well IQ is not a measure of intelligence nor is it a measure of courtesy or overall decency. IQ is the maximum capacity one can learn. average IQ for a human is 105. they should have servers for averageish people (105-140), a server for the "geniuses" (160-190), one for the "supergeniuses" (200+), and one for the intelectually defficient (100 or less). all though once they hit around 70 just remove em from the game period. lol
currently playing: Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2. Waiting for: Warhammer:Age Of Reckoning, A good Star Wars MMO Retired From: WoW 40 Ne Rogue/40 Tauren war/40 BE Hunter, SWG 72 Bothan Medic, CoV 40 DM/Regen stalker, GW 20 W/R 14 E/M 14 W/R, DAoC 20 Vampiir 20 BM 20 BD 20 Thane.
I would definitely pay a little extra to guarantee the guy I'm arguing with can at least stay on-point in the argument, and argues the overall topic as opposed to the points in the arbitrary analogies you used to make the main point.
I wasn't going to reply to this thread but when I read this I felt a sudden surge of comraderie for 1kulcat.
Once upon a time on a different site I had to stop using analogies when debating because there were some people there who would consistantly focus on some minor detail of any given analogy and forget what they were originally discussing. That's the sort of thing that makes you shake your head and sigh.
As i said in the original post... You cannot argue with someone who does not understand what they are arguing about. At least with an intelligent idiot (if you get my meaning) they know why your arguing. With a plain old idiot the argument does not exist to them because they dont understand what they are arguing about in the first place.
I would much rather play with kind-hearted, average intelligence people than the arrogant, possibly more intelligent snots that haunt many games. There are a few folks like this in every MMO I've played, who believe themselves to be intellectually superior, and spend their time trying to prove it. It is tiresome and sad. Any improvement in the level of the conversation is more than offset by the egos that ALWAYS get in the way.
well IQ is not a measure of intelligence nor is it a measure of courtesy or overall decency. IQ is the maximum capacity one can learn. average IQ for a human is 105. they should have servers for averageish people (105-140), a server for the "geniuses" (160-190), one for the "supergeniuses" (200+), and one for the intelectually defficient (100 or less). all though once they hit around 70 just remove em from the game period. lol
So you would not allow people with a IQ lower then 70 to play a game? You sir, are a very disturbing man. I know a few people in the history of man that also did not allow people with mental disabilities basic rights, and i do not think you would like to be in their midst. Besides you make some pretty ill informed statements that do not testify of your own intelligence.
IQ is ment to be exactly what you say it is not. It is a Intelligence Quotient, and IQ test are made to generally give a rough estimation of one's Intelligence. The capacity of what a person can learn might be a part of it, but is not the intention of an IQ test.
Besides, avarage IQ for a human is 100 according to the Bell curve. This is frequently explained as 90 > 110.
Intelectually defficient does not start under 100, as you proclaim. A mild mental disability would start under something like 80 or 70.
Iq's from 105 to 140 would cover everyone from average to genius. A server for 160-190 would have noone in it. I fail to believe the few people in this world that fall into that catagory would be found playing a game. And the supergeniuses you claim to have 200+, well for as far as i know noone has ever scored that high.
IQ stands for intelligence quotient. Supposedly, it is a score that tells one how “bright” a person is compared to other people. The average IQ is by definition 100; scores above 100 indicate a higher than average IQ and scores below 100 indicate a lower that average IQ. Theoretically, scores can range any amount below or above 100, but in practice they do not meaningfully go much below 50 or above 150.
Half of the population have IQ’s of between 90 and 110, while 25% have higher IQ’s and 25% have lower IQ’s:
Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients
% of Population
Very superior
High average
Low average
Below 70
Extremely low
Apparently, the IQ gives a good indication of the occupational group that a person will end up in, though not of course the specific occupation. In their book, Know Your Child’s IQ, Glen Wilson and Diana Grylls outline occupations typical of various IQ levels:
Top Civil Servants; Professors and Research Scientists.
Physicians and Surgeons; Lawyers; Engineers (Civil and Mechanical)
School Teachers; Pharmacists; Accountants; Nurses; Stenographers; Managers.
Heck with the IQ test. As many have said, an IQ test will not satisfy the OP's goal.
A spelling test might though!
Welcome to <enter your MMO here>! Before you begin playing, we'd like to find a server community that "fits" you best. A list of questions will follow, and you will have three seconds to answer each one. Please make sure that your audio is turned up, and be ready to type the word provided.
Soothing Woman's Voice:
1. You
2. Are
3. An
4. Elitist
5. Go
6. Play
7. With
8. Yourself
9. Thank
10. You
I'd be open to any other suggestions, including ones that will surely be flames towards my idea.
Although, sekrog was clearly not trying to helpful, a writing test of sorts is the best way to conduct the seperation wished for. Those who deliberately mispell the most basic of words, cannot be bothered with punctuation or sentence structure, and feel that numbers and letters should be interchangable seldom are capable any logical argument and almost never have anything useful to say.
One can, of course, have impeccable typing and still be a jerk but its far less annoying in that case.
Originally posted by Zorvan Dunno. Unfortunately, intelligence does not guarantee common sense or decency.
Would I wish to play on a server where everyone had a high IQ. Why? Does having a high IQ eqaute to being able to hold a good conversation? Does it mean that a person with a high IQ is not capable of being a jerk? And as Zorvan says, having a high IQ does not gaurantee a person has common sense.
Have you ever noticed how everyone is stupid but you. Except for a choice few "friends" that you generally rank only slightly less bright than yourself. Whenever you start talking to someone with an inferiority complex (that manifests itself as hubris) you inevitably run into this Ayn Rand / Modern Satanic idea that the world is run by a small handful of geniuses and everyone else is just a leech feeding off of their efforts. Most of these sad individuals fancy themselves part of those lucky few geniuses that run everything. As if....
Seriously, I'd rather be around around a bunch of average Joes and Janes than surrounded by pompous snobs.
This thread is hilarious. Heck with the IQ test. As many have said, an IQ test will not satisfy the OP's goal. A spelling test might though! Imagine... Welcome to <enter your MMO here>! Before you begin playing, we'd like to find a server community that "fits" you best. A list of questions will follow, and you will have three seconds to answer each one. Please make sure that your audio is turned up, and be ready to type the word provided.
well IQ is not a measure of intelligence nor is it a measure of courtesy or overall decency. IQ is the maximum capacity one can learn. average IQ for a human is 105. they should have servers for averageish people (105-140), a server for the "geniuses" (160-190), one for the "supergeniuses" (200+), and one for the intelectually defficient (100 or less). all though once they hit around 70 just remove em from the game period. lol
How high would someone's IQ need to be to understand averages?
Average IQ is 100. This is the very definition of average IQ.
50% of population have IQ in 90 - 110 range.
80% have IQ in range of 80 - 120.
But 105 - 140 is not average-ish.
And I'm pretty certain that the total ammount of people with 160-190 and 200+ range playing a game are insufficient to call the game an MMO. I'm also pretty certain, that they have better things to do.
I would definitely pay a little extra to guarantee the guy I'm arguing with can at least stay on-point in the argument, and argues the overall topic as opposed to the points in the arbitrary analogies you used to make the main point.
I wasn't going to reply to this thread but when I read this I felt a sudden surge of comraderie for 1kulcat.
Once upon a time on a different site I had to stop using analogies when debating because there were some people there who would consistantly focus on some minor detail of any given analogy and forget what they were originally discussing. That's the sort of thing that makes you shake your head and sigh.
It's spelled "camaraderie" you noob, obviously you're wrong about whatever it is we were talking about.
OK to be fair, a lot of people use analogies incorrectly. They're a tool for explanation, not for proof. So if the opponent understands what you're saying but doesn't agree, no analogy no matter how perfect will help. (And of course if they're not willing to understand, nothing will help.) I'm sure you're fine, but that is a common problem I've noticed. You can't end your argument with an analogy. Proper format is to make the statement, explain via analogies if necessary, and then conclude with logical proof justifying your point; and inherently the analogy itself. It's like bowling.
(Man I could do that all day. )
By the way, I can't believe no one has pointed out the irony in someone splitting the population like this:
they should have servers for averageish people (105-140), a server for the "geniuses" (160-190), one for the "supergeniuses" (200+), and one for the intelectually defficient (100 or less).
"Hmm, we're getting a lot of complaints from people who say they don't fit on any of our servers. We'll have to assign people to deal with this. Bob, you handle customers whose names start with A-J. Elena, you cover the ones whose names start with P-Z. That way everyone's taken care of."
it would be interesting to have say a multiple choice test with randomized questions to eliminate some of the ignorance... but what would keep the "more intelligent" from going to the retard server and dominating?
Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe Whenever you start talking to someone with an inferiority complex (that manifests itself as hubris) you inevitably run into this Ayn Rand idea that the world is run by a small handful of geniuses and everyone else is just a leech feeding off of their efforts.
Off-topic, though I've said my bit on the topic already:
I think you're being a little unfair to Rand. She was writing a dystopia stemming from existing trends, not a statistical assessment of present day. More importantly, Atlas Shrugged is quite clear that you don't have to be a genius, or the absolute best, to be worthwhile. You only have to take pride - and most importantly, responsibility - in what you do.
I think it holds up quite well. There are several times of the day when I could turn on the TV, flip to a channel at random, and hear someone saying "my problems aren't my fault, someone should do something!" And often being pandered to for thinking that.
currently playing: Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2.
Waiting for: Warhammer:Age Of Reckoning, A good Star Wars MMO
Retired From: WoW 40 Ne Rogue/40 Tauren war/40 BE Hunter, SWG 72 Bothan Medic, CoV 40 DM/Regen stalker, GW 20 W/R 14 E/M 14 W/R, DAoC 20 Vampiir 20 BM 20 BD 20 Thane.
how about a nice tall glass of STFU
I wasn't going to reply to this thread but when I read this I felt a sudden surge of comraderie for 1kulcat.
Once upon a time on a different site I had to stop using analogies when debating because there were some people there who would consistantly focus on some minor detail of any given analogy and forget what they were originally discussing. That's the sort of thing that makes you shake your head and sigh.
As i said in the original post... You cannot argue with someone who does not understand what they are arguing about. At least with an intelligent idiot (if you get my meaning) they know why your arguing. With a plain old idiot the argument does not exist to them because they dont understand what they are arguing about in the first place.
I would much rather play with kind-hearted, average intelligence people than the arrogant, possibly more intelligent snots that haunt many games. There are a few folks like this in every MMO I've played, who believe themselves to be intellectually superior, and spend their time trying to prove it. It is tiresome and sad. Any improvement in the level of the conversation is more than offset by the egos that ALWAYS get in the way.
IQ is ment to be exactly what you say it is not. It is a Intelligence Quotient, and IQ test are made to generally give a rough estimation of one's Intelligence. The capacity of what a person can learn might be a part of it, but is not the intention of an IQ test.
Besides, avarage IQ for a human is 100 according to the Bell curve. This is frequently explained as 90 > 110.
Intelectually defficient does not start under 100, as you proclaim. A mild mental disability would start under something like 80 or 70.
Iq's from 105 to 140 would cover everyone from average to genius. A server for 160-190 would have noone in it. I fail to believe the few people in this world that fall into that catagory would be found playing a game. And the supergeniuses you claim to have 200+, well for as far as i know noone has ever scored that high.
Don't believe me ?
IQ stands for intelligence quotient. Supposedly, it is a score that tells one how “bright” a person is compared to other people. The average IQ is by definition 100; scores above 100 indicate a higher than average IQ and scores below 100 indicate a lower that average IQ. Theoretically, scores can range any amount below or above 100, but in practice they do not meaningfully go much below 50 or above 150.
Half of the population have IQ’s of between 90 and 110, while 25% have higher IQ’s and 25% have lower IQ’s:
Apparently, the IQ gives a good indication of the occupational group that a person will end up in, though not of course the specific occupation. In their book, Know Your Child’s IQ, Glen Wilson and Diana Grylls outline occupations typical of various IQ levels:
This thread is hilarious.
Heck with the IQ test. As many have said, an IQ test will not satisfy the OP's goal.
A spelling test might though!
Welcome to <enter your MMO here>! Before you begin playing, we'd like to find a server community that "fits" you best. A list of questions will follow, and you will have three seconds to answer each one. Please make sure that your audio is turned up, and be ready to type the word provided.
Soothing Woman's Voice:
1. You
2. Are
3. An
4. Elitist
5. Go
6. Play
7. With
8. Yourself
9. Thank
10. You
I'd be open to any other suggestions, including ones that will surely be flames towards my idea.
One can, of course, have impeccable typing and still be a jerk but its far less annoying in that case.
Would I wish to play on a server where everyone had a high IQ. Why? Does having a high IQ eqaute to being able to hold a good conversation? Does it mean that a person with a high IQ is not capable of being a jerk? And as Zorvan says, having a high IQ does not gaurantee a person has common sense.
Seriously, I'd rather be around around a bunch of average Joes and Janes than surrounded by pompous snobs.
Olmost fanni!
Average IQ is 100. This is the very definition of average IQ.
50% of population have IQ in 90 - 110 range.
80% have IQ in range of 80 - 120.
But 105 - 140 is not average-ish.
And I'm pretty certain that the total ammount of people with 160-190 and 200+ range playing a game are insufficient to call the game an MMO. I'm also pretty certain, that they have better things to do.
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
I think you're being a little unfair to Rand. She was writing a dystopia stemming from existing trends, not a statistical assessment of present day. More importantly, Atlas Shrugged is quite clear that you don't have to be a genius, or the absolute best, to be worthwhile. You only have to take pride - and most importantly, responsibility - in what you do.
I think it holds up quite well. There are several times of the day when I could turn on the TV, flip to a channel at random, and hear someone saying "my problems aren't my fault, someone should do something!" And often being pandered to for thinking that.
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.