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Starsider, my old beloved home....Any PAs out there for wretched scum & villiany like me?

xarloecxarloec Member Posts: 15

Are there any players that post here by chance that still play on Starsider?


I am looking to get back into the game and have been gone since the NGE.


I am a long time Master Bounty Hunter and am looking for a group of mature, stable, consistant players that play SWG on starsider.

I would prefer a more Bounty Hunter "Hive and Villainy" type of Player Association. 


In my wildest dream such a PA would have no jedi in them, yes yes I know I know the "jedi" issue, but hey....its my wildest dream right?  :)


Besides finding a stable core of mature players that actually PLAY the game, I woul love it if such a PA had htier own forums, and were very very helpful and patient with old folks like me that are returning to the game.


PM me if you want details of the type of gamer I am or if you want you can reply here.


Thank you

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