I have been on Planetside for over a year now, but with my new X2 system - the FPS i get is just a joke...
...but not as much of a joke as the technical support clowns are!
I asked them about the low FPS on the system, told them that everything else. 3d mark etc was fine - and that i had the X2 patch installed (which PS needs) etc etc.
So, the reply was:
"Firstly, try to disable your firewall."
"Also, install this X2 patch"
I hate to think if anyone actually listens to them...disabling a firewall for a FPS problem?? WTF!
Anyway, with the upcoming price rise, theres no way im paying it - to feed to clowns and alike...
So, what should i go onto next???
Ive tried the following in the PAST along with planetside (not present):
Auto Assault -- repetative
City of Villians --- This wasnt bad at all...but it felt like i was the only player???
Dungions and dragons --- terrable
EVE online - never really got into this. Took to long to learn it....(complicated, especially on your own!)
Archlord --- no need to say whats wrong with this...
Currently play guild wars, but want something "more"
Thanks for any suggestions...im dying of bordom!
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
If there's a bottleneck along your connection, like a firewall blocking PlanetSide, then that could very likely make the FPS suffer. I can't explain why in detail, but it's got something to do with how fast you update your ingame surroundings. When my network is buried with people downloading and there's nearly no bandwidth left to play, PS will drop its FPS in a huge spike when I get close to busy hotspots.
I'm not saying the techie was right, just that if you really want to be sure you should disable it or forward PS on the ports or whatever so you could exclude this as the problem.
The price rise... heh. With the US Dollar as low as it is right now that's nothing, but I guess you have your mind set to leave in any case Sorry to see you go, but I have to argue that I still enjoy the game the same as before.
You could try Saga of Ryzom if you'd like something slightly different. Try to get into a guild though, it'll make things easier both in terms of learning and finding things to do.
If you were happy about CoV with the exception of the loneliness, try another server or download the american trial. I'm not sure which servers are the busiest, but I've heard there's a big difference in them. Also, people might've migrated to City of Heroes due to pvp imbalances.