<The Lords of War> are starting a recruitment drive.
The Lords were founded on the principle of better raid times for EST and Atlantic zone players (CST players are welcome). Raid times start at 7p EST (4p server). We are experienced raiders seeking like minded players level 58+, there are no current limitations on classes invited. We also believe that you play your toon as you like, no one will tell you to respec.
We are in the process preparing for Karazhan, and are looking to advance thru end game. We are looking to attract like minded individuals who are motivated and respectful and mature. That being said, we realize that age sometimes has no bearing on maturity, so there is no age restriction.
Persons interested in membership can apply at
http://lordsofwar.guildlaunch.comYou may also feel free to /w whisper in game to Rathgood or Satriani for more information.