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It's odd, I regularly play WoW, Guild Wars, City of Heroes with no problems whatsoever videowise. But I can barely get LOTR to run even in Low mode.
Intel Pent 4, 2.8GHz, 2gig of ram, 256meg geforce 5200. Certainly not a cutting edge system by anymeans; but most games look quite lovely running on it and I usually experience little to no problems from lag/latency. But I can barely move around in LOTR, if my vid settings are above low, videos stutter or I get no sound. My characters look like something from 1997. Its sad.
I really have no desire to spend several hundred dollars on a new video card, let alone buy a new pc just to play this one game. Or is it my system? I realize this is beta (trust me Ive beta tested about a dozen games), and Vanguard gave me similar problems, which is why I did not buy that game.
If you have a bleeding edge pc with duo 8800s, please do not tell me how nice the game is running on your pc, okay? ;-) But Im curious about people with pc's similiar to mine and if they are experiencing problems like mine. Or not.
My pc is virus and spyware free, it gets scanned daily. Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this matter.
Peace now.
I'll wager that video card is the main thing holding you back. These new games are allot more demanding graphically than the last crop. But it can be set to a wide range of performance options, from absolutely butt-ugly to quite spectacular. Your card (and mine) is closer to the butt-ugly end of the spectrum. The game had some memory leaks and other problems that would make performance worsen the longer you played. Not sure if those are fixed yet. And really crowed areas would cause lockups regularly.
It would be nice if most MMO's were as flexible as WoW graphically. I had a good card die on me (6800U) with several months prepaid, I had to do something so I plugged in an old ATI 8500, and to my utter amazement it ran it fine. Unfortunately, it isn't realistic to expect new games to be so accommodating and the situation is only getting worse (AoC). Lets face it, sooner or later you gotta upgrade, I'm waiting for ATI to get their act together so I can get something reasonable this summer.
Your video cards is your holdup, everything else is fine. Dunno what your finances are like but Newegg has 7600 GT's for around a hundred or 7900 GTs for 200 or so US dollars. Either one would work great with your setup. My wife is playing with mopst of the settings at high and very high on a machine that is the AMD equivalent to yours except she has a 7900GT video card.
edit about halfway down the page this guy ran it on a AMD 2200, 1 gig of ram and a GEforce 4 card at minimum settings
I miss DAoC
LotRO is using the same engine as DDO, so reading from DDO's system requirement support page we find:
I'm not familiar with the GeForce 5200 card, but I'm inclined to agree with everyone else and put the blame on the card. Your other components look fine to me.
It sounds like your Vid card. Just a quick upgrade will fix it. and you don't have to break your bank.
Here's a list of 256 meg vid cards (agp and pci-e) all between $75-100 they range from your fx 5200 to radeon x1650pro
this is a list of $50-75 even on this list you can get up to a 7300 or an x1550, nothing that will scream but nothing that will break you either.
I'm able to play Lotr on med with a laptop with a 9600w 128mb and 768megs of ram so you really shouldn't have that problem. with your system and a new card you should be able to get all the shinies i get w my PC.
Most likely you have AGP so you can get a pretty good AGP card for fairly cheap.
The FX5200 was a VERY poor/low end card even when it was released. I had a GF4 TI4800 that outperformed the 5200 (and most of the rest of the 5x00 series) and my card was a generation lower. I currently run a Radeon 9800 Pro with a similar setup as you have except it's AMD and LOTRO runs beautifully. Not really sure why your FX5200 makes it unplayable though. How long has it been since you reformatted your HD and reinstalled XP? I am guessing your computer needs a reformatting and reinstall. At the least a defrag of your hd.