vote with the party leaders opinion in parliament or lose their share of the advertising budget and hence their jobs. The power that was designed to be in the hands of the electorate has been usurped by the leadership.
The system is wrong. Getting wronger. I don't and won't condone it with my vote. I'd rather just be an embarrassing statistic. Someone who won't play ball.
Does a vote even count for anything. Even if any of the parties actually stood for any issue I wanted to vote on, would my vote count? Or would I in fact be voting on a whole combination of issues, a manifesto. And the actual decisions that I was intrested in, in fact be voted on by other people in the cabinet or parliament, or taken solely by a leader.
We don't get to vote on policy at all. We only get to vote in our leaders. The public likes to believe that democracy is "mob rule" the democratic power of the people to decide policy. This is not true. People like to believe it because their ego's say "no one rules me". But they are ruled. We are ruled. The government likes people to feel empowered too. The more empowered they feel, the less they rebel, the easier they are to rule.
The illusion of self-rule for the weak minded. Pap for the masses.
When democracy starts voting in my favour, I'll start voting in democracies.
BTW, I'd like a technocracy please.