Think your typical mmorpg, in the good ways. Nice big world to roam, lots of people, lots of monsters.
Now, throw away the levels and the combat systems you're used to and replace is with hack'n slash DMC style combat. Now smarten it up a bit.
You've got yer wall running/jumping, a myriad of weapons and armor, moves and combos to choose from. You could combine these for infinite possibility. There wouldn't be much need for balance as there would be no classes, the victor would simply be the better player.
I feel a game like this could pit a total noob against a seasoned vet and the noob could still come out on top. It would likely take awhile, but ya get the idea.
I've wanted something like this for awhile, but haven't found it. I'm assuming because maybe not too many other people would like it.
The 'PWNZ JOO' kids and what not.
Would anyone else like a game like this?
They came from the sea and they came from the sky, Captain America is going to die!
I mean the click and wait manner of combat we see a lot today does exist due to technical reasons primarily. I mean it does not matter if you have 1 second "lag", since your character will stand there doing his stuff anyway. In a game like yours 1 second could be fatal.
My theme song.
Putting technology aside than, discuss')
Oh, and Monster Hunter type play would be cool, for the gear we have now anyway. For sure a step up from what we have IMO(if we had better camera control with it) but I want hyper fast paced action!
They came from the sea and they came from the sky, Captain America is going to die!
In that case i'd like to see a GTA game, with npc's through the whole city, going about their business. Destructable enviroments with physics (something that has not been implemented in mmo's due to technology as well), with a mafia cartels, real gun fights, real action like you said, maybe some sword fighting who knows. All this wont be happening any time soon though.
still has levels but its a lot more actiony than most MMO's.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Uruku, I do want something similar to that. From what you posted I can tell that what I want diverges significantly from what you want but the basic idea is much the same. In fact, I've been thinking lately about doing a long-ass post about this know, it seems pointless sometimes. But I'll do some here.
Ok, think of a first person shooter game. You log into it. There's your character. No levels to grind for. No skill gains to grind for. Your character is what he is. You jump right in and start having fun.
Now...take away the guns and put it in a fantasy setting (or whatever setting you prefer but I'm assuming fantasy for the moment).
Next...make it a persistant world.
Focus first and foremost on making the combat gameplay fun. So that people can jump right in and start having fun right off.
HOWEVER,...this is people will want something more besides just a constant killing fest. Goals to achieve is what I'm talking about. Some reason to go out in the world and do things.
Ok, so have a way that players can earn things. What things? How about earning playable monsters. Why not? It's just for fun. Like hopping into a tank in call of duty. The monsters can (and will) perma-die but you get to have fun with them untill then and when they die you can earn another if that's what you want. Make it not too difficult to earn them, maybe based on how tough they are. So like hopping into a tank in call of duty maybe you could load in a dragon in this game. No it's not balanced but what the hell, the tank in CoD isn't balanced with a infantryman either. And just like you can lose the tank in CoD you can get your dragon killed in this mmorpg.
And how about this: Everyone is a melee class. But you can earn the oppurtunity to add rogue, priest, or mage to a character in addition to being a melee fighter. This would only last for the duration of that character. When he dies you lose it and have to earn it again if you want. But this way you wouldn't have to try to balance rogue, priest, and mage abilities with melee fighters. Because everyone is a melee fighter and these other things are just extras.
Um,...well I'll stop there. I actually have a lot of detailed ideas about this. In fact I pretty much have an entire outline for it. I'd type it all up and post it if I really thought it would do any good. Maybe one of these days I will anyway.