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new player to old guide!

xacovaxacova Member Posts: 190

1: Jedi is pointless now..... i mean   useless no joke. yes that means you  pre cu as well.

2; GO medic or spy  they both are rediculous compared  to jedi and  you will lose, there  are so many of em you  will not stand a chance, even some might say but when the fuck did a  medic ever become a combatant,  let me  enlighten you twat devs, right an infantry soldier , can be specialise in a few things  ,sniper, anti  tank, mortar, spec forces.

3; there is a medic specific trade it s not combatant like  you morons make it, it heals read it  HEALS.

4 The spy ability to  play hide and seek with oponents and not take damage. while dropping an over powerd poison , you may as well go back to pre cu   with mind fire poison, same thing they where saying we are not doing  yet done! once again  by  soe

5 ALL the ng'ers moan  but they are basking in almost the very same  thing  they moaned about. come lets see where it goes  and  dont moan like  the little bitches  you are when i kill you, im pissed with the  you  fuckin  noob replys  on  death, seriously     when you  see elder jedi  , elder bounty hunter  fuck off, you died in honour just accept it  an elder  can  kill  you...

6  die  with honour ! and aplaud your  SENIORS!    

7 what a pile of shit aiming system, how any  stupid tosser accepts it is well  beyond me , fight for your  right  to move a mouse and point the thing at the target you,   dosey dick heads, why do you need  two forms , a green and blue recticle,  rubbish ffs  wake up point and kill, also if you want and point and kill make the  laser  run in a straight line not auto, go round corner, auto seek, but  hey it s your game  your  trying to reclaim  of course.   


  • ajax7ajax7 Member Posts: 363

    I must Agree with you, on all points!

    As a Elder Jedi I use invis to get the first strike they are half dead before they no it.

    But Yes we are weaker than most of the current classes.



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