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well Im coming back to the game after a two year break, anyways i have a question is it still hard to get a party with a melee DD class, i really dont want to have to get NIN untill i have at least one high job to help support the funds that it takes to lvl up NIN. I wanted to try out DRK or DRG so if either one of those is more useful now, when i left it was hard to get a party with those jobs.
I also want to say good idea for lvling a different job first so you can fund your Ninja. It gets very expensive.
-Currently looking forward to FFXIV
-Currently playing EvE and Global Agenda
The bottom line though is that any DD class can do great damage. You need to know how to play your job and have the proper equipment. It's alot easier to be a great DD MNK or WAR than to be a great DD DRG or DRK.
EVE - Sharvala
FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"
I agree that DRG and PUP are least popular, but that's NOT the case with THF. I'm pretty sure that THFs has been prefered over SAM too in most parties I've been in too.
Based on own experiences: Gave up my DRG cause it's damn hard to both get an invite, and make own party, due to ppl's opinions on the job. This problem doesn't seem to exist at all for my THF, though it's currently at lower lvls than my DRG. "LOLDRG" is well known, I doubt I've ever heard "LOLTHF".
One of many theories why ppl don't like DRG: All other jobs gets adjusted abilities, stats, etc, and what does DRG get? Adjusted timers on jumps...:/
DRK is still a decent DD, but it's still overshadowed by a high population of ignorant warriors. The problem with FFXI is that as it's been out for several years, everyoneh as a cookie cutter mindset, and unless you're a BRD, RDM, WAR, NIN, or MNK your invites are going to be slow. I took DRK to 75 as well, it was a very satisfying accomplishment, but it's a long road. I currently enjoy my high damage capabilities, fast TP growth, and the newer spells that SE added to increase my survivability.