The Champions also have a specific class item that is a horn. It is used as a stunning skill. The higher the level of the horn, the more targets you are able to stun. You can not use this horn as a musical instrument however.
There is also a small variety of musical instruments available. They have recently changed it so that everyone is able to play the Lute because it is the most popular instrument.
People are learning to play some amazing music on these.. I was running through Bree this morning and heard "Dust in the Wind" being played by this man with a lute.. I ended up standing there for the rest of that song and then another 5 minutes before I even though about continuing my quest.
People are learning to play some amazing music on these.. I was running through Bree this morning and heard "Dust in the Wind" being played by this man with a lute.. I ended up standing there for the rest of that song and then another 5 minutes before I even though about continuing my quest. I'm looking forward to jammin'.
I heard some one playing "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Darth Vader's Theme" while in the acution hall one time!
I saw some guys in game playing together and it was great.. They were playing different parts of the same song on different instruments and it sounded pretty good. They were in a guild called "Middle Earth Orchestra", so i assume it is their specialty
I would love to see player music haver an actual impact on the game, raising resting morale regen or even some kind of low level buffing. Same goes for the different types of pipeweed... they should definitely provide buffs and be useful for something other than smoke rings. these are two of the cooler, more unique features of the game, It would be cool to see them have an actual gameplay impact.
List of some songs people are able to play in Lotro.
Probably be a ton more when the game goes live. It'll be interesting to see if people actually start throwing bands together. Since voice chat is already enabled in the game, they can practice and communicate all together.
People are learning to play some amazing music on these.. I was running through Bree this morning and heard "Dust in the Wind" being played by this man with a lute.. I ended up standing there for the rest of that song and then another 5 minutes before I even though about continuing my quest. I'm looking forward to jammin'.
I heard some one playing "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Darth Vader's Theme" while in the acution hall one time!
Darth Vader doesn't have a theme? If so, it's news to me (and I want to hear it! ) If you are talking about the song that goes, roughly,
Da Da Da Da Dada Da Dada., that song is called the "Imperial March" and is the theme for the Empire, not Vader. Ok, ok, SW rant off, I know, I know, please stop throwing the rotten vegetables.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
The imperial march is often subtitled "Darth Vader's theme".
I have seen a couple of different notations for it in LOTRO, this is the one I think seems to be the closest.
(s=shift, c=ctrl)
as compiled by Mariner
It isn't really easy to get the timing the way you want it, as the game currently locks you to a certain rhythm and BPM. That feature is supposed to be optional soon, along with the addition of sustained notes, this should open the music system up and allow for some pretty amazing group play music
C-scale: keys 1 thru 8
next octave: hold shift and press 1-8
B-scale: hold ctrl and press 1-8.
I think bards sell the instruments.
There is also a small variety of musical instruments available. They have recently changed it so that everyone is able to play the Lute because it is the most popular instrument.
People are learning to play some amazing music on these.. I was running through Bree this morning and heard "Dust in the Wind" being played by this man with a lute.. I ended up standing there for the rest of that song and then another 5 minutes before I even though about continuing my quest.
I'm looking forward to jammin'.
I saw some guys in game playing together and it was great.. They were playing different parts of the same song on different instruments and it sounded pretty good. They were in a guild called "Middle Earth Orchestra", so i assume it is their specialty
I would love to see player music haver an actual impact on the game, raising resting morale regen or even some kind of low level buffing. Same goes for the different types of pipeweed... they should definitely provide buffs and be useful for something other than smoke rings. these are two of the cooler, more unique features of the game, It would be cool to see them have an actual gameplay impact.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
List of some songs people are able to play in Lotro.
Probably be a ton more when the game goes live. It'll be interesting to see if people actually start throwing bands together. Since voice chat is already enabled in the game, they can practice and communicate all together.
Darth Vader doesn't have a theme? If so, it's news to me (and I want to hear it! ) If you are talking about the song that goes, roughly,
Da Da Da Da Dada Da Dada., that song is called the "Imperial March" and is the theme for the Empire, not Vader. Ok, ok, SW rant off, I know, I know, please stop throwing the rotten vegetables.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
The imperial march is often subtitled "Darth Vader's theme".
I have seen a couple of different notations for it in LOTRO, this is the one I think seems to be the closest.
(s=shift, c=ctrl)
as compiled by Mariner
It isn't really easy to get the timing the way you want it, as the game currently locks you to a certain rhythm and BPM. That feature is supposed to be optional soon, along with the addition of sustained notes, this should open the music system up and allow for some pretty amazing group play music
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----