The Lizardmen are an ancient race, created by the godlike beings known as the Old Ones to be the guardians of the Warhammer world. The age-old civilization of the Lizardmen is based deep within the steaming jungles of Lustria and the Southlands, where their mighty temple-cities rise amid the ancient trees and cloying swamps. The bloated Slann Mage-Priests are masters of magic and the original servants of the Old Ones, and it is they who oversee the entire Lizardmen civilization. At the heart of the Lizardmen armies are the powerful Saurus Warriors, hulking reptilian warriors spawned solely for the purpose of war. They are revered as sacred warriors of the gods – an army of Saurus Warriors dwells beneath the temples in each city, always ready to march against any foe.
A High Elf table top army can't use Lizardmen as allies like they can for Empire, Bretonnia, Dwarves or Wood Elves, but based on the whole Enemy of my Enemy is My Friend philosophy, Lizardmen and the side of Order are friendly. Chaos seeks to Destroy the world as do the Skaven. Lizardmen are set about trying to defend it. As such, the Lizardmen would be on the side of Order.
Until Mythic comes outright as says that Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings will be playable races, I am going count them out. There are a lot of Lore and Gameplay issues with them being a balanced, playable race. The Undead armies are held together by the power of the General. The majority of units wouldn't be available as a playable profession based on this fact alone. A VC or TK playable race would lose a lot of it's feel with the changes that would have to be made to accomodate them. I'll concede that Mythic could turn them into a playable race. The route they'd have to take isn't a pretty one to do so though.
Well if the rumours of "advanced classes" are true, then Dwarfs will be the only race to get: SLAYERS If true, that should give the stunties a bit of extra lovin'
What are these superior slayers you guys are talking about?
The Dwarf Slayer is a dwarf who feels he/she has been so throughly dishonored that the only way to ragain any kind of dignity, both for himself and his clan, is to seek death in battle at the hands of the most powerful foe they can find.
Eschewing armor and sometimes clothing, they go forth into the battlefield seeking the most fearsome opponent to battle and hopefully to die with honor. As walking deadmen, these dwarfs know no fear.
Originally posted by Trick5ter
Thank you, I was getting scared there for a second. Well besides that, you're certain Lizardmen would be Order? All I ever read or hear about them is dealing with Brettonian adventurers who stray too close to their temples...
Well they might say "straying to close", the reality is more like "sacking & pillaging". Also remember that there is no true white & black in the Warhammer world, just various shades of grey. And in that line, the Lizardmen are as white as it gets (i.e. destroy Chaos and preserve the will/plan of the Old Ones).
Originally posted by Juankis Well they might say "straying to close", the reality is more like "sacking & pillaging". Also remember that there is no true white & black in the Warhammer world, just various shades of grey. And in that line, the Lizardmen are as white as it gets (i.e. destroy Chaos and preserve the will/plan of the Old Ones).
Exactly. It's important not to mix the concepts "good" and "evil" with "order and destruction. Lizardmen are the closest to pure Order of all the races. Doesn't mean they're not going to chew your face off though.
Well if the rumours of "advanced classes" are true, then Dwarfs will be the only race to get: SLAYERS If true, that should give the stunties a bit of extra lovin'
What are these superior slayers you guys are talking about?
Dwarf Slayers
A notable aspect to Dwarf culture is the Slayer Oath. A Dwarf who has suffered a great shame, loss, or humiliation will dye his hair and beard orange, and cut it into a mohawk using pig grease to stick it in place. Before taking up his axe, they will get a blue tattoo on his face and over certain parts of his body. They will then go out into the world, seeking death in combat, and in doing so undo his dishonor. Those who continue to survive their repeated attempts to get themselves killed (a Dwarf is psychologically incapable of either suicide or fighting to lose) become fearsome warriors. One of the most (or least, depending on your point of view) successful Slayers of all time is Gotrek Gurnisson, a Slayer made famous by the books written about him by his longtime companion Felix Jaeger. Because of the way they constantly seek death by the hands of a fearsome monster, natural selection takes place and you can be sure that even the weakest Slayer you ever meet will be stronger than even the mightiest "normal" dwarf.
Within the TT game Slayers level of ability is noted by what they are trying to die in battle against - moving up through the progression ranks - Slayer, Trollslayer, Dragon Slayer, Daemon Slayer. A Dwarf Slayer fights without using armour of any kind, and usually has a rather large axe, or two rather large axes.
Chaos will be the race of choice for the hardcore MMO crowd because there is a bit of a lack of geniune dark and evil characters in MMO's to date. In terms of the general playing public though I would expect to see the 'softer' races populated more by younger people perhaps? Just my guess, but I think the 'dark' side of the Realm will be more populated by MMO vets than the 'good' side.
The Lizardmen are an ancient race, created by the godlike beings known as the Old Ones to be the guardians of the Warhammer world. The age-old civilization of the Lizardmen is based deep within the steaming jungles of Lustria and the Southlands, where their mighty temple-cities rise amid the ancient trees and cloying swamps. The bloated Slann Mage-Priests are masters of magic and the original servants of the Old Ones, and it is they who oversee the entire Lizardmen civilization. At the heart of the Lizardmen armies are the powerful Saurus Warriors, hulking reptilian warriors spawned solely for the purpose of war. They are revered as sacred warriors of the gods – an army of Saurus Warriors dwells beneath the temples in each city, always ready to march against any foe.
A High Elf table top army can't use Lizardmen as allies like they can for Empire, Bretonnia, Dwarves or Wood Elves, but based on the whole Enemy of my Enemy is My Friend philosophy, Lizardmen and the side of Order are friendly. Chaos seeks to Destroy the world as do the Skaven. Lizardmen are set about trying to defend it. As such, the Lizardmen would be on the side of Order.
Until Mythic comes outright as says that Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings will be playable races, I am going count them out. There are a lot of Lore and Gameplay issues with them being a balanced, playable race. The Undead armies are held together by the power of the General. The majority of units wouldn't be available as a playable profession based on this fact alone. A VC or TK playable race would lose a lot of it's feel with the changes that would have to be made to accomodate them. I'll concede that Mythic could turn them into a playable race. The route they'd have to take isn't a pretty one to do so though.
The Dwarf Slayer is a dwarf who feels he/she has been so throughly dishonored that the only way to ragain any kind of dignity, both for himself and his clan, is to seek death in battle at the hands of the most powerful foe they can find.
Eschewing armor and sometimes clothing, they go forth into the battlefield seeking the most fearsome opponent to battle and hopefully to die with honor. As walking deadmen, these dwarfs know no fear.
Well they might say "straying to close", the reality is more like "sacking & pillaging". Also remember that there is no true white & black in the Warhammer world, just various shades of grey. And in that line, the Lizardmen are as white as it gets (i.e. destroy Chaos and preserve the will/plan of the Old Ones).Dwarf Slayers
A notable aspect to Dwarf culture is the Slayer Oath. A Dwarf who has suffered a great shame, loss, or humiliation will dye his hair and beard orange, and cut it into a mohawk using pig grease to stick it in place. Before taking up his axe, they will get a blue tattoo on his face and over certain parts of his body. They will then go out into the world, seeking death in combat, and in doing so undo his dishonor. Those who continue to survive their repeated attempts to get themselves killed (a Dwarf is psychologically incapable of either suicide or fighting to lose) become fearsome warriors. One of the most (or least, depending on your point of view) successful Slayers of all time is Gotrek Gurnisson, a Slayer made famous by the books written about him by his longtime companion Felix Jaeger. Because of the way they constantly seek death by the hands of a fearsome monster, natural selection takes place and you can be sure that even the weakest Slayer you ever meet will be stronger than even the mightiest "normal" dwarf.
Within the TT game Slayers level of ability is noted by what they are trying to die in battle against - moving up through the progression ranks - Slayer, Trollslayer, Dragon Slayer, Daemon Slayer. A Dwarf Slayer fights without using armour of any kind, and usually has a rather large axe, or two rather large axes.
Screenshot - Dwarf Slayer vs Troll
Artwork - Dwarf Slayer vs Black Orc
Artwork - Dwarf Slayers and Orcs in Battle
Hope this helps.