First of all let me say sorry for placing another beta request post in the forum but...
...I'm just wondering if anyone has either a spare beta
key or knows of a way I can get into beta.
I bought a copy of CVG today which supposedly was prioviding beta keys, but for some reason it appears they aren't now.
I've installed the full client and patched it and now can't get in
PLEASE PLEASE can anyone help me out to get in?
Thanks guys.
Also is there anywhere in particular where I should order it to ensure I get a BETA access key?
Go to a "Best Buy" (retail outlet) and purchase the pre-order for USD (U.S. Dollars) $10.00
If you don't like the game, don't buy the full version.
If you buy it online, you'll pay the full $50.00
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)