They're called game time cards. No credit card info, no credit card billing hassles. And no having to cancel, or worry about forgetting to cancel.
Some people choose to use credit card because in the long run you get a nice discount. Game cards require you to go to a store, which means you have to pay for gas to drive there and back every couple months, which after a year of playing adds up nicely. There are ups and downs using a credit card or a game card, but I would just call them and see whats up.
I had a similar problem with Everquest 2. to cancel my account for that game, I had to enter an answer to the secret question. Unfortunatly, I forgot what the answer was. I went to chat support, and they canceled my account without any trouble.
I to feel your pain this is the frist game i ever needed my secert question to cancel a game strange
On a side note, I see in your sig you're "retired" from several games including vanguard. Not trying to flame, be argumentative or discuss semantics but just out of curiosity around what level did you "retire" When I think of someone "retiring" a toon I picture they played, reached the level cap or close and then hung up their armor and called it quits. Again, with this same thinking, if a person plays for 10-20 levels and calls it quits they simply quit/cancelled a game. I mean, throwing around the word retire so easily one could say I "retired" from Mcdonalds when I got a real job after high school. Then after 6 years in the US Marines I "retired" from that and went into the civilian world. Follow me?
Once again, I'm not trying to argue, hijack a thread or anything, just trying to make a point.
As far as cancelling your subscription I suggest you fire a few emails to SOE. Or perhaps change your security question? I'm not quite sure how to go about it. Good luck to you either way!
Bottom line: Call or email to cancel (don't trust the webpage unless it confirms that the cancel "took").
I called to cancel (VoIP phone so no long distance charges - you are, indeed, warned about the long distance charge when you look up the phone number on the SoE website, btw). Oddly enough, the CS billing rep I spoke to had a "tough luck, bud" kind of attitude toward me when I explained the situation. I hung up, called the credit card company, and told them to retract the charge.
It's not the 15$'s the principal of the thing.
On a side note, I see in your sig you're "retired" from several games including vanguard. Not trying to flame, be argumentative or discuss semantics but just out of curiosity around what level did you "retire" When I think of someone "retiring" a toon I picture they played, reached the level cap or close and then hung up their armor and called it quits. Again, with this same thinking, if a person plays for 10-20 levels and calls it quits they simply quit/cancelled a game. I mean, throwing around the word retire so easily one could say I "retired" from Mcdonalds when I got a real job after high school. Then after 6 years in the US Marines I "retired" from that and went into the civilian world. Follow me?
Once again, I'm not trying to argue, hijack a thread or anything, just trying to make a point.
As far as cancelling your subscription I suggest you fire a few emails to SOE. Or perhaps change your security question? I'm not quite sure how to go about it. Good luck to you either way!
Sounds like this is still going on and not an isolated incident.
I suffered the same problem:
Bottom line: Call or email to cancel (don't trust the webpage unless it confirms that the cancel "took").
I called to cancel (VoIP phone so no long distance charges - you are, indeed, warned about the long distance charge when you look up the phone number on the SoE website, btw). Oddly enough, the CS billing rep I spoke to had a "tough luck, bud" kind of attitude toward me when I explained the situation. I hung up, called the credit card company, and told them to retract the charge.
It's not the 15$'s the principal of the thing.