Of course one other thing he forgot to mention is that more than 4 complexes were dropped throughout eve all spread evenly around all of 0.0 space. Now thing is BoB controlls over 1/4 of 0.0 space right now so its little suprise so many of them happens to all under BoB controll.
BoB doesn’t directly control 1/4 of EvE 0.0 space. Between them and their pets they do, but 3 of the 4 complexes were directly in BoB space while the other was in the space controlled by a BoB pet. Well if 1/4 of space is owned by BoB and there pets dont that make it BoB space by default if they are pets?
Even using your “BoB controls 1/4 of EVE space”, however the results is shall we say improbable. The probability of 4 randomly placed complexes all ending up in the space owned by BoB and their pets is less then 1 in 20. This is below the threshold normally used for statistical certainty.
There is also the small matter of punishment. RA had 30+ pilots banned because of they used bugged 8/10 complexes. BoB systematically exploits bugged 10/10 complexes and… Nothing.
Problem with this theory of yours is the highlighted bit, The complexes are not placed randomly otherwise what you would get is a random mess. What they do is they look at the map and see where the current complexes are and see what locations could do with more complexes. Of course the things that help decide what locations need or dont need complexes are many such as where do people tend to hang out would it help with the node ballance if a complex was moxed to a different location for example.
Concerning the final paragraph concerning Ra i cant really comment on that as i dont really know enough about this to form a proper oppinion if you could Send some more detailed info to my inbox that would be a great help.
What part of the word *directly* don’t you understand? I could just as easily analyzed the chances of 3/4 bugged complexes being in the much smaller space BoB does directly control and come up with an equally remote probability. You must, however, compare apples to apples.
I find it somewhat odd you would claim no knowledge of the RA banning since you have repeatedly cited the incident in this and other threads as “evidence” everyone else was doing this as well.
What part of the word *directly* don’t you understand? I could just as easily analyzed the chances of 3/4 bugged complexes being in the much smaller space BoB does directly control and come up with an equally remote probability. You must, however, compare apples to apples.
I find it somewhat odd you would claim no knowledge of the RA banning since you have repeatedly cited the incident in this and other threads as “evidence” everyone else was doing this as well.
The reason i 'Claimed' no knoledge concerning RA is htat when i wrote this i couldnt rememnember who RA was. It was only when you sqid i cited them as evidence everyone else was doing this as well, that i made the connection.
All i know of that incident is that Red Alliance for some months Exploited 10/10 complexes some months ago basically keeping everyone they could out of those complexes while there complex farmer specilists were systamatically milking the complexes. Sadly tho i dont know how many moths this went on or who spiled the beans or the reasoning CCP had for not punishing them if you could link me to the answer to these questions as id be very interested to know.
What i do remember tho from that time was it did sound fishy. But as it was some time ago and i ahve done a lot since them i cant remember the exact reason CCP stated for not punishing the Red's. So if you can link me to that particular statment it will be helpfull.
EDIT:- forgot to say also concerning the first paragraph highlighted in yellow Is well i see what you mean now in my defence i just skimmed over your last post as i usually do. So basically you are saying it is very suspicious that the 4 bugged complexes appeared i the relitivly small space that is directly claimed by BoB, Therefore alluding that
A. it is very suspicious that all 4 appeared in bob space till someone revield the truth.
B. You make the assumption that those 4 complexes were the only ones that were bugged.
Well i can see why siome people would feel very suspicious about this but in the end like you have pointed out this isant the first time this has happened after a patch that readjusted the Npc Tables and respawn times. [ if i remember correctly the last time a bug appeared with respaw times was because a decimal place was in the wrong place hencethe tem bug]
What part of the word *directly* don’t you understand? I could just as easily analyzed the chances of 3/4 bugged complexes being in the much smaller space BoB does directly control and come up with an equally remote probability. You must, however, compare apples to apples.
I find it somewhat odd you would claim no knowledge of the RA banning since you have repeatedly cited the incident in this and other threads as “evidence” everyone else was doing this as well.
The reason i 'Claimed' no knoledge concerning RA is htat when i wrote this i couldnt rememnember who RA was. It was only when you sqid i cited them as evidence everyone else was doing this as well, that i made the connection.
All i know of that incident is that Red Alliance for some months Exploited 10/10 complexes some months ago basically keeping everyone they could out of those complexes while there complex farmer specilists were systamatically milking the complexes. Sadly tho i dont know how many moths this went on or who spiled the beans or the reasoning CCP had for not punishing them if you could link me to the answer to these questions as id be very interested to know.
What i do remember tho from that time was it did sound fishy. But as it was some time ago and i ahve done a lot since them i cant remember the exact reason CCP stated for not punishing the Red's. So if you can link me to that particular statment it will be helpfull.
EDIT:- forgot to say also concerning the first paragraph highlighted in yellow Is well i see what you mean now in my defence i just skimmed over your last post as i usually do. So basically you are saying it is very suspicious that the 4 bugged complexes appeared i the relitivly small space that is directly claimed by BoB, Therefore alluding that
A. it is very suspicious that all 4 appeared in bob space till someone revield the truth.
B. You make the assumption that those 4 complexes were the only ones that were bugged.
Well i can see why siome people would feel very suspicious about this but in the end like you have pointed out this isant the first time this has happened after a patch that readjusted the Npc Tables and respawn times. [ if i remember correctly the last time a bug appeared with respaw times was because a decimal place was in the wrong place hencethe tem bug]
You forgot who RA were?
Shameful! They're the single most dedicated force in Eve which all come from one country. More dedicated than BoB (have like 1/3 of their numbers but field similar fleet sizes at any point in time).
As someone once said: "When the time comes for an OP, no matter when it happens, 300 alarm clocks ring simultaneously all over Russia."
Shameful! They're the single most dedicated force in Eve which all come from one country. More dedicated than BoB (have like 1/3 of their numbers but field similar fleet sizes at any point in time).
As someone once said: "When the time comes for an OP, no matter when it happens, 300 alarm clocks ring simultaneously all over Russia."
Heh im not really involved in Alliance polotics but i have heard of the reds Or red alliance but when i hear RA i tend not to make the same connection for some reason. But yea the signs are there of there dedication. [the amin one being that there have held onto there terratory for over a years or so with no sign of losing ground.
BoB doesn’t directly control 1/4 of EvE 0.0 space. Between them and their pets they do, but 3 of the 4 complexes were directly in BoB space while the other was in the space controlled by a BoB pet. Well if 1/4 of space is owned by BoB and there pets dont that make it BoB space by default if they are pets?
Even using your “BoB controls 1/4 of EVE space”, however the results is shall we say improbable. The probability of 4 randomly placed complexes all ending up in the space owned by BoB and their pets is less then 1 in 20. This is below the threshold normally used for statistical certainty.
There is also the small matter of punishment. RA had 30+ pilots banned because of they used bugged 8/10 complexes. BoB systematically exploits bugged 10/10 complexes and… Nothing.
Problem with this theory of yours is the highlighted bit, The complexes are not placed randomly otherwise what you would get is a random mess. What they do is they look at the map and see where the current complexes are and see what locations could do with more complexes. Of course the things that help decide what locations need or dont need complexes are many such as where do people tend to hang out would it help with the node ballance if a complex was moxed to a different location for example.
Concerning the final paragraph concerning Ra i cant really comment on that as i dont really know enough about this to form a proper oppinion if you could Send some more detailed info to my inbox that would be a great help.
The reason i 'Claimed' no knoledge concerning RA is htat when i wrote this i couldnt rememnember who RA was. It was only when you sqid i cited them as evidence everyone else was doing this as well, that i made the connection.
All i know of that incident is that Red Alliance for some months Exploited 10/10 complexes some months ago basically keeping everyone they could out of those complexes while there complex farmer specilists were systamatically milking the complexes. Sadly tho i dont know how many moths this went on or who spiled the beans or the reasoning CCP had for not punishing them if you could link me to the answer to these questions as id be very interested to know.
What i do remember tho from that time was it did sound fishy. But as it was some time ago and i ahve done a lot since them i cant remember the exact reason CCP stated for not punishing the Red's. So if you can link me to that particular statment it will be helpfull.
EDIT:- forgot to say also concerning the first paragraph highlighted in yellow Is well i see what you mean now in my defence i just skimmed over your last post as i usually do. So basically you are saying it is very suspicious that the 4 bugged complexes appeared i the relitivly small space that is directly claimed by BoB, Therefore alluding that
A. it is very suspicious that all 4 appeared in bob space till someone revield the truth.
B. You make the assumption that those 4 complexes were the only ones that were bugged.
Well i can see why siome people would feel very suspicious about this but in the end like you have pointed out this isant the first time this has happened after a patch that readjusted the Npc Tables and respawn times. [ if i remember correctly the last time a bug appeared with respaw times was because a decimal place was in the wrong place hencethe tem bug]
The reason i 'Claimed' no knoledge concerning RA is htat when i wrote this i couldnt rememnember who RA was. It was only when you sqid i cited them as evidence everyone else was doing this as well, that i made the connection.
All i know of that incident is that Red Alliance for some months Exploited 10/10 complexes some months ago basically keeping everyone they could out of those complexes while there complex farmer specilists were systamatically milking the complexes. Sadly tho i dont know how many moths this went on or who spiled the beans or the reasoning CCP had for not punishing them if you could link me to the answer to these questions as id be very interested to know.
What i do remember tho from that time was it did sound fishy. But as it was some time ago and i ahve done a lot since them i cant remember the exact reason CCP stated for not punishing the Red's. So if you can link me to that particular statment it will be helpfull.
EDIT:- forgot to say also concerning the first paragraph highlighted in yellow Is well i see what you mean now in my defence i just skimmed over your last post as i usually do. So basically you are saying it is very suspicious that the 4 bugged complexes appeared i the relitivly small space that is directly claimed by BoB, Therefore alluding that
A. it is very suspicious that all 4 appeared in bob space till someone revield the truth.
B. You make the assumption that those 4 complexes were the only ones that were bugged.
Well i can see why siome people would feel very suspicious about this but in the end like you have pointed out this isant the first time this has happened after a patch that readjusted the Npc Tables and respawn times. [ if i remember correctly the last time a bug appeared with respaw times was because a decimal place was in the wrong place hencethe tem bug]
You forgot who RA were?
Shameful! They're the single most dedicated force in Eve which all come from one country. More dedicated than BoB (have like 1/3 of their numbers but field similar fleet sizes at any point in time).
As someone once said: "When the time comes for an OP, no matter when it happens, 300 alarm clocks ring simultaneously all over Russia."