Also, you have to realize that EVERY image we have seen so far is without proper lighting. If you check out this March's Video of the Month, Huh. Whaddaya know. No more cartoons!
Originally posted by Sickpup Actually i beleive i am typeing,and i don't feel its worth the effort to use MS word to converse with you.I have my opinion and it's just my opinion.seeing screenshots of particle effects vs ones with out, would only fool a complete moron.I hope war does good,we need a good transistional pvp game out there. personally I am groing scepictal on it. Now im hearing there will actually be gore in this game is this true. Remember this thread is about graphics,not the game engine.embryo 2.2 is a well known engine licensed my EA Mtyhic.
I've no idea what the MS Word comment is about at all...
As for the two screens I posted; nice straw man there. So there's a small particle effect around the hammer. Whoop dee doo. Doesn't address the fact that it isn't the cartoony WoW graphics you claim them to be. It looks like a more colorful, upgraded DAoC than anything.
Hell, I don't think I've seen a screenshot of AoC with any particle effects. I did see the video of the run through by the dev from GDC 07. I saw a good bit of lag, rubberbanding, and some weird stuff going on with the water. Certainly nothing that made me think of realism. Nor anything that gave me any confidence that the game isn't gonna lag like mad in any kind of group warfare, and siege? I don't forsee that working any better than it did in Shadowbane
Sickpup everyone is entitled to an opinion no doubt about that. The thing is exactly that it is your own and nobody has to share it. You came here with an obvious intention to start some kind of conflict and this thread is the result. The problem with an attitude like yours is that your opinion is seen by you as being right and you look down your nose at everybody else (whether intentionally or not thats how you come off). Also if your opinion cannot be swayed then the forums dont seem like the right place for you, not to mention you seem rather uninformed about a lot concerning Warhammer Online. Again nothing wrong with that but it makes your claims seem ignorant.
Your final post states that this is about the graphics of the game and not the game engine... The game engine is by and large a determining factor for the end result, especially the graphics. A lot of people in this thread are making good solid arguments towards your concerns with Warhammer Online but you are dismissing them by stating that you have an opinion, etc which isnt a way one would go about arguing any point. Again this thread is far from focused and derailed from the original topic quite a bit.
Only today, April 4th, EA announced it will be releasing WAR in Asian countries. Prior to this WAR was only going to be released in America and Europe. When Mythic first undertook the project they expected it to only be released in Europe, America, and Australia. Why? Because WAR is based on the IP of UK based Games Workshop. Europe, Australia, and the US/Canada are the primary sale points for the Warhammer miniature line and the IP is designed to appeal to the people in these countries.
So to reiterate why the visual style is not designed for the Asian market:
GW IP has spent 25 years catering to the western market (Europe, Australia and the US/Canada).
Mythic undertook the production of the game on the basis that it would only be released in a western market (Europe, Australia, and the US/Canada).
I despise "realistic" art styles. I'd vastly prefer WoW's and WAR's graphics. They are at least entertaining and don't look like "real" graphics with all the life drawn out of them.
It looks like WoW, bit more detailed though. However the gfx in WoW are pretty universal in my opinion and can not be stamped with "Western" or "Asian" grafics
It looks like WoW, bit more detailed though. However the gfx in WoW are pretty universal in my opinion and can not be stamped with "Western" or "Asian" grafics
I must admit I disagreed with ya
Asian MMORPG look more like anime with high colour
Asia is the predominate mmo region,especially korea. The mmo is the only computer games sold in that market since any single player game would sell 10 copies at best,then have 10 million copies in 2 weeks.That cartoony like graphics,semi-animae ,are what korean market seems to go for.WoWs player base is over 85% asian accts. I'm fearing war is a transitional game for the pve only type (carebears) and a stab at the lucrative asian market.Personally I don't want to be involved ,or should I say flooded with that type of player base.
When I look at aoc graphics,they seem much more like advanced DAoC type graphics,moe lifelike and photorealistic.I believe those are the type of graphics most serious players in the US and Europe prefere. WAR might get the masses,but I believe AoC will get the classs.
WAR may easily grab 5-10 times the players,gold farmers,pler's ect. than AoC ,but I believe AoC will get the better gamers.The lvling system and pvp rewards in AoC seem like a layered defense vs Korean farmers,imo.
I am pretty sure this post came with no research. The ART and CHARACTER DESIGN of Warhammer is about 24 years old. Were there Asian Grindfests back then? No. Does GamesWorkshop cater to an Asian market. No.
I thought reinholt was joking or being sarcastic with his post at first.He wasn't,all the flak the pup went through with this thread.Im glad I stuck to my guns.cause wait till you see the folowing thread.
And reinhold did bring this up earlier,just didn't have all the details at that date.
The chipset for W.A.R was upgraded. That happens in betas.
Im in the process right now of trying to update the banners and pictures we have of WAR on our site to match the current look of the game. I was wondering why so many people would post in the hype section "looks like wow". Then I look at the top of the hype page and we have a picture of a brite green Orc with no armor and from the first alpha chipset.
Hardly look like the same game eh? Also remember that in this IP, the orks and dwarves are more "comedy" types. So you can expect the occational cartoonish outburst from them. The perfect example of the way they work is the opening video. Its dark, its scary, is thrilling, He flies through the air..... <slapt> like a cartoon then falls down. In the entire Warhammer iP though, thats the only ounce of comedy you see however. Chaos and EMpire are very dark, sinister factions with the elven nations having their own dark tint to them as well.
What's so bad with cartoony graphics? Sometimes I think some of the game companies has lost focus on what really matters. I played Zelda: Windwaker and loved it, and then we could talk about cartoony graphics! Some of the game companies seems to believe that just because u got good graphics a game becomes awesome. In the end it's the gameplay that will count in the game. A hell of boring game with awesome graphic or a Zelda Windwaker with cartoony graphics but awesome game, what do u choose? I had nothing against the WoW graphics, I personally loved them. Why should all games try to be more and more realistic? I play a game because I want to do something and maybe forget IRL, not to get as close to IRL as possible... Oh well, not that WAR or AoC is any close to IRL, but anyways... u get the point...
Can't we just focus more on the play style of the game instead of the graphics?... Lots of games dump pools of cash into graphics then suck, lets have some faith that mythic will keep their people into research and development of what would make the game interesting. I myself spent 5-6 years on the classic engine of daoc and got burned out of it only a year after they made the si and toa engines required baseline engines. My feet are cold
What's so bad with cartoony graphics? Sometimes I think some of the game companies has lost focus on what really matters. I played Zelda: Windwaker and loved it, and then we could talk about cartoony graphics! Some of the game companies seems to believe that just because u got good graphics a game becomes awesome. In the end it's the gameplay that will count in the game. A hell of boring game with awesome graphic or a Zelda Windwaker with cartoony graphics but awesome game, what do u choose? I had nothing against the WoW graphics, I personally loved them. Why should all games try to be more and more realistic? I play a game because I want to do something and maybe forget IRL, not to get as close to IRL as possible... Oh well, not that WAR or AoC is any close to IRL, but anyways... u get the point...
Can't we just focus more on the play style of the game instead of the graphics?... Lots of games dump pools of cash into graphics then suck, lets have some faith that mythic will keep their people into research and development of what would make the game interesting. I myself spent 5-6 years on the classic engine of daoc and got burned out of it only a year after they made the si and toa engines required baseline engines. My feet are cold
I agree as well.
I don't know about you guys, but I was psycied for Twilight Princes for the graphics of uberness and that it was going to be a Zelda game. But I think that it wasn't very much of an awesome Zelda game. It had the look, but not so much of the feel. I mean hell you barely used the items you got previously. (Which if anyone remembers Zelda from a least OoT you used all your items all the time.) In the end I don't know if my expecations where too high or what, but I just didn't like Twilight as much as windwaker.
Siehst du mich Erkennst du mich Ganz tief in meinem Herz ist noch ein Platz f?r dich Ich suche dich Ich sehne mich nach dem was ich geliebt hab doch ich find es nicht
Can't we just focus more on the play style of the game instead of the graphics?...
Considering that we've never played the game and we have only reports to go by, it's pretty hard to talk a lot about play style at this time. It's easy to discuss graphics, though, as all you need is a screenshot as a catalyst.
Seriously. It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
Can't we just focus more on the play style of the game instead of the graphics?...
Considering that we've never played the game and we have only reports to go by, it's pretty hard to talk a lot about play style at this time. It's easy to discuss graphics, though, as all you need is a screenshot as a catalyst.
And the reason also is that "graphics" style is one of the fault lines that divides the MMO world -- almost like a religious or political divide, really, and it's therefore an easy way for people to say "meh, that game is not one of 'my kind of games' because it doesn't have graphic style 'x'".
The chipset for W.A.R was upgraded. That happens in betas. Im in the process right now of trying to update the banners and pictures we have of WAR on our site to match the current look of the game. I was wondering why so many people would post in the hype section "looks like wow". Then I look at the top of the hype page and we have a picture of a brite green Orc with no armor and from the first alpha chipset. Old
Hardly look like the same game eh? Also remember that in this IP, the orks and dwarves are more "comedy" types. So you can expect the occational cartoonish outburst from them. The perfect example of the way they work is the opening video. Its dark, its scary, is thrilling, He flies through the air..... <slapt> like a cartoon then falls down. In the entire Warhammer iP though, thats the only ounce of comedy you see however. Chaos and EMpire are very dark, sinister factions with the elven nations having their own dark tint to them as well.
very obvious the OP does not watch anime or play console at all otherwise he woulda be able to tell asian vs western style of drawing. AoC wont have that many playing it b/c Conan is not well know at the other country unlike Warhammer. Its pretty much Shadowbane 2 with much better improvement but why would anyone play a game that only a large guild has a chance to win?
The graphics are just fine... Agreed that the Orcs and Dwarves are meant to look comedic making the MMORPG true to the real Warhammer game. If anybody takes the time to look up the Warhammer pieces and compare them to the orcs and goblins from the SS of the games you'll notice that they look more alike.
and on a final note theres a big difference in Asian MMO Gfx and American MMO Gfx
I've no idea what the MS Word comment is about at all...
As for the two screens I posted; nice straw man there. So there's a small particle effect around the hammer. Whoop dee doo. Doesn't address the fact that it isn't the cartoony WoW graphics you claim them to be. It looks like a more colorful, upgraded DAoC than anything.
Hell, I don't think I've seen a screenshot of AoC with any particle effects. I did see the video of the run through by the dev from GDC 07. I saw a good bit of lag, rubberbanding, and some weird stuff going on with the water. Certainly nothing that made me think of realism. Nor anything that gave me any confidence that the game isn't gonna lag like mad in any kind of group warfare, and siege? I don't forsee that working any better than it did in Shadowbane
GDC linky 1
GDC linky 2
Sickpup everyone is entitled to an opinion no doubt about that. The thing is exactly that it is your own and nobody has to share it. You came here with an obvious intention to start some kind of conflict and this thread is the result. The problem with an attitude like yours is that your opinion is seen by you as being right and you look down your nose at everybody else (whether intentionally or not thats how you come off). Also if your opinion cannot be swayed then the forums dont seem like the right place for you, not to mention you seem rather uninformed about a lot concerning Warhammer Online. Again nothing wrong with that but it makes your claims seem ignorant.
Your final post states that this is about the graphics of the game and not the game engine... The game engine is by and large a determining factor for the end result, especially the graphics. A lot of people in this thread are making good solid arguments towards your concerns with Warhammer Online but you are dismissing them by stating that you have an opinion, etc which isnt a way one would go about arguing any point. Again this thread is far from focused and derailed from the original topic quite a bit.
So to reiterate why the visual style is not designed for the Asian market:
It looks like WoW, bit more detailed though. However the gfx in WoW are pretty universal in my opinion and can not be stamped with "Western" or "Asian" grafics
I must admit I disagreed with ya
Asian MMORPG look more like anime with high colour
"Westeren" are more detailed and dark
WoW are more like a cartoon comic
0/10 Troll
Go look at some of the gamesworkshop stuff, duh.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
I thought reinholt was joking or being sarcastic with his post at first.He wasn't,all the flak the pup went through with this thread.Im glad I stuck to my guns.cause wait till you see the folowing thread.
And reinhold did bring this up earlier,just didn't have all the details at that date.
The chipset for W.A.R was upgraded. That happens in betas.
Im in the process right now of trying to update the banners and pictures we have of WAR on our site to match the current look of the game. I was wondering why so many people would post in the hype section "looks like wow". Then I look at the top of the hype page and we have a picture of a brite green Orc with no armor and from the first alpha chipset.
Hardly look like the same game eh? Also remember that in this IP, the orks and dwarves are more "comedy" types. So you can expect the occational cartoonish outburst from them. The perfect example of the way they work is the opening video. Its dark, its scary, is thrilling, He flies through the air..... <slapt> like a cartoon then falls down. In the entire Warhammer iP though, thats the only ounce of comedy you see however. Chaos and EMpire are very dark, sinister factions with the elven nations having their own dark tint to them as well.
Can't we just focus more on the play style of the game instead of the graphics?... Lots of games dump pools of cash into graphics then suck, lets have some faith that mythic will keep their people into research and development of what would make the game interesting. I myself spent 5-6 years on the classic engine of daoc and got burned out of it only a year after they made the si and toa engines required baseline engines. My feet are cold
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Can't we just focus more on the play style of the game instead of the graphics?... Lots of games dump pools of cash into graphics then suck, lets have some faith that mythic will keep their people into research and development of what would make the game interesting. I myself spent 5-6 years on the classic engine of daoc and got burned out of it only a year after they made the si and toa engines required baseline engines. My feet are cold
I agree as well./tangent
I don't know about you guys, but I was psycied for Twilight Princes for the graphics of uberness and that it was going to be a Zelda game. But I think that it wasn't very much of an awesome Zelda game. It had the look, but not so much of the feel. I mean hell you barely used the items you got previously. (Which if anyone remembers Zelda from a least OoT you used all your items all the time.) In the end I don't know if my expecations where too high or what, but I just didn't like Twilight as much as windwaker.
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Erkennst du mich
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ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
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nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
And the reason also is that "graphics" style is one of the fault lines that divides the MMO world -- almost like a religious or political divide, really, and it's therefore an easy way for people to say "meh, that game is not one of 'my kind of games' because it doesn't have graphic style 'x'".
Honestly for me if the gameplay is good enough all I ask for are better graphics than some Runescape trash or our old friend Ultima Online.
This is not cartoony at all, just has 2 comical races... WoW is cartoony ... Lineage II is just asian anime excessiveness... WAR is just right
very obvious the OP does not watch anime or play console at all otherwise he woulda be able to tell asian vs western style of drawing. AoC wont have that many playing it b/c Conan is not well know at the other country unlike Warhammer. Its pretty much Shadowbane 2 with much better improvement but why would anyone play a game that only a large guild has a chance to win?
and on a final note theres a big difference in Asian MMO Gfx and American MMO Gfx