I'm one of those who love the whole good vs evil pvp. I've tried doing some research on the official forums, but there was just too much material to sift through. Do they plan on releasing a pvp server once they allow players to create evil races? Or are they sticking with this silly "create a goodie monster" thing? I hope not ;/
mPVP is pvp in this game, you shouldnt have to sift hard.
Yeah, I don't know how I overlooked the PvP forums. I was searching in the general. Ahh well This game isn't for me. It's a shame... I've always enjoyed the books as a kid. This game could have had some some awesome rppvp.
If the monsters were playable races then there would be a rather steady population. But as it is now there is no check on the populations in monsterplay and it will ruin the PvMP experience. Its only Beta and the populations already swing wildly. The population swings in Ettenmoors will be even more exagerated upon release.
They should have made monsterplay characters playable races. Too late to change now.
They will see the error of their ways eventually and I predict that an expansion will likely add more PVP.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
I like the books and I am probably going to try the game, but forces of Sauron doing things they are not supposed to according to the books would not put me off so severely as to throw me out of mood. It could even be fresh and interesting.
They plan for making the PvM more interesting but they don't plan to make specific PvP servers where hobbits can slay Elves.
That's just good because then all the PvP whiners would scream nerf nerf nerf constantly when they got beaten by someone who played their avatar better than them.
Then Turbine had to try to balance the characters so they even on against eachother and because of that they would ruin all PvE servers.
This way with PvM battleground they can just balance the monsters without affecting the PvE world.
if you want pure PvP wait for Age of Conan or Warhammer.
Those games i'm waiting for myself while i walk casually through middle earth