For the recommened I only do not surpass the Ram, I currently (still) have 512. Would that 512 less ram really cause me to freeze up at random times (mainly when loading new objects).
I have:
AMD Anthlon XP 2200+
512 RAM
Radeon 9600.
This blows if that is the case.... Cause I'm really bored.
I recently upgraded my memory with an extra 1GB. Giving me a total of 1.50GB of RAM. It makes ALL the difference. My graphics card is pretty slow to an extent, but until i get paid it'l have to do. (Geforce fx 5200)
Anyone use that type of RAM? It is compatible with my PC btw.
It's slow indeed i'm afraid, which brings me nicely on to my next question. What graphics card would you folks recommend? I'm from the UK.
Anyway it is also a PCI-E card so new mobo also. I'm not up-to-date on PC parts because I haven't bothered to look into it, but if you go to prebuilt sites like,, they have some good options for great prices, unlike Alienware, not that theyre bad but they are very very expensive. You can even pick from Intel and AMD!
nVidia is releasing some more budged versions of the 8 series GeForces sometime next month. For a bang for buck ratio, I'd go with (and will be getting) a 8600.