VG isn't perfect, it would have been a much better release if they'd had more time, and if it hadn't been watered down to cater partly to a playerbase that was never going to be particularly interested in it, but there's enough there to keep me happy for sometime. There's lots of positives like the CSR's genuinely trying to stop RMT from ruining the basis of the game, rather than just paying it lipservice in PR releases and turning a blind eye in practice, the return of boats and proper housing that's been sadly absent since UO, really varied and fun classes and grouping dynamics etc etc.
There seems to be a genuine hole in the marketplace for one end of the spectrum, everything I've tested that's new or upcoming is at a WoW or simpler type of level - I'm happy fans of that type of game are well catered to, but whilst some of those games are fun for a short while, they really don't hold the interest very long for the demographic I game with.
If not VG what else?
That was pretty funny post . specially this part "demographic I game with."
Most hardcore gamers are throwing this title in the face of the makers because it has nothing to offer us. What demographic are talking about, arrogant self centered gamers that need to be TOLD they are hardcore because they have no idea what it means ? Seriously , you are why the game is crap , your blind views on what it could of been just simply over whelms your arrogant essence . I guess the Demographic is Rich people with money to throw away on a total pile of shat that makes them feel superior to anyone who doesn't play it because they "The Superior demographic" has been TOLD they are core. I would rather change the Word CORE , to WHORE , because that is all SOE and Sigil are doing to you , Whoring you computers and wallets on pure rubbish. That is just my opinion.
It Just blows my mother !@#$ing miind that people have the arragonce to say that only them where looking for a expaansive world to play in. They really are going to !@#$ me off pretty fast with this type of posting. What mother @#$$% arrogance.
Dude Vanguard is the biggest joke , and the players themselves are becoming a huge part of the punch line . That is my mother @!@#$ opinion. Sorry Fifthred, but I don't really get much from your post other than an inarticulate rage that anyone has different taste to you, and alot of blanket, inaccurate and offensive stereotyping of anyone who dares to air a different opinion.
I've been playing MMO's for the last decade, most of my friends are similarly "vet" so if I refer to my type of gamer I'm speaking broadly about the kind of things we talk about, and the sort of opinions they express. Most weren't that satisfied with what they were playing recently, there hasn't been alot in the way of strong new MMO blood for some years. There is a whole slew of new titles all coming out this year which is good, but right now VG is a solid option for some friends, not all of course. Many of the things under NDA aren't as revolutionary as the hype might have you believe if you've actually tested them. Rather like VG's launch... the aspirational hype and the reality once you experience it can be rather different, as I'm sure many will have a new tantrum about, on the new releases.
VG isn't perfect, it would have been a much better release if they'd had more time, and if it hadn't been watered down to cater partly to a playerbase that was never going to be particularly interested in it, but there's enough there to keep me happy for sometime. There's lots of positives like the CSR's genuinely trying to stop RMT from ruining the basis of the game, rather than just paying it lipservice in PR releases and turning a blind eye in practice, the return of boats and proper housing that's been sadly absent since UO, really varied and fun classes and grouping dynamics etc etc.
There seems to be a genuine hole in the marketplace for one end of the spectrum, everything I've tested that's new or upcoming is at a WoW or simpler type of level - I'm happy fans of that type of game are well catered to, but whilst some of those games are fun for a short while, they really don't hold the interest very long for the demographic I game with.
If not VG what else?
That was pretty funny post . specially this part "demographic I game with."
Most hardcore gamers are throwing this title in the face of the makers because it has nothing to offer us. What demographic are talking about, arrogant self centered gamers that need to be TOLD they are hardcore because they have no idea what it means ? Seriously , you are why the game is crap , your blind views on what it could of been just simply over whelms your arrogant essence . I guess the Demographic is Rich people with money to throw away on a total pile of shat that makes them feel superior to anyone who doesn't play it because they "The Superior demographic" has been TOLD they are core. I would rather change the Word CORE , to WHORE , because that is all SOE and Sigil are doing to you , Whoring you computers and wallets on pure rubbish. That is just my opinion.
It Just blows my mother !@#$ing miind that people have the arragonce to say that only them where looking for a expaansive world to play in. They really are going to !@#$ me off pretty fast with this type of posting. What mother @#$$% arrogance.
Dude Vanguard is the biggest joke , and the players themselves are becoming a huge part of the punch line . That is my mother @!@#$ opinion. Sorry Fifthred, but I don't really get much from your post other than an inarticulate rage that anyone has different taste to you, and alot of blanket, inaccurate and offensive stereotyping of anyone who dares to air a different opinion.
I've been playing MMO's for the last decade, most of my friends are similarly "vet" so if I refer to my type of gamer I'm speaking broadly about the kind of things we talk about, and the sort of opinions they express. Most weren't that satisfied with what they were playing recently, there hasn't been alot in the way of strong new MMO blood for some years. There is a whole slew of new titles all coming out this year which is good, but right now VG is a solid option for some friends, not all of course. Many of the things under NDA aren't as revolutionary as the hype might have you believe if you've actually tested them. Rather like VG's launch... the aspirational hype and the reality once you experience it can be rather different, as I'm sure many will have a new tantrum about, on the new releases. Amazing how LotRO has 0 hype, 0 expectations to live up to. If you can't understand why I am not feeling your flow, then I can't make you understand because it is just the kind of person you are .
I welcome peoples opinions and I know people like different things , but I will not stand for arrogant people pretending Vanguard is some kind of Palace only the Elitest can enjoy. It is bull!@%$ , you whole thought process of gaming is bull!@#$.
I can play any great game and enjoy them, and when a large pile like Vanguard comes along and you have people with this blind arrogance telling me only certain "Demographics" can only enjoy this type of game play, just makes me want to plunge harder and faster to push the pile down the drain. That is my opinion.
If you're truly trying to argue there is no hype or expectations surrounding LOTRO (or any new anticipated release for that matter) then I'm afraid I'd have to say your views are a little naieve.
I and quite a few other of my guildmembers have tested LOTRO, extensively, since beta1, and other stuff that is under NDA, we're quite entitled to our opinions, spending our cash on the pastimes we find fun and we're obviously going to play what we enjoy and see long term potential in.
If you wish everyone to automatically agree LOTRO is a better game for example, perhaps you might try the LOTRO boards for more luck.
I would like to think that many of the people playing currently wouldn't be playing if not for Brad McQuaid's name.
But then again, every crappy game has its nomatterwhat defenders.
Me personally, I expected more and continue to expect more from Sigil. I'll return when they've improved the game (the clock is ticking though, who knows which upcoming release will steal me away...might even be LotrO...which would be very surprising).
If you're truly trying to argue there is no hype or expectations surrounding LOTRO (or any new anticipated release for that matter) then I'm afraid I'd have to say your views are a little naieve.
I and quite a few other of my guildmembers have tested LOTRO, extensively, since beta1, and other stuff that is under NDA, we're quite entitled to our opinions, spending our cash on the pastimes we find fun and we're obviously going to play what we enjoy and see long term potential in.
If you wish everyone to automatically agree LOTRO is a better game for example, perhaps you might try the LOTRO boards for more luck.
Your are simply missing the entire point. Forget about any game and just look at what you wrote.
Take what you wrote and put into something like a restaurant . a style of clothing or a type of car.
You are saying only a certain demographic can like/understand/or participate (in) a certain widget. (widget represents anything)
I would not think twice if you would of said, "I like this game and I find it fun," Like so many other posters have done and I respect that, but when you try to make yourself more then what anyone else who bleeds red blood , I get annoyed and just will reject any notion that any one person is superior over another when it comes to gaming .
Finally I understand your point of contention, however it's simply a misunderstanding on your part. I said there aren't many games that cater well to some of the players who enjoy VG, there aren't really any coming in the near future either unless things change - they're more solo than group focused or quite fast in the levelling or slanted to PvP balance or all three. Any assumptions that a particular preference is more "elite" than any other is your own misinterpretation. No need to be quite so paranoid, honestly not everyone who enjoys VG thinks it somehow makes them superior, probably rather less than believe not enjoying VG makes them superior, anyway it just means they enjoy VG, and doesn't preclude them liking other gameplay or styles either.
I really liked Diablo2 a very simple more solo/pug focused game, I really liked EQ1 a quite complex group/raiding game, I also really enjoyed the largescale PvP, politics and conquest elements of Shadowbane to pluck 3 examples - it doesn't make any of them superior, just they satisfy quite different tastes.
To get back on topic, I've never cared if Brad or the Easter Bunny was CEO, I like VG because it supports grouping by including dungeon crawl type content that is ideal for old friends to regularly group together and embark on, and it rewards attention and tactical play.
VG also get points in my book for attempting a massive world and epic and ambitious scope, I agree they haven't pulled it all off yet, and possibly some of it they never will - but that is more interesting to me than a very safe bet that aims entirely middle of the road.
Pretty much the only demographic that this game Vanguard hits is , mediocre. Just my opinion but Even PcGamer says so.
Vanguard is the middle of the road, it is like a deer trying to decide which way to go , only to get smashed by a tractor trailer (new innovative mmo's) , I think you really tried to justify yourself in the words you chose but you are still just coming up with new ways of saying "I'm an elitist and Vangaurd is just for my demographic"
Pretty much the only demographic that this game Vanguard hits is , mediocre. Just my opinion but Even PcGamer says so.
Vanguard is the middle of the road, it is like a deer trying to decide which way to go , only to get smashed by a tractor trailer (new innovative mmo's) , I think you really tried to justify yourself in the words you chose but you are still just coming up with new ways of saying "I'm an elitist and Vangaurd is just for my demographic"
thanks for showing that youtube movie, fully understand why you don't like Vanguard if you call that a dungeon
Pretty much the only demographic that this game Vanguard hits is , mediocre. Just my opinion but Even PcGamer says so.
Vanguard is the middle of the road, it is like a deer trying to decide which way to go , only to get smashed by a tractor trailer (new innovative mmo's) , I think you really tried to justify yourself in the words you chose but you are still just coming up with new ways of saying "I'm an elitist and Vangaurd is just for my demographic"
thanks for showing that youtube movie, fully understand why you don't like Vanguard if you call that a dungeonYup , it is fun. There are more special effects in the Great Barrows then all of Vangaurd and Eq1.
Was looking for a vanguard dungeon vid on youtube , none . I did lmao at the hit animations , they are so weak butt.
Let me rephrase that :
Hit Animation. you never notice every single player in vanguard has the same hit animation, and it is just ONE animation.
Thanks but I've actually been in Great Barrows on a variety of characters, I actually don't need a movie. The quality, size, complexity and number of dungeons is one of the many factors that mean neither myself nor other friends will be playing LOTRO, wish you all the best with your chosen game though.
I dont care if it was bobby brown who made this far im enjoying it..and im not into people worshipping of any i dont care who made it..only thing i care about is that i enjoy it!
I dont care if it was bobby brown who made this far im enjoying it..and im not into people worshipping of any i dont care who made it..only thing i care about is that i enjoy it!
If Bobby Brown had made it we might be able to smoke ingame, but then again who want to make a game that promotes smoking..............................................................................................oops
this game if Brad is not involve?.. will you still play it? with so many problems in this game and i still see fans trying hard to defend it, isit because Brad is involve or you really like the current state of the game? Please, i would ask all of you that is playing to stop playing and relax ... do other things for a few days and seriously think would you still play VG if Brad is not involve?
It is not because Brad is involved. It is because Brad sold out to SoE, after years of bashing them and posturing as to how much better Sigil would do than SoE. Then, after selling out, V:SoH gets released in such a sorry state that even by Brad's own metric, V:SoH is a failure. I suspect that if Sigil had kept control of V:SoH, cut its staff so it could keep going, and had a real Open Beta for a year or so, then we would have seen a great V:SoH game.
But, it did not happen. SoE took control, forced a release, put V:SoH on the All Access Pass list (with the rest of the SoE line of losers), and that is that. End of story. They will plink away at it over the next year or so, but V:SoH is pretty much cooked. Performance will improve, minor content will be added, bugs will be fixed. But, as the V:SoH supporters are fond of saying, this is pretty much the pattern for most MMORPGs. But that is not going to make V:SoH achieve any sort of greatness or success. It will just make what is there now run a little better. And that, for most folks, is not enough.
I played EQ1 and quit out of frustration after only a few days (and after wasting $50 on Kunark). I hated that damn game.
I had no idea who Brad McQuaid was until the very late beta stages of Vanguard, when his name started to get thrown around as an insult in various places.
I don't care if he's involved or not. I'll play Vanguard until it gets stale, just like I did with World of Warcraft, and when I'm done I will cancel my account and go on to the next game.
It's that simple.
"Give a man a fire, and he is warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he is warm for the rest of his life."
Amazing how LotRO has 0 hype, 0 expectations to live up to.
If that was to be true, then explain why it is named Lord Of The ring Online (with emphasis on LOTR).
Is that beacuse it is placed in the LOTR-universe? Compared to Vanguard, LoTRO has no hype created by the Developers, they never made any claims that the game was going to be this new great things and be the last game you would ever play. Turbine has been straight , when it came to what they set out to do and what they have done. 0 hype.
Sigil ,still to this day is talking out there butt about how this game is for the elitist demographic and find it funny to finally see the elitist step up and admit who and what they are.
I've watch many Vanguard video last night and they have not even 1/4 of the game playabilty of LoTRO, all Vanguard has is 2 washed up developers that couldn't comprehend today's technology making you believe you are elitist for playing their game.
To me Pc gamer is the Eiitist magazine, and they gave the game a 69%. That pretty much tells me all I need to know .
This game just isn't fun. Unless your grind-aholic. Can anyone tell me what the point is? If the grinding doesn't get to you then the lag and crashing will. Then it's all compounded by exp penalty. The game is to group dependent in my opinion. All the problems with this game just kept beating me into submission until I had to admit that I wasted $60.
I dont care if it was bobby brown who made this far im enjoying it..and im not into people worshipping of any i dont care who made it..only thing i care about is that i enjoy it!
If Bobby Brown had made it we might be able to smoke ingame, but then again who want to make a game that promotes smoking..............................................................................................oops This annoys me .
So you are saying you don't watch movies with smoking in them ? You don't watch t.v. shows that have smoking ? If you would think about it, you wouldn't of posted it. Think, it is a great weapon, just my opinion.
It is like you don't play games because of violence as well ? How about nudity ? lol
Most hardcore gamers are throwing this title in the face of the makers because it has nothing to offer us. What demographic are talking about, arrogant self centered gamers that need to be TOLD they are hardcore because they have no idea what it means ? Seriously , you are why the game is crap , your blind views on what it could of been just simply over whelms your arrogant essence . I guess the Demographic is Rich people with money to throw away on a total pile of shat that makes them feel superior to anyone who doesn't play it because they "The Superior demographic" has been TOLD they are core. I would rather change the Word CORE , to WHORE , because that is all SOE and Sigil are doing to you , Whoring you computers and wallets on pure rubbish. That is just my opinion.
It Just blows my mother !@#$ing miind that people have the arragonce to say that only them where looking for a expaansive world to play in. They really are going to !@#$ me off pretty fast with this type of posting. What mother @#$$% arrogance.
Dude Vanguard is the biggest joke , and the players themselves are becoming a huge part of the punch line . That is my mother @!@#$ opinion. Sorry Fifthred, but I don't really get much from your post other than an inarticulate rage that anyone has different taste to you, and alot of blanket, inaccurate and offensive stereotyping of anyone who dares to air a different opinion.
I've been playing MMO's for the last decade, most of my friends are similarly "vet" so if I refer to my type of gamer I'm speaking broadly about the kind of things we talk about, and the sort of opinions they express. Most weren't that satisfied with what they were playing recently, there hasn't been alot in the way of strong new MMO blood for some years. There is a whole slew of new titles all coming out this year which is good, but right now VG is a solid option for some friends, not all of course. Many of the things under NDA aren't as revolutionary as the hype might have you believe if you've actually tested them. Rather like VG's launch... the aspirational hype and the reality once you experience it can be rather different, as I'm sure many will have a new tantrum about, on the new releases.
Most hardcore gamers are throwing this title in the face of the makers because it has nothing to offer us. What demographic are talking about, arrogant self centered gamers that need to be TOLD they are hardcore because they have no idea what it means ? Seriously , you are why the game is crap , your blind views on what it could of been just simply over whelms your arrogant essence . I guess the Demographic is Rich people with money to throw away on a total pile of shat that makes them feel superior to anyone who doesn't play it because they "The Superior demographic" has been TOLD they are core. I would rather change the Word CORE , to WHORE , because that is all SOE and Sigil are doing to you , Whoring you computers and wallets on pure rubbish. That is just my opinion.
It Just blows my mother !@#$ing miind that people have the arragonce to say that only them where looking for a expaansive world to play in. They really are going to !@#$ me off pretty fast with this type of posting. What mother @#$$% arrogance.
Dude Vanguard is the biggest joke , and the players themselves are becoming a huge part of the punch line . That is my mother @!@#$ opinion. Sorry Fifthred, but I don't really get much from your post other than an inarticulate rage that anyone has different taste to you, and alot of blanket, inaccurate and offensive stereotyping of anyone who dares to air a different opinion.
I've been playing MMO's for the last decade, most of my friends are similarly "vet" so if I refer to my type of gamer I'm speaking broadly about the kind of things we talk about, and the sort of opinions they express. Most weren't that satisfied with what they were playing recently, there hasn't been alot in the way of strong new MMO blood for some years. There is a whole slew of new titles all coming out this year which is good, but right now VG is a solid option for some friends, not all of course. Many of the things under NDA aren't as revolutionary as the hype might have you believe if you've actually tested them. Rather like VG's launch... the aspirational hype and the reality once you experience it can be rather different, as I'm sure many will have a new tantrum about, on the new releases. Amazing how LotRO has 0 hype, 0 expectations to live up to. If you can't understand why I am not feeling your flow, then I can't make you understand because it is just the kind of person you are .
I welcome peoples opinions and I know people like different things , but I will not stand for arrogant people pretending Vanguard is some kind of Palace only the Elitest can enjoy. It is bull!@%$ , you whole thought process of gaming is bull!@#$.
I can play any great game and enjoy them, and when a large pile like Vanguard comes along and you have people with this blind arrogance telling me only certain "Demographics" can only enjoy this type of game play, just makes me want to plunge harder and faster to push the pile down the drain. That is my opinion.
I like pie !
I and quite a few other of my guildmembers have tested LOTRO, extensively, since beta1, and other stuff that is under NDA, we're quite entitled to our opinions, spending our cash on the pastimes we find fun and we're obviously going to play what we enjoy and see long term potential in.
If you wish everyone to automatically agree LOTRO is a better game for example, perhaps you might try the LOTRO boards for more luck.
But then again, every crappy game has its nomatterwhat defenders.
Me personally, I expected more and continue to expect more from Sigil. I'll return when they've improved the game (the clock is ticking though, who knows which upcoming release will steal me away...might even be LotrO...which would be very surprising).
Life sucks, buy a helmet.
Take what you wrote and put into something like a restaurant . a style of clothing or a type of car.
You are saying only a certain demographic can like/understand/or participate (in) a certain widget. (widget represents anything)
I would not think twice if you would of said, "I like this game and I find it fun," Like so many other posters have done and I respect that, but when you try to make yourself more then what anyone else who bleeds red blood , I get annoyed and just will reject any notion that any one person is superior over another when it comes to gaming .
I like pie !
I really liked Diablo2 a very simple more solo/pug focused game, I really liked EQ1 a quite complex group/raiding game, I also really enjoyed the largescale PvP, politics and conquest elements of Shadowbane to pluck 3 examples - it doesn't make any of them superior, just they satisfy quite different tastes.
To get back on topic, I've never cared if Brad or the Easter Bunny was CEO, I like VG because it supports grouping by including dungeon crawl type content that is ideal for old friends to regularly group together and embark on, and it rewards attention and tactical play.
VG also get points in my book for attempting a massive world and epic and ambitious scope, I agree they haven't pulled it all off yet, and possibly some of it they never will - but that is more interesting to me than a very safe bet that aims entirely middle of the road.
Pretty much the only demographic that this game Vanguard hits is , mediocre. Just my opinion but Even PcGamer says so.
Vanguard is the middle of the road, it is like a deer trying to decide which way to go , only to get smashed by a tractor trailer (new innovative mmo's) , I think you really tried to justify yourself in the words you chose but you are still just coming up with new ways of saying "I'm an elitist and Vangaurd is just for my demographic"
I like pie !
Was looking for a vanguard dungeon vid on youtube , none . I did lmao at the hit animations , they are so weak butt.
Let me rephrase that :
Hit Animation. you never notice every single player in vanguard has the same hit animation, and it is just ONE animation.
I like pie !
It is not because Brad is involved. It is because Brad sold out to SoE, after years of bashing them and posturing as to how much better Sigil would do than SoE. Then, after selling out, V:SoH gets released in such a sorry state that even by Brad's own metric, V:SoH is a failure. I suspect that if Sigil had kept control of V:SoH, cut its staff so it could keep going, and had a real Open Beta for a year or so, then we would have seen a great V:SoH game.
But, it did not happen. SoE took control, forced a release, put V:SoH on the All Access Pass list (with the rest of the SoE line of losers), and that is that. End of story. They will plink away at it over the next year or so, but V:SoH is pretty much cooked. Performance will improve, minor content will be added, bugs will be fixed. But, as the V:SoH supporters are fond of saying, this is pretty much the pattern for most MMORPGs. But that is not going to make V:SoH achieve any sort of greatness or success. It will just make what is there now run a little better. And that, for most folks, is not enough.
I played EQ1 and quit out of frustration after only a few days (and after wasting $50 on Kunark). I hated that damn game.
I had no idea who Brad McQuaid was until the very late beta stages of Vanguard, when his name started to get thrown around as an insult in various places.
I don't care if he's involved or not. I'll play Vanguard until it gets stale, just like I did with World of Warcraft, and when I'm done I will cancel my account and go on to the next game.
It's that simple.
"Give a man a fire, and he is warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he is warm for the rest of his life."
Is that beacuse it is placed in the LOTR-universe?
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Is that beacuse it is placed in the LOTR-universe? Compared to Vanguard, LoTRO has no hype created by the Developers, they never made any claims that the game was going to be this new great things and be the last game you would ever play. Turbine has been straight , when it came to what they set out to do and what they have done. 0 hype.
Sigil ,still to this day is talking out there butt about how this game is for the elitist demographic and find it funny to finally see the elitist step up and admit who and what they are.
I've watch many Vanguard video last night and they have not even 1/4 of the game playabilty of LoTRO, all Vanguard has is 2 washed up developers that couldn't comprehend today's technology making you believe you are elitist for playing their game.
To me Pc gamer is the Eiitist magazine, and they gave the game a 69%. That pretty much tells me all I need to know .
I like pie !
"I actually cook my meat with nothing but my burning hatred for vegetables"
So you are saying you don't watch movies with smoking in them ? You don't watch t.v. shows that have smoking ? If you would think about it, you wouldn't of posted it. Think, it is a great weapon, just my opinion.
It is like you don't play games because of violence as well ? How about nudity ? lol
I like pie !