Originally posted by Stereoviewer I heard someone say it´s repetitive, and then I heard the opposite. What is true?
I'd say yes and no on the repetitive issue.
Its repeptitive in that the tile sets for the missions seem very similar. You'll become aquainted with them real fast (in lower levels at least). And regardless of the story behind the mission (and they are some stories that will take you on a ride if you let them) they are basically cleaning missions.
Other than that its all very dynamic. How you approach a difficult mission depends on what powers your teamates have (not necesarily what archetype). So its a different experience everytime. For me thats what made it really interesting (and not so repeptitive).
My ususal beta experince is 1) install 2) log in for 5 minutes 3) un-install. Because all these games are the same crappy clone. I found that not to be the case with CoH. Coming from someone who despises these games - I actually recommmend this one (for many many different resonse).
I totally agree with Spookytooth, its the other people and the way they use/combine their powers in a group that add the interest to this game for me. The maps are sometimes the same as in a previous mission, although the mobs are based on team size and player lvl so they do change the experience. I really thought I would be bored of this game by now, but instead I am seeing more possibilities with each new thing they add. I can't wait for supergroup HQs to come in and the citywide plotlines to really start. I am glad they have made it a real plus to belong to a supergroup, in alot of games guilds are a way to keep track of friends and get an extra chat channel but in CoH they could really matter.
You definately can't approach this game as you would a more normal MMORPG, it is probably harder to go explore and solo mobs, while running the occasional point A to point B quest. Although a number of people have claimed they find it easy to solo I would not know as I mainly play support characters, soloing is not my thing.
For sociable people who want some online fun, I think it is the best thing I have tried lately and looks as if it will only get better.
Originally posted by Kram59 Been playing since preorder beta. So far I think good graphics, good game play, good mechanics, good grouping, good fun. Started online gamming when I beta tested Meridian59, then went to EQ the day it was released. Played Camelot for two years. and have played most every other game out there. I preordered Horizons and the book. I played for two months and decided it wasn't my game. All I know is City of Heroes is a blast, no looting, no camping, no killing bats, no money, and the chicks are hot. Nice change and a nice new genre. Will I like it a month from now? Who knows, I don't own a crystal ball. We all fall from a different tree and one man's trash, is another man's treasure. Who am I to knock any game? If you enjoy it what difference does it make what I think? Hope to see you all in release have fun and drive fast and reckless. Nuff said, go kick some booty.
Originally posted by Kram59 Been playing since preorder beta. So far I think good graphics, good game play, good mechanics, good grouping, good fun. Started online gamming when I beta tested Meridian59, then went to EQ the day it was released. Played Camelot for two years. and have played most every other game out there. I preordered Horizons and the book. I played for two months and decided it wasn't my game. All I know is City of Heroes is a blast, no looting, no camping, no killing bats, no money, and the chicks are hot. Nice change and a nice new genre. Will I like it a month from now? Who knows, I don't own a crystal ball. We all fall from a different tree and one man's trash, is another man's treasure. Who am I to knock any game? If you enjoy it what difference does it make what I think? Hope to see you all in release have fun and drive fast and reckless. Nuff said, go kick some booty.
King of the world
You forgot no depth.
No depth compared to what? It has great possibilities for building up a character and for roleplaying. It doesn't have a million armour peices or weapons but it does have powers that you can customise. There are a number of different mission types and storylines to get into and above all it is a game in which you can really get into a role and meet people and acheive stuff in a virtual world. There are a number of things to be brought in soon after it goes live, including the supergroup HQs and the monthly storylines which can only help the game.
I can only give you my own opinion but after playing it I find it very fun.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
When I play a MMORPG I spend 99% of my time in combat. Combat in CoH is so much better then any MMORPG I have played it isnt even funny.
I like the enhancement system a lot. It gives a tactical decision to items more then any game I have played. You have to decide where to put your enhancement slots and what to put in them. This makes for a very interesting decision process.
Inspirations have been compared to potions but they are dropped regularly enough to be more tactical. You quickly fill up on them so you have to decide when and if to use them. There is bound to be a tough right ahead and you will want certain inspirations for them.
Right from the start the different mob factions are different. Hellions and Skulls are pretty generic but clockworks, 5th column, Vahz, and CoT are definitely unique and involve different tactics. Having to actually approach certain fights differently this early in the game is really cool and unprecedented from my experience.
Large variety in skill choices creating some great flexibility in character creation. Abilities that you have to further customize with enhancements. When you get a new ability you actually get a new ability and not just a old ability with a new name. (Like DAOC)
The beginning of the game is much better then others. There is no puppy fighting like in DAOC or EQ. You fight thugs that are mugging people and all sorts of other Evil doers. The experience early on makes you feel like a hero, while still giving you a sense that you need to grow.
Great looking game.
Unique character looks can be made in this game, very fun.
Originally posted by Kram59 Been playing since preorder beta. So far I think good graphics, good game play, good mechanics, good grouping, good fun. Started online gamming when I beta tested Meridian59, then went to EQ the day it was released. Played Camelot for two years. and have played most every other game out there. I preordered Horizons and the book. I played for two months and decided it wasn't my game. All I know is City of Heroes is a blast, no looting, no camping, no killing bats, no money, and the chicks are hot. Nice change and a nice new genre. Will I like it a month from now? Who knows, I don't own a crystal ball. We all fall from a different tree and one man's trash, is another man's treasure. Who am I to knock any game? If you enjoy it what difference does it make what I think? Hope to see you all in release have fun and drive fast and reckless. Nuff said, go kick some booty.
King of the world
You forgot no depth.
For the most part I agree - but not entirely. (about the lack of depth)
The depth that Ive found thus far is in how the different powers interact with oneanother. I hadnt gotten to the point where I had an archvillain and was getting ambushed or anything really high level like that, so I cant really comment on those aspects.
But right now the game is very basic (from my experience - levels 1-17). They wanted to contentrate on the core game to get it right - and they did just that. The trade off of course is, like I said, its a very basic barebones game right now. Not unlike Planetside when it was released - what was there was fun, but there wasnt much there.
One of the things I like about the game is the devs. They've shown me they understand smart game design. I've tried other mmog's and I dont feel like they have the smarts to make an online game (notice I said "game" and not "game-world", any knucklehead could design a game-world). Their games (game-worlds rather) just arnt fun.
So I'll be waiting in anticipation for the first big update. I've faith in these guys, and I dont feel its misplaced - but we shall see.
Originally posted by Kram59 Been playing since preorder beta. So far I think good graphics, good game play, good mechanics, good grouping, good fun. Started online gamming when I beta tested Meridian59, then went to EQ the day it was released. Played Camelot for two years. and have played most every other game out there. I preordered Horizons and the book. I played for two months and decided it wasn't my game. All I know is City of Heroes is a blast, no looting, no camping, no killing bats, no money, and the chicks are hot. Nice change and a nice new genre. Will I like it a month from now? Who knows, I don't own a crystal ball. We all fall from a different tree and one man's trash, is another man's treasure. Who am I to knock any game? If you enjoy it what difference does it make what I think? Hope to see you all in release have fun and drive fast and reckless. Nuff said, go kick some booty.
King of the world
You forgot no depth.
No depth compared to what? It has great possibilities for building up a character and for roleplaying. It doesn't have a million armour peices or weapons but it does have powers that you can customise. There are a number of different mission types and storylines to get into and above all it is a game in which you can really get into a role and meet people and acheive stuff in a virtual world. There are a number of things to be brought in soon after it goes live, including the supergroup HQs and the monthly storylines which can only help the game.
What exactly is your definition of depth anyway?
I just do not see how anyone can say there is depth in this game???
How many times do I have to point out that this game just has no diversity whatsoever. Yes it is social and different. I pre-ordered so I could guarantee a retail copy and to try before I buy and that was the best thing I have ever did because I am definitely NOT buying this game. Run-of-the-mill (novelty wore off) set in about 2 weeks into beta.....maybe even sooner than that because after the first week of hardcore beta'ing I found myself not wanting to play on a daily basis even though I continued to do so. Why do people think just because different types of characters in a group working together makes the the game fun????????? That is not and does not constitute an entertaining game. Whooopeee my teammate has a few different powers then me. Wish I could have access to a few more things to make the game interesting for my own character. The game itself has to be the motivator. If I cannot enjoy a game by myself then I sure the heck cannot enjoy it with other people. Where is the depth in this game??? The only part of this game that has depth is the character generator. I can only hope and wish that other MMOG's even come close to this character generation model because it is a huge part of any game!
For all who do not see the lack of diversity in this game I will list the ones I think contribute to an utter lack of content and repetitiveness: 1)Lack of different types of inspirations; 2)Lack of different types of enhancements; 3)Lack of city zone differences. They all look the same; 4)Lack of diversity in zone instances. They all look the same; 5)Lack of powers for each individual archtype. Not nearly enough to keep interest for more than a week; 6)Lack of mission diversity. Same as other MMOG's; 7)Lack of mob diversity within each mob sect; 8)See no difference in the combat scheme except for the timing and shape of buttons you have to click on; 9)Lower level combat consists of doing 3 moves 10,000 times; 10)EQ with superhero setting and theme; 11)EQ with 1/1000th the character differences (except looks); 12)EQ with 1/100,000th of item diversity.
Man I know there are many more but you should get the picture. Even with all these downfalls I think the game has opened up new avenues for devs to continue the positive evolution of MMOG's (mainly character generator).
I passionately wanted to absolutely love this game!!! I did for a week. Guess that is better than never!
------------------------------------------- Control is an illusion!
[quote]Why do people think just because different types of characters in a group working together makes the the game fun????????? That is not and does not constitute an entertaining game. Whooopeee my teammate has a few different powers then me.[/quote]
thats not quite what I was trying to get at.
Its the strategy involved in the interaction of said powers that makes it work. Some missions are really really tough. And zerging through is tantamount to a death sentence. The strategy comes in when you need to figuere out how to get through with the powers at your disposal (yours and your team-mates).
The mobs in question, the geography, your teams powers, possibly a time limit, all pieces of the puzzle you need to figuere out. Its why I shun easy, wimpy missions in favor of the difficult ones that I will barely survive. Its what keeps me coming back - the next challenge.
Theres strategy there if you let it find you. And you know its found you when your entire team gets steamrolled.
Well I only was able to play the last three days of beta, but I was very impressed by the game. Great customization of characters, interesting theme and gameplay. I preordered and am glad I did now, can't wait forn the servers to go live.
Want to play the bad guy in Paragon City? You'll get your chance in Cryptic Studios' City of Villains , currently under development and to be shown in limited play at E3. While City of Heroes (www.cityofheroes.com) is ready for an April 28 launch, Cryptic developers already are working on the first major expansion to the game that will allow players to take on the role of villain in Paragon's modern metropolis. Turn the tide on all the heroes and heroines and lead your crime syndicate into battle in the impressive 3D backdrop of Paragon City .
^^ This completely changed my view of city of heroes. Being able to play as a villain was the one thing I wanted MOST when I played the beta of this game. Now that it's coming I will definately be buying this game when the expansion comes out. Well done NCSoft for listening to the players.
*Signature*The Pessimist says the cup is half empty. The Optimist says the cup is half full. The Pragmatist says the cup is half full of air. The Engineer says the cup is operating at 50% capacity. The Psychologist says the cup is your mother. The Punk Kid also says the cup is your mother. The Cricket Player says his cup is definately full. Everyone knows that Pamela Andersons cups are full. The Defendant says it was like that when he found it. Me, I just ask the waitress for a refill.
I will not touch this game on the sole base it is brought to use by a part of NCSoft. NCSoft is the sole company who brought us gamers the wonder which is Lineage II. (Hint: It's not much of a wonder)
"Why do people think just because different types of characters in a group working together makes the the game fun????????? That is not and does not constitute an entertaining game"
For you it dont constitute entertainment, but to others it may. See that is what makes people so unique. They differ in what they find entertaining. The world would be really boring if people all thought the same.
---------------------------- Omol da'Ox The Blooded
reddog I am sorry but I disagree with you 100%. You can have your opinions about depth and what not but I don't see it.
This game is a MMORPG that just launched. At this stage in the game I have never seen a MMORPG with a larger variety of thugs. The difference in mobs can do from level 2 on are significant.
Comapre that to any MMORPG that has you killing wolf pups or skeletons that are identical other then their skins.
In CoH there are zombies that are hard as heck if you don't know how to fight them. There are little robots that use end drain on you. There are CoT mages that suicide to try and kill you. There are 5th column Nazis that use numbers and guns that slow and knockdown.
This is all right away. Not 10 levels down the line after fighting wolf pups for two weeks.
Loot unlike other games involves choices, not just hording like oher games. you can shape each ability to fit your playstyle and your needs.
There are more abilities in this game then any otehr in my experience. You have 20 abilities to develop. They are not just carbon copies of early abilities like DAOC. They are brand new.
I for one find this game to have a TON more depth then aany other MMORPG at launch. Could the game usea wider variety of thugs, sure what game doesn't at launch. Does the game give their thugs better AI then any other MMORPG, YES.
The character creation in this game just blows me away. There are so many options and combinations as to what you can do to your character. And you can actually make them look awsome, even just starting out. You can completely customize them from head to toe.
I think it's so cool and unlike any other game. I'll look at someone who looks really tough with a nice outfit or what not and the first thing that pops into my head is, "Man they must be high level." because in most games you just dont really look that powerful early on. Then I will check to see what level they are and many times they will only be like level 2 or 3 and it just amazes me.
Mabey it's just me but I think that is cool, has this happand to anyone else? You just looked at someone and just had to think man there high level.
I'd say yes and no on the repetitive issue.
Its repeptitive in that the tile sets for the missions seem very similar. You'll become aquainted with them real fast (in lower levels at least). And regardless of the story behind the mission (and they are some stories that will take you on a ride if you let them) they are basically cleaning missions.
Other than that its all very dynamic. How you approach a difficult mission depends on what powers your teamates have (not necesarily what archetype). So its a different experience everytime. For me thats what made it really interesting (and not so repeptitive).
My ususal beta experince is 1) install 2) log in for 5 minutes 3) un-install. Because all these games are the same crappy clone. I found that not to be the case with CoH. Coming from someone who despises these games - I actually recommmend this one (for many many different resonse).
I totally agree with Spookytooth, its the other people and the way they use/combine their powers in a group that add the interest to this game for me. The maps are sometimes the same as in a previous mission, although the mobs are based on team size and player lvl so they do change the experience. I really thought I would be bored of this game by now, but instead I am seeing more possibilities with each new thing they add. I can't wait for supergroup HQs to come in and the citywide plotlines to really start. I am glad they have made it a real plus to belong to a supergroup, in alot of games guilds are a way to keep track of friends and get an extra chat channel but in CoH they could really matter.
You definately can't approach this game as you would a more normal MMORPG, it is probably harder to go explore and solo mobs, while running the occasional point A to point B quest. Although a number of people have claimed they find it easy to solo I would not know as I mainly play support characters, soloing is not my thing.
For sociable people who want some online fun, I think it is the best thing I have tried lately and looks as if it will only get better.
member of imminst.org
No depth compared to what? It has great possibilities for building up a character and for roleplaying. It doesn't have a million armour peices or weapons but it does have powers that you can customise. There are a number of different mission types and storylines to get into and above all it is a game in which you can really get into a role and meet people and acheive stuff in a virtual world. There are a number of things to be brought in soon after it goes live, including the supergroup HQs and the monthly storylines which can only help the game.
What exactly is your definition of depth anyway?
I can only give you my own opinion but after playing it I find it very fun.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
When I play a MMORPG I spend 99% of my time in combat. Combat in CoH is so much better then any MMORPG I have played it isnt even funny.
I like the enhancement system a lot. It gives a tactical decision to items more then any game I have played. You have to decide where to put your enhancement slots and what to put in them. This makes for a very interesting decision process.
Inspirations have been compared to potions but they are dropped regularly enough to be more tactical. You quickly fill up on them so you have to decide when and if to use them. There is bound to be a tough right ahead and you will want certain inspirations for them.
Right from the start the different mob factions are different. Hellions and Skulls are pretty generic but clockworks, 5th column, Vahz, and CoT are definitely unique and involve different tactics. Having to actually approach certain fights differently this early in the game is really cool and unprecedented from my experience.
Large variety in skill choices creating some great flexibility in character creation. Abilities that you have to further customize with enhancements. When you get a new ability you actually get a new ability and not just a old ability with a new name. (Like DAOC)
The beginning of the game is much better then others. There is no puppy fighting like in DAOC or EQ. You fight thugs that are mugging people and all sorts of other Evil doers. The experience early on makes you feel like a hero, while still giving you a sense that you need to grow.
Great looking game.
For the most part I agree - but not entirely. (about the lack of depth)
The depth that Ive found thus far is in how the different powers interact with oneanother. I hadnt gotten to the point where I had an archvillain and was getting ambushed or anything really high level like that, so I cant really comment on those aspects.
But right now the game is very basic (from my experience - levels 1-17). They wanted to contentrate on the core game to get it right - and they did just that. The trade off of course is, like I said, its a very basic barebones game right now. Not unlike Planetside when it was released - what was there was fun, but there wasnt much there.
One of the things I like about the game is the devs. They've shown me they understand smart game design. I've tried other mmog's and I dont feel like they have the smarts to make an online game (notice I said "game" and not "game-world", any knucklehead could design a game-world). Their games (game-worlds rather) just arnt fun.
So I'll be waiting in anticipation for the first big update. I've faith in these guys, and I dont feel its misplaced - but we shall see.
No depth compared to what? It has great possibilities for building up a character and for roleplaying. It doesn't have a million armour peices or weapons but it does have powers that you can customise. There are a number of different mission types and storylines to get into and above all it is a game in which you can really get into a role and meet people and acheive stuff in a virtual world. There are a number of things to be brought in soon after it goes live, including the supergroup HQs and the monthly storylines which can only help the game.
What exactly is your definition of depth anyway?
I just do not see how anyone can say there is depth in this game???
How many times do I have to point out that this game just has no diversity whatsoever. Yes it is social and different. I pre-ordered so I could guarantee a retail copy and to try before I buy and that was the best thing I have ever did because I am definitely NOT buying this game. Run-of-the-mill (novelty wore off) set in about 2 weeks into beta.....maybe even sooner than that because after the first week of hardcore beta'ing I found myself not wanting to play on a daily basis even though I continued to do so. Why do people think just because different types of characters in a group working together makes the the game fun????????? That is not and does not constitute an entertaining game. Whooopeee my teammate has a few different powers then me. Wish I could have access to a few more things to make the game interesting for my own character. The game itself has to be the motivator. If I cannot enjoy a game by myself then I sure the heck cannot enjoy it with other people. Where is the depth in this game??? The only part of this game that has depth is the character generator. I can only hope and wish that other MMOG's even come close to this character generation model because it is a huge part of any game!
For all who do not see the lack of diversity in this game I will list the ones I think contribute to an utter lack of content and repetitiveness: 1)Lack of different types of inspirations; 2)Lack of different types of enhancements; 3)Lack of city zone differences. They all look the same; 4)Lack of diversity in zone instances. They all look the same; 5)Lack of powers for each individual archtype. Not nearly enough to keep interest for more than a week; 6)Lack of mission diversity. Same as other MMOG's; 7)Lack of mob diversity within each mob sect; 8)See no difference in the combat scheme except for the timing and shape of buttons you have to click on; 9)Lower level combat consists of doing 3 moves 10,000 times; 10)EQ with superhero setting and theme; 11)EQ with 1/1000th the character differences (except looks); 12)EQ with 1/100,000th of item diversity.
Man I know there are many more but you should get the picture. Even with all these downfalls I think the game has opened up new avenues for devs to continue the positive evolution of MMOG's (mainly character generator).
I passionately wanted to absolutely love this game!!! I did for a week. Guess that is better than never!
Control is an illusion!
[quote]Why do people think just because different types of characters in a group working together makes the the game fun????????? That is not and does not constitute an entertaining game. Whooopeee my teammate has a few different powers then me.[/quote]
thats not quite what I was trying to get at.
Its the strategy involved in the interaction of said powers that makes it work. Some missions are really really tough. And zerging through is tantamount to a death sentence. The strategy comes in when you need to figuere out how to get through with the powers at your disposal (yours and your team-mates).
The mobs in question, the geography, your teams powers, possibly a time limit, all pieces of the puzzle you need to figuere out. Its why I shun easy, wimpy missions in favor of the difficult ones that I will barely survive. Its what keeps me coming back - the next challenge.
Theres strategy there if you let it find you. And you know its found you when your entire team gets steamrolled.
Well I only was able to play the last three days of beta, but I was very impressed by the game. Great customization of characters, interesting theme and gameplay. I preordered and am glad I did now, can't wait forn the servers to go live.
Want to play the bad guy in Paragon City? You'll get your chance in Cryptic Studios' City of Villains , currently under development and to be shown in limited play at E3. While City of Heroes (www.cityofheroes.com) is ready for an April 28 launch, Cryptic developers already are working on the first major expansion to the game that will allow players to take on the role of villain in Paragon's modern metropolis. Turn the tide on all the heroes and heroines and lead your crime syndicate into battle in the impressive 3D backdrop of Paragon City .
^^ This completely changed my view of city of heroes. Being able to play as a villain was the one thing I wanted MOST when I played the beta of this game. Now that it's coming I will definately be buying this game when the expansion comes out. Well done NCSoft for listening to the players.
*Signature*The Pessimist says the cup is half empty. The Optimist says the cup is half full. The Pragmatist says the cup is half full of air. The Engineer says the cup is operating at 50% capacity. The Psychologist says the cup is your mother. The Punk Kid also says the cup is your mother. The Cricket Player says his cup is definately full. Everyone knows that Pamela Andersons cups are full. The Defendant says it was like that when he found it. Me, I just ask the waitress for a refill.
I will not touch this game on the sole base it is brought to use by a part of NCSoft. NCSoft is the sole company who brought us gamers the wonder which is Lineage II. (Hint: It's not much of a wonder)
"Why do people think just because different types of characters in a group working together makes the the game fun????????? That is not and does not constitute an entertaining game"
For you it dont constitute entertainment, but to others it may. See that is what makes people so unique. They differ in what they find entertaining. The world would be really boring if people all thought the same.
Omol da'Ox
The Blooded
Omol da'Ox
reddog I am sorry but I disagree with you 100%. You can have your opinions about depth and what not but I don't see it.
This game is a MMORPG that just launched. At this stage in the game I have never seen a MMORPG with a larger variety of thugs. The difference in mobs can do from level 2 on are significant.
Comapre that to any MMORPG that has you killing wolf pups or skeletons that are identical other then their skins.
In CoH there are zombies that are hard as heck if you don't know how to fight them. There are little robots that use end drain on you. There are CoT mages that suicide to try and kill you. There are 5th column Nazis that use numbers and guns that slow and knockdown.
This is all right away. Not 10 levels down the line after fighting wolf pups for two weeks.
Loot unlike other games involves choices, not just hording like oher games. you can shape each ability to fit your playstyle and your needs.
There are more abilities in this game then any otehr in my experience. You have 20 abilities to develop. They are not just carbon copies of early abilities like DAOC. They are brand new.
I for one find this game to have a TON more depth then aany other MMORPG at launch. Could the game usea wider variety of thugs, sure what game doesn't at launch. Does the game give their thugs better AI then any other MMORPG, YES.
The character creation in this game just blows me away. There are so many options and combinations as to what you can do to your character. And you can actually make them look awsome, even just starting out. You can completely customize them from head to toe.
I think it's so cool and unlike any other game. I'll look at someone who looks really tough with a nice outfit or what not and the first thing that pops into my head is, "Man they must be high level." because in most games you just dont really look that powerful early on. Then I will check to see what level they are and many times they will only be like level 2 or 3 and it just amazes me.
Mabey it's just me but I think that is cool, has this happand to anyone else? You just looked at someone and just had to think man there high level.
Darkness is forever...