The whole "best" topic ideas are subjective. It is 100% opinion based. I may think NBA2k7 is the greatest game ever and you may think that title belongs to Pokemon Red. The fact of the matter is that neither of us are wrong, but neither of us are right. It is an opinion and there is no best.
You're 100% right! That's why it's important to read the entire content of the original post and as many replies as possible, while also keeping up the post until it dies.
This is because sometimes there are things the OP forgets to state in his original post, and the same goes for the first replies by many repliers. This is especially true when the OP has a small ammount of emotion while writing the post, they may tilt the subject the wrong direction and focus too much on one aspect, only to reveal a more moderate viewpoint after thinking about the subject for a while.
The real 'opinion' and the best facts for forming one are usually found within the body of the post, not in the subject line. Often, the points that the OP really wanted to discuss are not even cited in the subject - since subject lines are intended more as catch-phrases used as 'hooks' these days.
If Darkfall doesn't become vaporware, you found your game.
Go to Google and type in: Darkfall is Coming Watch video, be happy ( or sad since it may never come to fruition)
The video was really cool. I haven't heard much about darkfall. I like the way that there are different skills, but the PvE element of the game scared me. Something tells me that we will all be forced to PvE to get better at whatever we do. I guess I don't know crap about the game, so I have no right to say...
Hey, I earned the right to be skeptical, I've played MMOs since the start!
i dream of the day people like you just do not post .
ps : no i m not a WoW fanboy, i hate it actually but i aint no one to decide how one should have fun.
You know.... caps and apostrophes are your friend, double negatives aren't. Maybe you should waste less time playing whatever MMO or game you are playing and go back to school.
Ah, the ol' trolling post. When you have nothing else to add to the thread or can't counter a good argument, hit 'em with the grammer. How sad.
On topic, WoW is a very good game, and the numbers speak for themselves. I tried playing Vanguard for a couple of months, and finally gave up. I went back to WoW and it's like a breath of fresh air. The game runs well, has some great lore and story telling, and is immersive. I don't play to raid or hit max level as fast as I can. Instead, I like to read the mission texts, explore, and enjoy the journey.
It's obvious that many people on these boards don't like the game. That's fine. It's also obvious that MILLIONS of people do, and that's great too!
Its not the numbers that are the problem in WoW , its the fact thatall that matters is your numbers.
1)Wow is a lame game ture or false? True .
People who argue aginst this do so becuase of :
a. This is about the only mmorpg they ahve played
b. They are total fanboyz and when blizzard nerfs their toons and tell them is a great upgrade they gazim and thank blizzard very much.
c. They have played one other mmo ... earthscape ... which is not an mmorpg or not a quility oen but never the less wow ownz it.
d. Frat boy syndrome. a Major cuase of wow playing. " Come on man you have to play with us", (thinks to himself wow is gay, but i want to be part of the group), " ahh ok".
e. there time spent raiding 40 mans and hour and hour long id for loot forces them to believe the loot grined it fun and good.
2) Wow has some good points true or false? True
Wow does have some good quilities combat is smooth and interactive. Classes abilities are different.
So over all Wow is not a bad game it has good quilities however, it has become a bad game becuase of neglect of blizzard to promote the game in a logical manner. Currently the devs just say , " hey lets do this" " wow thats a great idea frank" , frank " yeah i know" . And now you have a systme or aspect implmented in the game that is not logical or balenced (look at warriro rage it was nerfed and 2 months later it was powered up . Why ? Well they nerffed it to much .... could they have not tested this? Well the devs and testers where playing with pretty swords so...)
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
sorry i just say this becuase it drive some people mad , a troll kinda ... more of a joke.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
It made me lol, I can appreciate another posters humor unlike the people you talked about. lol. You know, the ones that get mad over the little things.
i dream of the day people like you just do not post .
ps : no i m not a WoW fanboy, i hate it actually but i aint no one to decide how one should have fun.
You know.... caps and apostrophes are your friend, double negatives aren't. Maybe you should waste less time playing whatever MMO or game you are playing and go back to school.
Ah, the ol' trolling post. When you have nothing else to add to the thread or can't counter a good argument, hit 'em with the grammer. How sad.
On topic, WoW is a very good game, and the numbers speak for themselves. I tried playing Vanguard for a couple of months, and finally gave up. I went back to WoW and it's like a breath of fresh air. The game runs well, has some great lore and story telling, and is immersive. I don't play to raid or hit max level as fast as I can. Instead, I like to read the mission texts, explore, and enjoy the journey.
It's obvious that many people on these boards don't like the game. That's fine. It's also obvious that MILLIONS of people do, and that's great too!
I would also say that millions hate the game too. Probably at this point, a larger ammount hate the game or are disinterested in it than the ones who would defend it.
It made me lol, I can appreciate another posters humor unlike the people you talked about. lol. You know, the ones that get mad over the little things.
Drawing on what someone said in another post.. WoW was in fact a HUGE success. However, no game can redo what WoW has done. We have already learned our lesson about grinding and I can't imagine that anyone new to MMOs will be capable of abandoning the ones to come to play a game that involves grinding.
I means you time is taken up and you DONT play the real MMO action which is very cool by ME
WoW rocks ... keep playing and and BLIZZaRD does a great job
oh yeh
*Thinks* ... Wow... is... the... bestMMO3v4R! You should all play it! I on the other hand will go and play the crappy MMOs..... *winks*
Currently: Playing EVE Online Previous: FFXI, Dragonrealms, sad little stint in WOWland. Awaiting: Fallen Earth, Hero''s Journey, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan.
I means you time is taken up and you DONT play the real MMO action which is very cool by ME
WoW rocks ... keep playing and and BLIZZaRD does a great job
oh yeh
*Thinks* ... Wow... is... the... bestMMO3v4R! You should all play it! I on the other hand will go and play the crappy MMOs..... *winks*
Begging your pardon, oh-so-mature MMO Player, would you be so kind as to explain the underlying rhetoric that I am too stupid to understand due to the fact I play and enjoy WoW?
Hang on...
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
I means you time is taken up and you DONT play the real MMO action which is very cool by ME
WoW rocks ... keep playing and and BLIZZaRD does a great job
oh yeh
*Thinks* ... Wow... is... the... bestMMO3v4R! You should all play it! I on the other hand will go and play the crappy MMOs..... *winks*
Begging your pardon, oh-so-mature MMO Player, would you be so kind as to explain the underlying rhetoric that I am too stupid to understand due to the fact I play and enjoy WoW?
Hang on... For those of you that play WoW, are mature, and enjoy it, please ignore my statment. It was directed at those leet kids. I probably just got the brunt end of the leetness when playing WoW, and yes I didn't play enough to really rate the game myself. But it still stands that I would rather have the "leet" players and the single minded players (OP) stay in WoW and not invade other MMOs I play or will possibly play. For that reason I'm sorry if that offended you Recant
Currently: Playing EVE Online Previous: FFXI, Dragonrealms, sad little stint in WOWland. Awaiting: Fallen Earth, Hero''s Journey, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan.
I would also say that millions hate the game too. Probably at this point, a larger ammount hate the game or are disinterested in it than the ones who would defend it.
I would also say that millions hate the game too. Probably at this point, a larger ammount hate the game or are disinterested in it than the ones who would defend it.
And you base these statements on what?
On people I have talked to in-game and out about WoW. This statement has the same credibility as the person who said that 1 player is sick of the game, and the other 8 million enjoy it.
Tylerthedrui, what MMOs do you enjoy? You're spot-on about WoW's deficiencies, and you have a good idea of what a good game should be. What games break the mold? I'm burned out on bog-standard second-gen MMOs, and looking for something new.
Tylerthedrui, what MMOs do you enjoy? You're spot-on about WoW's deficiencies, and you have a good idea of what a good game should be. What games break the mold? I'm burned out on bog-standard second-gen MMOs, and looking for something new.
I used to enjoy Shadowbane alot. It's a little dated now. There are a few good MUD's out there like 'lusternia' if you happen to enjoy MUD's. As for new-age MMORPGs, I've heard that EVE can be refreshing.
However, I'd have to say that things are pretty stale right now and we're sort of caught between two different evolutionary steps in MMORPGS. There's not alot else to do but wait until some of the games in development come out. Some of them hold alot of promise.
I think alot of people are in our shoes right now. All we can do is wait!
If Darkfall doesn't become vaporware, you found your game.
Go to Google and type in: Darkfall is Coming
Watch video, be happy ( or sad since it may never come to fruition)
You're 100% right! That's why it's important to read the entire content of the original post and as many replies as possible, while also keeping up the post until it dies.
This is because sometimes there are things the OP forgets to state in his original post, and the same goes for the first replies by many repliers. This is especially true when the OP has a small ammount of emotion while writing the post, they may tilt the subject the wrong direction and focus too much on one aspect, only to reveal a more moderate viewpoint after thinking about the subject for a while.
The real 'opinion' and the best facts for forming one are usually found within the body of the post, not in the subject line. Often, the points that the OP really wanted to discuss are not even cited in the subject - since subject lines are intended more as catch-phrases used as 'hooks' these days.
The video was really cool. I haven't heard much about darkfall. I like the way that there are different skills, but the PvE element of the game scared me. Something tells me that we will all be forced to PvE to get better at whatever we do. I guess I don't know crap about the game, so I have no right to say...
Hey, I earned the right to be skeptical, I've played MMOs since the start!
There is your new darkfall info.
You know.... caps and apostrophes are your friend, double negatives aren't. Maybe you should waste less time playing whatever MMO or game you are playing and go back to school.
Ah, the ol' trolling post. When you have nothing else to add to the thread or can't counter a good argument, hit 'em with the grammer. How sad.
On topic, WoW is a very good game, and the numbers speak for themselves. I tried playing Vanguard for a couple of months, and finally gave up. I went back to WoW and it's like a breath of fresh air. The game runs well, has some great lore and story telling, and is immersive. I don't play to raid or hit max level as fast as I can. Instead, I like to read the mission texts, explore, and enjoy the journey.
It's obvious that many people on these boards don't like the game. That's fine. It's also obvious that MILLIONS of people do, and that's great too!
Its not the numbers that are the problem in WoW , its the fact thatall that matters is your numbers.
1)Wow is a lame game ture or false? True .
People who argue aginst this do so becuase of :
a. This is about the only mmorpg they ahve played
b. They are total fanboyz and when blizzard nerfs their toons and tell them is a great upgrade they gazim and thank blizzard very much.
c. They have played one other mmo ... earthscape ... which is not an mmorpg or not a quility oen but never the less wow ownz it.
d. Frat boy syndrome. a Major cuase of wow playing. " Come on man you have to play with us", (thinks to himself wow is gay, but i want to be part of the group), " ahh ok".
e. there time spent raiding 40 mans and hour and hour long id for loot forces them to believe the loot grined it fun and good.
2) Wow has some good points true or false? True
Wow does have some good quilities combat is smooth and interactive. Classes abilities are different.
So over all Wow is not a bad game it has good quilities however, it has become a bad game becuase of neglect of blizzard to promote the game in a logical manner. Currently the devs just say , " hey lets do this" " wow thats a great idea frank" , frank " yeah i know" . And now you have a systme or aspect implmented in the game that is not logical or balenced (look at warriro rage it was nerfed and 2 months later it was powered up . Why ? Well they nerffed it to much .... could they have not tested this? Well the devs and testers where playing with pretty swords so...)
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
sorry i just say this becuase it drive some people mad , a troll kinda ... more of a joke.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
You know.... caps and apostrophes are your friend, double negatives aren't. Maybe you should waste less time playing whatever MMO or game you are playing and go back to school.
Ah, the ol' trolling post. When you have nothing else to add to the thread or can't counter a good argument, hit 'em with the grammer. How sad.
On topic, WoW is a very good game, and the numbers speak for themselves. I tried playing Vanguard for a couple of months, and finally gave up. I went back to WoW and it's like a breath of fresh air. The game runs well, has some great lore and story telling, and is immersive. I don't play to raid or hit max level as fast as I can. Instead, I like to read the mission texts, explore, and enjoy the journey.
It's obvious that many people on these boards don't like the game. That's fine. It's also obvious that MILLIONS of people do, and that's great too!
I would also say that millions hate the game too. Probably at this point, a larger ammount hate the game or are disinterested in it than the ones who would defend it.
Drawing on what someone said in another post.. WoW was in fact a HUGE success. However, no game can redo what WoW has done. We have already learned our lesson about grinding and I can't imagine that anyone new to MMOs will be capable of abandoning the ones to come to play a game that involves grinding.
WoW is not a bad game but I defiantly is an overrated game. If you guys actually tried other great mmorpg you will notice how average wow really is.
Please keep playing it
I means you time is taken up and you DONT play the real MMO action
which is very cool by ME
WoW rocks ... keep playing and and BLIZZaRD does a great job
oh yeh
Currently: Playing EVE Online
Previous: FFXI, Dragonrealms, sad little stint in WOWland.
Awaiting: Fallen Earth, Hero''s Journey, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan.
Begging your pardon, oh-so-mature MMO Player, would you be so kind as to explain the underlying rhetoric that I am too stupid to understand due to the fact I play and enjoy WoW?
Hang on...
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
Begging your pardon, oh-so-mature MMO Player, would you be so kind as to explain the underlying rhetoric that I am too stupid to understand due to the fact I play and enjoy WoW?
Hang on... For those of you that play WoW, are mature, and enjoy it, please ignore my statment. It was directed at those leet kids. I probably just got the brunt end of the leetness when playing WoW, and yes I didn't play enough to really rate the game myself. But it still stands that I would rather have the "leet" players and the single minded players (OP) stay in WoW and not invade other MMOs I play or will possibly play. For that reason I'm sorry if that offended you Recant
Currently: Playing EVE Online
Previous: FFXI, Dragonrealms, sad little stint in WOWland.
Awaiting: Fallen Earth, Hero''s Journey, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan.
And you base these statements on what?
And you base these statements on what?
On people I have talked to in-game and out about WoW. This statement has the same credibility as the person who said that 1 player is sick of the game, and the other 8 million enjoy it.
I used to enjoy Shadowbane alot. It's a little dated now. There are a few good MUD's out there like 'lusternia' if you happen to enjoy MUD's. As for new-age MMORPGs, I've heard that EVE can be refreshing.
However, I'd have to say that things are pretty stale right now and we're sort of caught between two different evolutionary steps in MMORPGS. There's not alot else to do but wait until some of the games in development come out. Some of them hold alot of promise.
I think alot of people are in our shoes right now. All we can do is wait!
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.