What's the five best mmo's that you wish a company would make?
Well, first of all, there's a couple of games that used to be on my list that I now have to remove due to them becoming a reality and no longer just wishful thinking. These games are now being made:
Warhammer 40K - Forget Warhammer, 40K is awesome, space marines, elders, etc.... Gonna be great, hopefully.
Vampire the Masquerade - The company is now partnered with CCP, the guys behind EVE Online. And they're going to make a game in the White Wolf Universe. Hopefully it'll be good. There's alot of storyline and lore there - seems as if it'd be impossible to mess this one up but then again, how does a company mess up an Online Star Wars game, sheesh. I'm keeping my fingers crossed here.
And now to my top 5 list:
1. Shadowrun - I'd love to see a game made in the shadowrun universe. Remember that awesome Sega Genesis game they made called Shadowrun where you had to hack into computers and go to corporations and steal their plans, schematics and different blue prints all the while trying not to set off the alarms and keeping those mean guard dogs away. Magic, technology, espionage, Corporate espionage. They could do so much with a mmo like this. Already has a huge amount of lore and storyline's to go off of.
2. Dune - I'm not the biggest dune fan, I loved the movies though and recognize the potential for a really unique sci-fi mmo that would have really awesome faction pvp. you've got those 3 factions fighting for control of the spice, the Harkonan's, the Arkadians or whatever they're called and that other group, Lol. I can't remember the names. There could be huge pvp battles for control of the spice for a certain amount of time. Crafting and spice production. Getting out in time before a Worm destroys your spice harvesters and NO a worm should not be able to be killed. I don't care how many lv. 60's you have, Lol. There's just alot of story and lore here, a great potential for some unique pvp and a sci-fi universe that could encompass quite a few different worlds. Sounds fun to me.
3. A Western MMO - Cowboys, Indians, Horse riding, gambling, gold mining, shootouts, you get the idea. I don't know if it'd be a hit but it would be different, Lol.
4. Robotech - This one would have to be done right or it would really blow. This could be an awesome mmo, Veritech fighters, transforming ships, Three different chapters: Robotech, The Robotech Masters and the Invid. Lots and lots of vehicles, fighters, tanks, transformable cycles, everything the Robotech world has to offer. I'm not sure technology is ready for this one yet but I'd love to play it..
5. Forgotten Realms, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Dragonlance mmo - I put these all together because they could all be the same world, I know there's that D&D Eberron game based in the Greyhawk Universe but really, would you rather play the little known Eberron campaign or play the classic Forgotten Realms that we all grew up with and love? There's already more history and lore there than any other universe ever created. Visit famous towns like Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, etc. Travel through the spine of the world. Meet Drizzit, Elminster, and other famous characters. Make it a real D&D MMO with caves, dungeons, cities and taverns. Not just A City that you go into instanced dungeons from but make it a real world where you travel through forests and get ambushed by Bugbears, shoot a flaming arrow into a cave only to find out it's the home of Asmodeus (I accidently did that once in the pen and paper game, ouch) Get hired by some rich noble in a tavern to safeguard his estate or to guard a cravan traveling dangerous roads. Lots and lots of races and class combinations. Ahh, I so wish.
Well, that's my list. I'm sure there's alot more mmo's I'd like to see but I can't think of them now, well except for maybe Mario Online: A world full of pipes and mushrooms, trippy dude. Anyway, what Mmorpg's would you like to see come out?
I love smiley's : )
The Shannara world would make an excellent setting for a MMORPG.
But If I could choose, my top 5 would be...
Anarchy Online II
Star Wars Galaxies II
Fallout Online
Ghost in The Shell Online
Terminator Online
Each of these would be awesome...if they were developed by a very large team of highly talented people who really cared about making something special. If not then each would be a big pile of shit!
2.Anarchy Online 2
3.some Starcraft mmo
4.more wow expansions >_<
2. Equilibrium (Or anything else 1984ish)
3. Sliders (Never ever going to ever happen)
4. Zelda (If Nintendo makes it)
5. Narnia (Not the kiddish movie version, but the book world)
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
1) StarCraft MMO
2) Star Wars MMO (Since there isn't one out yet)
3) Fallout MMO!!! (I love fallout and post-nuclear games)
4) FPS MMO (I know some exist but I want to see a really decent one. Kinda like STALKER: Shadow of kjernobyl)
5) GTA MMO (Grand Theft Auto. An open world, one side could play criminals and the other could play the police. Could be cool but would be very hard to accomplish)
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
This is by "baby" so to speak. The game I'd most like to see SOMEONE make something close to, sometime in the future. It'll probably never happen.
2. Old Republic-Era Star Wars MMO - If done right, this could be the mother of all online RPGs. There is so much potential for this kind of setting, it's unbelievable. What sucks is that with Lucas Arts in bed with Sony, this will probably never happen. Personally I think that this should have been the setting for SWG because of various problems with the "current" Imperial vs. Rebel dichotomy, along the Jedi dilemma.
3. Grand Theft Auto Online - Pretty much impossible to do simply because of the shear chaos, death, destruction, and mayhem factor of having so many players tearing up a city. Even so, the idea of Crime Families gives the perfect framework for both NPC factions and player guilds; driving would be fucking AWESOME if done right in an MMO; and an at least semi-realistic shooter done in real time would be amazing.
4. A quality take on a classic cyberpunk setting. Shadowrun would be amazing, but an original IP would do just fine. Make it accessible to new players, but incredibly deep once you get into the meat of the game (Neocron and FoM pissed me off because of this).
5. For shits and giggles, a Harry Potter MMO - just to prove that it IS possible. Heh.
How do you kill that which has no life?
I dont care how many immature gamers it would attract- I'm one of them.
but Pokemon Online would be so fun.
"Sir, the fish market is quickly emptying. I need you to out, get me 5 tuna, 4 blue snappers, 3, uh, Darkshore groupers, and 2 goldfish please. And then report to the docks. I'll see you there, goodbye."
Ghost in the Shell
Last Exile
My theme song.
"Sir, the fish market is quickly emptying. I need you to out, get me 5 tuna, 4 blue snappers, 3, uh, Darkshore groupers, and 2 goldfish please. And then report to the docks. I'll see you there, goodbye."
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.
Western MMO thank you! I've been saying this for years, and there is so much you can do for both the PvP and PvE aspect.
Native Americans will pwn j00 drunk on fire water!
Arcanum was a vastly underappreciated masterpiece of a game. I can't tell you how many times I've played through that game over the years. Tis a bit dated now, but still fantastic. RIP Troika. =(
They did a pretty good job on Bloodlines, too; even considering the forced release date and buggy product.
But yeah, I have a bit of a thing for Steampunk and would LOVE to see a well made MMO set in it.
How do you kill that which has no life?
The Fallout MMOG is in the works. There are a few I want that are also in the works. STO, SGW.... For post-apocalyptic, Fallen Earth looks good. I'm tired of fantasy myself, but wouldn't mind seeing The Elder Scrolls turned into an MMOG.
2. X Universe
3. Starcraft would be good.
4. Battlestar Galactica
5. Space Above and Beyond
6. X-Com or at least another good single player X-Com.
Battlestar Galactica
Babylon 5
can you smell that?!!...............there is nothing quite like it.....................the smell of troll in the morning............i love that smell.
2. Wrum online made by a a bigger developer
3. GTA online
4. A darkfall that acually would be released
5. DAOC2!
Other series worth as a MMO would be
Last Exile
Gundam Seed
5th Element
The steampunk suggestions made me think of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Captain Nemo. Something based around 20,000 leagues under the sea would be original, an under water MMORPG.
1. I'd like to see a Western MMO too. Deadlands, the PnP RPG, would make a perfect setting.
2. If there had to be yet another fantasy MMO on the horizon, I'd like them to base it on George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series.
3. An espionage MMO. It could be campy/ Bondish or it could be more gritty/ Bourne Identity-ish.
4. A 3rd Gen Dark Sun: Burnt World of Athas MMO.
5. It's already been mentioned, but a true Victorian Steampunk MMO, maybe based on Castle Falkenstein or even the CRPG Arcanum.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, both the movie and the comic, is a fantastic example of Steampunk. A lot of classic Science Fiction writers like Verne and Wells actually laid a pretty solid groundwork for that particular sort of setting, as well.
How do you kill that which has no life?
Fallout MMO.. something post apocolyptic.. i know some are coming out but the possibilities are endless
Arcanum.. (whoever mentioned it earlier i totally agree.. AWESOME game) would make a great mmo
a GOOD SWG game...
Western would be cool if it could be pulled off.. not a whole lot of things to put into the game that wouldnt make it feel like lots of things to do
I am down with Fallout as well. I really don't know how this hasnt been done yet tbh. Seems so obvious and workable.
But aside from this I really need to get away from standardised MMORPGs very soon (If Conan lets me down and turns out to be the mess that Vanguard did, then tbh I'm pretty much done with this genre for the next 5 years. or so) and would LOVE to see a decent MMORTS/ RPG type game done...
A bowl of Age of Empires III, mixed with a little Ultima Online, with a healthy dash of Google Earth, all served up in a persistant world with a Dungeon Keeper garnish... Yummy
FALLOUT for sure.Damn that would be awsome.I SO loved that game.
Western mmorpg..mentioned that to a mate of mine a few weeks back too.Have playerhousing..should be fun.People can craft or grow crops, be farmer.You can be a dueller...an outlaw or help out the sheriff.MAN that should rock.
And a pirate mmorpg is what i allways wanted..hence my sig , i am a true pirates of the burning sea fanboy.
Those 3 i would like to see done.
Definately Arcanum! "Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura" just crys to be a MMO.
A MMO set in the old "Command and Conquer" or "Red Alert" world would be interesting. A real easy RvR set up, to be sure.
An old RPG from the pen and paper days "Twilight 2000" would be a good world to play in.
UO2. I'm still sorry that they never went ahead and made that baby.
DAOC2....if they could learn to balance RvR.
The "Worlds of Known Space" or "Ringworld" by Larry Niven would make an outstanding Sci-Fi RPG.