I've played many MMORPGS, and I find that none totally encompass what I'm looking for.
[b]Final Fantasy XI[/b] - (My main RPG)
[i]Pros[/i] - I absolutely love the general feel of the game. The detail of the towns, scale of the buildings, glow of the lights. It's not "cartoony" like other popular games. *Cough* ...WoW....*Cough*
Emoting is amazing, though simple - If you want your character to simply display a head shake (As opposed to the graphical display followed by "Ralon shakes his head.") , you can do so.
There is also certainly enough lore, for those who are into history.
Classes / Jobs. I love the fact that one can change jobs. 'Nuff said.
[i]Cons[/i] - Waaay outdated interface - Hands down, the largest flaw. I prefer the WoW style interface, but love that would limit the gamepad compatibility.
Traveling takes a while (But it should be in a true RPG, right?),
Chat is not very organized.
Of course, the level grind is an issue. I prefer to quest for exp, not grind away endlessly - 2nd largest flaw.
Needs more emotes.
Needs a better way to "Look for group" or "Look for Linkshell," though the latter is currently being addressed in the form of a website update.
Character creation. I have clones EVERYWHERE!
[b]Everquest II[/b]
I admit, I only played this to level 20, but I focused more on RP, and as such, didn't complete main quests.
[i]Pros[/i] - Good Interface, (Though sacrifices the effective functionality of a gamepad - Seems one can't have both)
Decent graphics. With a good PC, has the potential to surpass FFXI. - Though, I think the scale is a bit off. In FFXI, one can easily get the feeling that they are "in the area" EQII, doesn't give me that feeling.
Good RP community, should you know where to look.
I love, no- adore the fact that one can have his own apartment. An actual address. Brilliance. It is handled nicely, as one "Address" can be home to hundreds of player's apartments.
[i]Cons[/i] - No "Feel" of depth. See above. The textures of the game are too simple. One can easily see a grid-like poly-effect when looking into the distance. Pure ugliness. - Main complaint.
Wasn't impressed with the fighting. Too many similar mobs. Too many at a time.
Character creation. Much better than FFXI, but not up to par.
[b]Eve Online[/b]
Never made it out of the hangar.
Tried playing it. I really did.... just couldn't "get it" Seems to be strategy oriented, like Warcraft, or those games where you mine ore, refine it, and try for total galactic domination.
Maybe I'm missing the point of the game. I heard it was a great game for Roleplayers. Just doesn't seem to be the right style for me.
Tutorial made my head hurt. Holy _____.
[b]Dungeons and Dragons Online[/b]
Played for a few days after it first came out. Didn't even finish the free month before I cancelled it.
[i]Pros[/i] - Newer game that seemed to overcome some of the flaws of other games.
I like the 'feel' of the game, though FFXI does more for me in that department.
Good interface, etc.
[i]Cons[/i] - You can't walk!! Well, you do, but you look like you're galloping... so wierd. Horrible animations hinder the game that is otherwise full of potential. This is why I quit the game. Can't walk, can't RP. Some may fault my reasoning, but I like what I like.
[b]Vanguard: Saga of Heroes[/b]
Copied from another thread in my FFXI forum. Sums it all up.
Character creation was good. You can shape your face, modifying each individual feature. Hair styles and Facial hair are a bit limited - and a little wierd - 1 combination resembles Jesus a little too closely. Your detailed face is visible in-game. A plus over FFXI.
2 Points Vanguard
Low texture volume... Hard to explain, but in FFXI - you "Feel" like you're in a town. Everything is Scaled properly and smooth. There are curbs, stairs, Light poles, defined architectural styles, etc.. Vanguard "feels" weird. Sometimes the sidewalk is the size of a 2 lane highway... Buildings and landscapes certainly don't look as good as say - Oblivion. Need to have a pretty high-end PC to fully enjoy Vanguard. No fog... On a med-level PC, you can see to the horizon - then you have to worry about graphical issues. FFXI wins in the "Immersion" department.
The feel of a game means a lot to me - Especially when it comes to RP'ability.
3 Points FFXI.
Controls are so-so. Better movement animations than EQ2. No walk/run toggle! I had to macro /walk and /run.
Pros - Characters can jump and crouch.
Cons - Strafing is awkward, no toggle function. This round goes to FFXI due to FFXI's ease of use.
1 Point FFXI
Has a World of Warcraft stlye interface. Gamepad compatible, just don't see it being of much use. I think that it would get quite complicated with the clickable weapon skills and abilities. Pro's - Point and click friendly. Cons - To me, point and click means crazy, fast, crowded action. Combat lacks cool animations at low levels, but that may just be due to the fact that I had "balanced" graphical settings enabled. I'm leaning towards FFXI's interface.
1 Point FFXI
Macros only allow hotkeys for 3 action bars. No hotkeys for additional action bars.
No points awarded.
Quest for XP. I won't argue this as I'm sure everyone has their own view on FFXI's grind for XP, quest for fame. Though it may allow for a "linear" style of gaming, I prefer questing for XP.
1 Point Vanguard.
Guild system. Social panel allows for a guld, a fellowship, a friendlist - Like WoW, but a bit nicer, though no channels for guild recruitment. (At least that I saw - I may be wrong.)
1 Point Vanguard.
Player races, classes and abilities! - Meat and potatoes. Day 1, so I don't know about class combos, or if you can change jobs (I don't think you can, seeing as some jobs are only for some races.) Several Races to choose from. Very nice. Several jobs available at level 1. No questing for jobs. You can argue pro's and cons - but I'm leading toward FFXI only for the fact that you can change your job any time. Plus - questing for a job adds to it a sense of accomplishment.
1 point Vanguard,
1.5 Points FFXI.
Mounts- Nowhere near that point yet. Only level 2. From what I understand, you can have flying mounts.
No points due to lack of experience on this subject.
Bottom line: Great if you have a high-end PC, and extra money ($49.99 download, 14.99 / month +2.49 for premium package). Possibly a WoW replacement - Not as "cartoony" - Just not as sleek. RP factor.... Meh. Emotes are goofy - Oh yea... and Voice acting is HORRIBLE! I don't like the NPC voices or the wierd voices the PCs make when emoting. ...Disturbing.
FFXI FTW. (Did I use that right? Not hip to the lingo...)[/quote]
[b]Honorable Mentions[/b]
World of Warcraft - Of couse I should mention this game. Love it or hate it... Just don't underestimate it.
Too cartoony.
I'll not spend any more time speaking about this game, but it is the game I play 2nd most.
Guild Wars - Hmm... where to start. - I know. NO NAKED DANCING! Good game, just never got into it. Read: "Feel of the game"
Matrix online. - Played the game in it's infancy for a few days. Subsequently uninstalled the game, broke the dvds, threw it in the trash, burned it all - then washed my hands until they bled. Sterilized my mind, as well. - Had to watch 3 seasons of "Family Guy" in one sitting before I could even crack a smile.
Seeking an MMORPG that is modern.
Fantasy or sci-fi. Doesn't matter, so long as you are a visible 3D character. One that emotes - and no dumb voice overs (Vanguard). If you're gonna do voice overs, get more than one voice actor, not some guy that just changes his pitch.
One that has a good "feel" about it. Good graphics - one that wouldn't require a monster computer to run it. Think - Oblivion. Doubt that anyone would deny the graphical superiority. - Down with the Cartoonyness.
Modern interface, to include a modern Looking for Group / guild / etc...
Gamepad Compatibility.
Walking. - Is that so freaking hard?
Variable character jobs. - Not just confined to one job.
Character creation. - No clones.
Quest to level as opposed to grinding to level- or if it exists - No levels. I've read some threads about this. It really caught my attention, but it would be difficult to do.
Any suggestions?
If you want an honest answer, there is no game. In fact, the game you're looking for will never be made as too many of your ideas are from different sub sections of MMOs, that generally do not mix well, or are just awkward.
Gamepad? Why the hell would you want a gamepad compatibility... that only limits how complex and fun a game can be. If a game can be played with a gamepad (IE FFXI) it will never be as good, or even as close to as good, as a full keyboard strategic MMO.
No Level MMOs are more confined to "Simulation" MMOs, (Think SEED, or the like) and do not mix well with the general MMO feel, because of advancement issues.
Variable character jobs (IE sub classes) are incredibly hard to balance, especially in an advancement game, and are usually opted out because of it. World of Warcraft had planned to have them, and call them hero levels, but they opted out because of that exact reason. In all honesty, it's hard enough to balance a one class based game, let alone a multi-classed game. The MMO you will find with features like this will not have most of your others because they will not be Competitive, or otherwise non-simulation type games (Guild Wars is an exception, but they don't balance it worth crap, hence why everyone changes builds constantly when new expansions come out -- One setup conquers all type of game, which defeats the purpose of multi-class anyways)
So, nothing like it exists if you want the easy answer. WAR looks like it is going to have an interesting turn on leveling (PvP advancement as an option) but since you don't like cartoony, single class, and there's no gamepad, that's a no.
Hero's Journey looks like it's level system will be about more than grind, and more about RP and Teaming.
There's a lot of games, none out with your specifications, read up on them all and take your pick. Good luck with those specifications though.
I guess I turned a simple one paragraph question into more of a rant when I posted that.
I suppose I'm just looking for a game that would support good graphical RP. - "Feel" or atmosphere, character creation, emotes, etc... I'm not as concerned about the gamepad, classes, etc..
Pardon the novel in the first post.
Please, continue with your suggestions.
But, your honest comparaison of all these games has helped me consider my own options (I'm leaning toward FFXI now), so even if you can't find your perfect game you've got my thanks for this one.
As a roleplayer and old table-topper I can say so far I had the most roleplay fun in SWG, That was of course before all of its changes. Now there seems to be none at all, or that i've found with it. I have tried most of the ones you've already listed and found them failing in a few areas as you have. Most of those were all of fantasy genre though. CoH/V is ok, I just couldn't get into it as much and didn't really go past the trial period although it had an awesome character system.
I know what I'm looking for, it matches somewhat with what you are looking for as well, there's just not anything that quite meets all of those though. I got to the point where I needed to take action myself. I and others formed a design team and I have direct impact on an mmorpg thats still in development. That's the best I could do with what I was looking for. Force of Arms is still in development and will take quite a while to complete but when it's done if I get my way it'll exceed most roleplayers expectations.
www.forceofarms.com or just click my sig.